A.E. GRELICK, N. ARNOLD, S. BERG, D. DOHAN, G. GOEPPNER, Y.W. KANG, A. NASSIRI, G. PILE, T. SMITH, S.J. STEIN (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 USA)
An S-band linear accelerator is the source of particles and front end of the Advanced Photon Source injector. In addition, it supports a low-energy undulator test line (LEUTL) and drives a free-electron laser (FEL). A waveguide-switching and distribution system is now under construction. The system configuration has been revised to be consistent with the recent change to electron-only operation. There are now six modulator-klystron subsystems, two of which are being configured to be able to act as hot spares for two S-band transmitters each, so that no single failure will prevent injector operation. The two subsystems are also used to support additional LEUTL capabilities and off-line testing. Design considerations for the waveguide-switching subsystem, topology selection, control and protection provisions, high-power test results, and current status are described.
*Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38.
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