Effects of Internet Performance on Web Response Times

Les Cottrell and John Halperin
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Last Update: January 29, 1997

Web Page Contents


We investigate the correlation of the network response times to those of Web retrieval. The network response times to Web servers is estimated using the well known ping utility response times. The Web retrievals use the standard HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP [HTTP]) GET (henceforth referred to as a GET). Such information is needed to identify how Web responsiveness may be affected by the network.


Selection of URLs to GET
We obtained a list of Web Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) from the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) Web Cache[KC] data base. To decrease the chance that the URLs from a particular cache might not be representative, we used URLs selected from two of NLANR's caches (BO and IT) henceforth referred to as the BO and IT caches. The BO cache is located at NCAR Boulder Colorado, and the IT cache at the Cornell Theory Center in Ithaca New York. The BO cache list was for December 10, 1996 and the IT cache list was for December 13, 1996.
We used URLs which resulted in GET response sizes between 10 bytes (to allow space for the ping sequence and time information in the ping payload) and 8000 bytes (8000 is roughly the maximum "packetsize" supported by the AIX operating system). For the URLs we obtained from the selected cache lists, roughly 70-75% of the GET responses contained less than 8000 bytes.
We used only one Web path from each server host name in the list of URLs (multiple Web paths may appear for a given server host name in the caches). No constraint was placed on the number of different hosts being sampled from a given network domain. The URL path names were restricted to include only characters from the set of alphanumerics plus period (.), hyphen (-), underscore (_), tilde (~), slash (/), backslash (\), colon(:) and percent (%). All other characters were regarded as "invalid" for the current purpose. This reduced the risks of untoward Unix shell expansions causing problems, and the chance of the GET response being from a CGI [CGI] script+ invoked from a form since it excludes the characters ampersand (&), question mark (?), plus sign (+) and equal sign (=). Also URLs containing path names including the text string "cgi", in any combination of upper or lower case, were ignored in a further attempt to avoid CGI scripts.
The hosts which ran the program (the monitoring hosts) to sample the hosts (sampled hosts) and gather the data were lightly loaded IBM RS/6000 320Hs and an IBM RS/6000 250 all running AIX 3.2.5 and a Sun 4/50 running SunOs version 4.1. All the monitoring hosts were located at the Stanford Linear accelerator Center (SLAC). Measurement runs were made both over weekends and holidays when we might expect the Internet and other components involved in the response times to be lightly loaded and midweek during the daytime (at SLAC) when higher loading would be expected. For each run, only one pass through the list of URLs was made, the run being terminated when a few thousand successful measurements (samples) were completed (the lists of URLs from the caches contained hundreds of thousands of URLs and so were not exhausted).
For each of the first n URLs in the caches satisfying the above selection criteria, we first used a function called xchkaccess with a timeout of 20 seconds to do a GET for the URL. Special attention was paid in xchkaccess to randomizing the time between measurements in order to avoid synchronizing with the TCP delayed ACK timer [ST] when making repeated measurements. Xchkaccess reported the success (possible failure codes include tcp connection rejected, timeout, host name invalid or unknown) plus a timestamp, the size of the GET response transferred, the response time (excluding the domain name service lookup time) and the number of packets. If the GET succeeed and the GET response size was acceptable (see above), then a further 9 GETs were done for the same URL for a total of 10 GETs/URL. The host was then pinged (using the standard AIX ping utility with a timeout of 20 seconds and a minimum of 1 second between pings) 10 times with a payload of the same size as the previous GET response. Pathological ping responses (e.g. duplicate ping responses received) and pings with 100% packet loss were rejected and were not included in the successful samples recorded for further analysis.

The measurement program applied successive filters to restrict the URLs used, the measurements made and the samples recorded for further analysis. An example of how the filters progressively restricted the input passed to the next filter is seen in Table 1 below. The information is provided here to help clarify the measurement process, and to give an idea of the frequency of some of the failures seen on the Internet.

