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XX International Linac Conference

THC12 (Oral Poster)

Presenter: Marc Hill (SLAC)
Status: NoShow - NoShow per email from A. Chao, 9/9/00, lxa

A W-Band Two Beam Composite Accelerator*

M.E. Hill, X.L. Lin (SLAC)

Future high energy collider concepts will require high-gradient acceleration nearing the GeV/m scale. We present one promising approach to this problem that combines a high-frequency dielectric composite accelerator with the two beam accelerator. The accelerator structure operates at 91.392 GHz (W-Band). We present a possible design of a monolithic, two-beam dielectric structure. We also discuss beam brake up issues in high-frequency, high-gradient accelerators.
*Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE--AC03--76SF00515

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