K. C. D. Chan, J. Kuzminski, D. C. Gautier, R. C. Gentzlinger, J. G. Gioia, W. B. Haynes, D. J. Katonak, J. P. Kelley, F. L. Krawczyk, M. A. Madrid, R. R. Mitchell, D. I. Montoya, B. M. Campbell, J. A. Waynert, E. N. Schmierer, A. H. Shapiro (LANL), J. Mammosser (JLAB)
This paper describes the development progress of high-current superconducting RF linacs in Los Alamos, performed to support a design of the linac for the APT (Accelerator Production of Tritium) Project. The APT linac is a CW superconducting RF linac, spanning an energy range between 211 MeV q 1030 MeV. It operates at a frequency of 700 MHz and consists of two constant-beta sections with betas equal to 0.64 and 0.82. In the last two years, we have been working towards building a cryomodule with a beta of 0.64. We completed the designs of the 5-cell superconducting cavities, the 250-kW power couplers, and the cryomodule. We are testing the cavities and the couplers. The cryomodule is scheduled for assembly starting in July 2000. In this paper, we present an overview of the status of our development efforts and a report on the results of the cavity and coupler testing program.
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