Table 1: Effect of filters in the measurement program. The input URLs were selected from the first 131069 of the 214591 URLs in the IT cache. The program ran between January 26 and February 1, 1997. Each filter receives its input from the previous filter and passes its filtered output to the next filter. Other filters in the program (e.g. path name contains "htbin") are not reported in this table since they resulted in no rejections for this run of the program.
StageFilterNumber of Inputs to FilterNumber Rejected by Filter% Rejected
Check Cache URLsURL contains "invalid characters"13106927722.11%
Check Cache URLsURL scheme is not "http" protocol12829715051.17%
Check Cache URLsPath name contains "cgi"1267926910.54%
Check Cache URLsDuplicate host, i.e. host already successfully measured12610111092787.97%
Xchkaccess (GET)Host Name Invalid or Unknown151746304.15%
Xchkaccess (GET)TCP Connection Rejected145442071.42%
Xchkaccess (GET)Time Out (20 seconds)14337144710.09%
Xchkaccess (GET)Error in read response from server1289020.02%
GET Response SizeResponse has 0 bytes128881010.78%
GET Response SizeResponse size outside threshold (> 8KB)12787361828.29%
Ping100% packet loss91693934.29%
PingPathological Pings (e.g. duplicate responses)8776170.19%
Httpqhttpq fails8759160.18%
Successfully Measured SamplesAnalysis Program8744

A host was removed from further consideration if a successful measurement was obtained, or the host failed an xchkaccess or ping filter.

For each successful measurement, we recorded one record with the: timestamp, hostname, port, path name, GET response size, the server type and the HTTP status code, and relevant information from the cache list (e.g. the cache list's measure of the GET response size, and transfer time). The record also contains: for each set of 10 GETs, the median, the 25 percentile, the 75 percentile and inter-quartile range and the first GET responses; for each set of 10 pings, the average, minimum and maximum* responses, plus the percentage of ping packets lost. The granularity of the clock as reported was 1 millisecond for ping and for xchkaccess.

At a later time (~24 hours) we ran traceroute on the same monitoring hosts to measure the number of hops to the sampled hosts. This data was recorded in files together with the GET and ping data for further analysis. The median hops count was 12, the average 13.3. About 10% of the traceroute measurements returned hop counts of 30, the default maximum hop count.
The data files were read into Microsoft Excel [MS] and scatter plotted to try to reveal correlations between the metrics - various response times measures, GET response size, packet loss, hops, period of measurement. We also used Excel to provide linear regression fits to the data, Correlation Coefficient R [MS], and other statistical information.


Characteristics of web objects, servers etc.

Most (~ 96%) of the hosts sampled using the IT cache list were in the .com (~60%), .edu (~13%), .org, (~5%) and .net (~4%) domains. About 1.6% of the hosts had IP addresses only, and there were hosts (~15%) in about 25 country domains (excluding .us). Less than 1% of the GETs were to other than the default Web server port 80. For the BO cache list, about 96% of the hosts sampled were in the .edu (~43%), .net (~20%), .org (~14%), .com (~13%), .gov (~1.5%) and .mil (~1%) domains. About 0.7% of the hosts had IP addresses only. There were hosts in about 13 country domains (excluding .us).

For the URLs successfully retrieved using the IT cache list, about 45% had the suffix .gif, ~35% had .htm, .html or .shtml, ~7% had .jpg, ~10% had no suffix, and the other main suffixes observed were .asp, .class, .js, .exe, .txt and .xbm. About 70% of the GET responses had HTTP status codes of 200 (OK, the request was fulfilled), about 18% had code 404 (server could not find given resource), about 10% had code 302 (suggestion for the client to try another location), and about 1% had code 401 (client is not authorized to access data). The remaining 1% was mainly composed of codes 301, 403, and 400. The top 5 identified WWW servers were from Apache (41%), Netscape (18%), NCSA (15%), WebSite (4%) and CERN (3%). For a survey on Web server software usage see The Netcraft Web Server Survey.

A typical GET response size distribution is seen in Figure 1. The sharp peaks in the GET response distribution are associated with specific response such as the server reporting that it is unable to find a requested object. For example the peak at 207 bytes is largely composed of status code 404 responses from a particular brand of server.

