A. Ueno, K. Ikegami, N. Kamikubota, C. Kubota, Y. Kondo, S. Noguchi, E. Kadokura, K. Furukawa (KEK)
A volume production negative hydrogen ion source with a low energy beam transport (LEBT) is under construction at KEK. The design beam intensity and beam hole diameter on the plasma electrode of the source are 35 mA and 7 mm, respectively. A 4-times normalized rms emittance of 0.6 pi*mm*mrad is expected. The results of the first beam measurement in and after the LEBT, which is composed with two short and strong solenoid magnets to inject the beam into a 324-MHz, 3-MeV, H- RFQ[1], will be presented.
[1] A. Ueno et al., 'RF-test of a 324-MHz, 3-MeV, H- RFQ Stabilized with PISLs' , this conference.
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