The low-energy demonstration accelerator (LEDA) is an operational 6.7-MeV, 100-mA proton accelerator [1] consisting of an injector [2], radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ), and all associated integration equipment. In order to achieve this unprecedented level of performance (670-kW of beam power) from an RFQ, a number of design innovations were required. We will highlight a number of those more-significant technical advances, including those in the proton injector, the RFQ configuration [3], the RF klystrons [4], the beam stop [5], and the challenges of beam measurements. In addition to identifying the importance of these innovations to LEDA performance, we will summarize the plans for further testing, and the possibilities for addition of more accelerating structures, including the planned use of very-low-beta super-conducting structures. LEDAms current and upgradable configuration is appropriate for several future high-power accelerators, including those for the transmutation of radioactive waste [6].
[1] H. Vernon Smith et al., 'Status Update on the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator,' this conference.
[2] J. D. Sherman et al., 'Status Report on a dc 130-mA, 75-keV Proton Injector,' Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69 (1998) 1003-8.
[3] D. Schrage et al., 'CW RFQ Fabrication and Engineering', Proc. LINAC98 (Chicago, 24-28 August 1998) pp. 679-683.
[4] D. E. Rees et al., 'Design, Operation, and Test Results of 350-MHz LEDA RF System,' Proc. LINAC98 (Chicago, 24-28 August 1998) pp. 564-566.
[5] T. H. Van Hagan, D. W. Doll, 'Design of an Ogive-Shaped Beamstop,' LINAC98 Proceedings.
[6] ATW web site: http://www-adtt.lanl.gov
* Work supported by the US DOE, Defense Programs.
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