Figure 1 shows the frequency histogram of the sizes of web objects in the IT cache list.

Figure 2 shows a typical hop count distribution. About 10% of the traceroute hop measurements returned hop counts of 30, the default maximum hop count.

The distributions of the minimum (of 10) ping responses for different bin sizes (10ms and about 120ms) are seen in Figures 3 and 4. The ping response is plotted on a logarithmic scale to enable one to see more clearly the distribution for the short responses. A definite bimodal behavior is seen in the first plot (narrower bins) with peaks at roughly 50 msec. and 100 msec. Note that the ping payloads for the distribution in Figures 3 and 4 follow that shown in Figure 1. A similar distribution is obtained for pings of a fixed payload of 1000 bytes, so the bimodality is not believed to be due to the peakiness of the Web object size distribution shown in Figure 1. For the wider bins, the distribution roughly follows a power law (R2=0.97) whose equation is shown in the figure. A large difference in the hop and ping distributions can be noticed.

Figure 3 shows a frequency histogram of the minimum ping response time of a sample of 10076 web servers. The bin width is 10 msec.

Figure 4 shows the frequency histogram of the minimum response ping response time of the same sample of 10076 hosts seen in Figure 3, but with a bin width of 120 msec. the curve is a power law fit to the data with the parameters shown. the R2 [AF] of the fit is also shown.

The distribution of the median (of 10) GET responses, for 6578 Web servers selected from the IT cache list, for 2 different bin sizes is seen in Figures 5 and 6. There is some evidence of bimodaility and again the distribution to the right of the peaks roughly follows a power law (R2=0.95).

Figures 5 & 6 show the frequency hiostograms of the median HTTP GET reponse for objects from a sample of 6578 web servers. Figure 5 is for 10 msec. bins and figure 6 is for 100 msec. bins. the line in figure 6 is a power law fit with the parameters and R2 shown.

Figure 7 shows the frequency histogram of the ping losses observed to 10076 web servers in the IT cache list. A power law fit is also shown together with its parameters and R2.

The statistics of the GET response sizes and the response times are summarized in Table 2. The "Min.", "Avg." and "Max." refer to the minimum, average and maximum of the 10 pings or 10 GETs done for each host.

Table 2: Statistical summary of two sets of 6000 Samples (the IT sample set is a subset of the first 6000 samples reported in Table 1). The first statistical measure in each cell in Table 2 is for the IT cache, the second for the BO cache.
Statistics GET Response Size (Bytes) Min. GET (msec.) Min. Ping (msec.) Avg. GET (msec.) Avg. Ping (msec.) Max. GET (msec.) Max. Ping (msec.) Median GET (msec)
25 Percentile 331, 331 216, 217 87, 87 288, 297 96, 94 440, 433 114, 106 254, 253
50 Percentile 1602, 1562 393, 376 132, 127 554, 538 151, 140 826, 786 193, 174 461, 458
75 Percentile 3534, 3537 657, 624 205, 177 1027, 936 237, 201 1897, 1716 318, 260 852, 745
Average 2230, 2246 568, 525 215, 178 884, 803 252, 207 1927,1788 322, 262 733, 664
Standard Deviation 3106, 2132 710, 664 359, 288 1107, 978 456, 386 2733, 2509 585, 515 973, 880
Minimum 11, 11 11, 15 1, 2 13, 16 3, 2 16, 19 4, 2 12, 15
Maximum 7991, 7999 16454, 12218 12152, 12633 16582, 14118 12152, 11085 20043, 19966 15363, 12633 16565, 14587

Correlations between ping RTT and GET response times

A typical scatter plot of GET versus ping response time for 4000 (the maximum plottable by Excel [MS]) successful samples is shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8 shows a scatter plot of the median GET response for 10 GETs/host versus the Minimum Ping for 10 pings/host for 4000 samples. The samples are the first 4000 IT cache samples summarized in Table 2, and the measurements were made from 24 thru 26 December, 1996. See Figure 9 below for more details on the scatter plot in the low response time ranges. Two linear regression fits are shown in Figure 8. The dashed line is constrained to go through the origin, the other is unconstrained. The coordinates of the fits are also shown together with the squares of the Correlation Coefficients (R2). The Correlation Coefficient of the unconstrained fit is R = 0.64 which is indicative of a "strong" positive correlation (see below).

