K. Hasegawa (JAERI), T. Kato (KEK), and KEK/JAERI Joint Project Accelerator Team
The Japan Hadron Facility of KEK and the Neutron Science Project of JAERI have been merged to one project: the KEK/JAERI Joint Project for high-intensity proton accelerator facility. The purpose of the Joint project is to pursue frontier science in particle physics, nuclear physics, materials science, life science and nuclear technology. The accelerator for the Joint project comprises a normal- and super-conducting linac, a 3-GeV rapid cycling synchrotron and a 50-GeV synchrotron. The normal conducting linac provides a 400-MeV beam to the 3-GeV synchrotron at 25 Hz and to the superconducting linac at 25 Hz simultaneously. It consists of an ion source, RFQ, DTL, SDTL (Separated-type DTL) and CCL. The superconducting linac provides a 600-MeV beam to an accelerator-driven nuclear waste transmutation system (ADS). The status of the linac design and the development work will be presented.
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