V.Dolgashev, R.Jones, N.Kroll**, Z.Li, R.Miller, J.Wang (SLAC), T.Higo (KEK)
The parameterization of the equivalent circuit model of the Damped Detuned Structure has been based upon simulation of the dipole modes of the individual cells of the structure [1]. Prediction of the S Matrix parameters of the actual four manifold structure requires simulation of the monopole and quadrupole modes as well. This having been done, the anticipated absence of monopole and quadrupole cell modes in the frequency range of interest makes the extension of the theory to include the four manifolds straightforward. The results of this extension will be presented and discussed. The results of microwave measurements will also be reported. Comparison between the two inposes severe requirements on the identity of the propagation characteristics of the four manifolds.
[1] R.Jones,K.Ko,N.Kroll,R.Miller, and K.Thompson. 'Equivalent Circuit Analysis of the SLAC Damped Detuned Structure.' Proceedings of the 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, p 1292, (1996)
* Work supported at SLAC under U.S.DOE contract DE-AC03-76SF00515 and at UCSD under U.S.DOE grant DE-FG03-93ER40759.
** also at UCSD
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