The Correlation Coefficient R is defined as [MS]:
R = COV(x,y) / (sx * sy),
COV(x,y) = (1/n) * SUM((xi-xm)*(yi-ym)),
and the SUM is over the n samples (i=1..n) , also
xm = (1/n) * SUM(xi)); ym = (1/n) * SUM(yi)), and
sx2 = (1/n) * SUM((xi-xm)2); sy2 = (1/n) * SUM((yi-ym)2).

Anderson and Finn [AF] indicate that absolute values of Rin the range of:
0 < |R| < 0.3 indicate a "weak" correlation,
0.3 < |R| < 0.6 indicate a "moderate" correlation, and
0.6 < |R| < 1 indicate a "strong" correlation.

The square of the Correlation Coefficient (R2) defines the fraction of the total variance of y that is accounted for by its regression on x [CDM]. 1 - R2 represents the proportion of the total variability of the y values that is not accounted for by the variable x.

Table 3 shows the Correlation Coefficients for various combinations of the minimum, average and maximum ping* and the minimum, average, maximum and median GET responses for sets of 10 pings and 10 GETs for each host in a sample set of the first 4031 samples taken from the IT cache sample sets of Tables 1 and 2.

Table 3: Measured Correlation Coefficients for various combinations of the minimum, average, and maximum ping and minimum, average, maximum and median GET responses of 10 probes (10 for GET followed by 10 for ping).
Correlation Coefficient R Min. GET Avg. GET Max. GET Median GET
Min Ping 0.609 0.579 0.36 0.61
Avg. Ping 0.583 0.558 0.35 0.587
Max. Ping 0.538 0.521 0.331 0.546

Table 3 shows that the correlation is best if we use the minimum of the 10 ping responses for each host. It might be expected that this would give better estimates of the ping response since the minimum ping response has a lower bound, whereas the maximum is unbounded and so outliers may make the average a less reliable estimator. Similar effects are seen for the GET correlations. The correlations of the minimum, average and median GET response times versus the minimum ping responses times may be said to be between "moderate" and "strong" [AF].

Further correlation improvements can be made if one ignores outlying samples with large GET response times. For example, for the set of 6000 IT cache samples described in Table 2, the Correlation Coefficients R for the minimum and median GETs versus the minimum pings increase by 16% (from 0.595 to 0.698 for the minimum GETs) and 8% (from 0.594 to 0.645 for the median GETs) if one excludes the less than 1% of the samples which have average GET response times of 6 seconds or more. A rationale for removing these samples is that they represent hosts where the GET response time is dominated by effects other than the network, such as an overloaded Web server, a slow host, or the URL invokes a CGI script etc.

Table 4: Typical linear regression fit parameters (slope & intercept) for minimum, average and median GET responses versus minimum and average ping responses. The sample set is the IT cache sample set of 6000 samples described in Table 2.
SlopeMin. GETAvg. GETMedian GET
Min. Ping1.181.771.61
Avg. Ping0.881.361.23
InterceptMin. GETAvg. GETMedian GET
Min. Ping315ms502ms422ms
Avg. Ping345ms540ms386ms

Typical linear regression fit slopes and intercepts are shown in Table 4 for various combinations of minimum, average and median GET responses versus minimum and average ping responses.

To evaluate whether the results are skewed by path names ending in a slash (/), which we refer to as "index pages", which may require the server to compose a directory listing which in turn may take more time, we re-analyzed the data excluding samples with such path names. These paths comprised about 25% of the paths that we measured. Table 5 below shows that the difference in Correlation Coefficient if one includes or excludes "index pages" is negligible.

Table 5: Values of the Correlation Coefficient for the minimum, average and Median GETs versus the minimum ping response for the first 4031 samples measured from the IT cache sample set shown in Table 2. The first row includes path names ending in slash ("index pages"). The second row excludes samples with path names ending in a slash.
Correlation Coefficient RMin. GETAvg. GETMedian GETNumber of Samples
All samples0.6090.5790.614031
All samples - Index Pages0.5930.5620.5963120

There was a weak correlation (R ~ 0.15 - 0.19) between the minimum ping response times and the GET response sizes in bytes. There was a slightly larger but still weak correlation (R ~ 0.20 - 0.23) between the minimum or median GET response times and the GET response sizes in bytes. In one measurement run of about 1700 samples, we fixed the ping payload to 1000 bytes, instead of making the ping payload size equal to the GET response size. The Correlation Coefficient R for minimum, average and median GET response against the minimum ping response dropped by about 25% to about R=0.45 as can be seen in Table 6.

Table 6: Correlation Coefficients for minimum, average and median GETs (10 GETs/host) versus minimum and average pings (10 pings/host) where the ping payload was fixed at 1000 bytes. The sample size is 1734 hosts obtained from URL's in the IT cache list.
Correlation Coefficient RMin. GETAvg. GETMedian GET
Min. Ping0.430.460.45
Avg. Ping0.380.420.41

We also plotted the GET response times versus the packet loss, but could find only weak correlations (R ~ 0.18 - .24).

There was a significant difference in R between the IT and BO cache measurements. For example, for 2 sets of 6000 samples shown in Table 2 which were measured over the same time interval (December 24-28, 1996) R is as shown in Table 7. This difference is not currently understood.

Table 7: Correlation Coefficients R for the minimum, average and median GETs versus the minimum ping responses for 6000 samples derived from the IT and BO cache lists.
R for IT cache list hostsMin. GETAvg. GETMedian GET
Min. Ping0.5950.5750.594
R for BO cache list hostsMin. GETAvg. GETMedian GET
Min. Ping0.5300.5110.529

Lower bounds of GET with respect to ping response

The remarkably clear lower boundary seen in Figure 9 around y = 2x is not surprising since: a slope of 2 corresponds to HTTP GETs that take twice the ping time; the minimum ping time is approximately the round trip time; and a minimal TCP transaction involves two round trips, one round trip to exchange the second to send the request and receive the response. The connection termination is done asynchronously and so does not show up in the timing.
Scatter plot of min HTTP GET vs min ping (30951 bytes)
Figure 9 shows a scatter plot of the minimum GET reponse versus the minimum ping RTT reponse for the lower values of response time. The straight line shows the boundary of y=2x.

The lower boundary can also be visualized by displaying the distribution of residuals between the measurements and the line y = 2 x (where y = HTTP GET response time and x = Minimum ping response time). Such a distribution is shown below. The steep in crease in the frequency of measurements as one approaches zero residual value (y=2x) is apparent. The Inter Quartile Range (IQR), the residual range between where 25% and 75% of the measurements fall, is about 220 msec, and is indicated on the plot by the red line.
Residuals for HTTP=2*Min Ping Response (37218 bytes)
Figure 10 shows the frequency histogram of the residual of minimum(HTTP GET response) - minimum(ping RTT response) for the data shown in figure 9.


In summary there is a moderate to strong correlation between the GET and ping response times for typical Web GET response sizes for Internet Web servers. Better correlations are obtained if one compares the minimum GET response times versus the minimum ping response times. Between 25% and 40% of the total variance of the minimum GET response is accounted for by its regression on the minimum ping response. Since ping measures the response time of the lower network layers, we may say that the response time to GET Web pages over the Internet, is moderately to strongly dependent on the network's performance. Another way of putting this is that if one knows in advance the minimum or average ping response time to the Web server, the GET response is moderately predictable for the typical size of Web GET response retrieved.

The ability to make such a prediction, however, is only a part of being able to predict what the user experiences. There are many other factors involved including:

Other observations include:

Possibilities for future work include:
  1. Use the cache URLs that point to FTP or Gopher servers to measure and analyze the correlation between FTP and ping, and Gopher and ping.
  2. Gather and report on long term information on the GET failure rates at the network level.
  3. Gather and report on long term information on HTTP status code frequencies.
For items 2 and 3, relevant data may already be gathered, or the capability to gather it simply added, at Web server caches such as those associated with NLANR.

Appendix: Pathology due to early measurement method

Looking in more detail at the scatter plots in the lower ranges of median GET and minimum ping responses, some clustering about fixed values of the median GET response are visible. Figure 11 (for about 10000 samples measured on an RS/6000 model 250) shows an example of this clustering.

Figure 11 shows a scatter plot of the lower ranges of the GET and ping responses measured from SLAC to about 10000 web servers.

The first cluster is around median GET responses of 250-265 msec. and a further cluster at 450-465 msec. can be observed. Histogramming the frequency of median GET responses against the median GET response time (see Figure 3) shows several distinct peaks at which are separated by about 200ms.

Figure 12 shows the frequency histogram of the GET reponse data in figure 11.

Samples comprising these peaks, compared with the complete sample set, do not contain statistically significant different distributions of:

The effects are less pronounced for the minimum GETs and disappear for the first GET of each set of 10 GETs. Possibly this is due to smearing out of the effect since the first GET response is more variable than the median of 10 GETs.

No such peaks are seen in the equivalent histogram of ping response times, though the ping responses do appear to be bimodal with a peak at about 28 msec and a larger peak at 106msec. The GET effect is reproducible across several monitoring host architectures including RS/6000 models 320H and 250 (both running AIX 3.2.5) and a Sun 4/50 running SunOS 4.1 all located at SLAC, and a Sun SuperSparc 10 running SunOS 4.1 located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL). For these different monitoring hosts, the location of the first GET response peak peak changes, for example, it is at about 320 msec. for a RS/6000 320H, about 255 msec for an RS/6000 250 and 210 msec for a Sun 4/50. However the separation of the peaks stays fairly constant at about 200msec.

The effect was an artifact of the measurement method, where the repeated GETs (up to 10) tended to synchronize with the delayed ACK timer [ST]. the solution was to delay the request for the second and consecutive GETs by a random time. The clue to this was provided by Vern Paxson.


We would like to thank Bill Wing of Oak Ridge National Laboratory for encouraging us to make these measurements, Dave Martin of the High Energy Physics Resource Center (HEPNRC) at FNAL for help in running xchkaccess at FNAL, Connie Logg of SLAC for help with capturing packets, Bill Weeks of SLAC for useful discussions and help looking at captured packets, and Vern Paxson of LBNL for suggesting the probable source of the GET clustering.


+ We wanted to avoid CGI scripts since they can cause the Web server to take much longer to provide the information than a simple page reference, and hence are less typical of network effects and will skew the results.

* For later measurements we also measured the median ping response. For these measurements (about 1900 samples), the Correlation Coefficient obtained using the average ping versus the minimum, average or median GET differed from that obtained using the median ping by of the order of 1%, which was within the expected statistical fluctuations. For the bulk of the measurements and analysis we focussed on the minimum and average ping responses rather than the median ping response. This was since the summary report from the standard ping tool used by most users provides the minimum, average and maximum responses and not the median .


[AF] The New Statistical Analysis of Data, T. W. Anderson & Jeremy D. Finn, Springer Verlag, 1996

[CDM] Statistics Manual, E, L, Crow, F. A. Davis, M. W. Maxfield, Dover Publications Inc.

[CGI] The Common Gateway Interface, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, NCSA. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/overview.html

[HTTP] HTTP - Specifications and Reports, W3C. http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Protocols/HTTP/specs.html

[KC] Kimberly Claffy of NLANR kindly provided access to this database, as well as an explanation and analysis of the information it contains.

[MB] Ping o' Death, Mike Bremford http://www.sophist.demon.co.uk/ping/index.html

[MS] Microsoft Excel User's Guide, version 5, Microsoft Corporation, 1994

[ST] TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1 The ProtocolsW. Richard Stevens, Addison-Wesley Company (1994).

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