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Talk Submission Guidelines

Last updated: 26 Oct,  2009

BaBar Collaboration Meeting / Analysis School

The Plenary and Parallel talks will be available online for the BaBar Collaboration Meeting / Analysis School. In order to facilitate this effort, please observe the following guidelines.

    Files should be copied directly to:

    For Babar Collaboration:


    For Analysis School:


    Note: In the Unix environment, $BFROOT is a short cut for /afs/

  • Plenary and Parallel talks need to be posted online by the presenter. If you have transparencies that need to be scanned & posted, please send them to Donna Hernandez at least one day prior to your presentation.
  • Electronic Format. File(s) are preferred in PDF file format to facilitate web placement. See File Conversions below for information on converting different file types to PDF format. Note: PDF files tend to be a smaller size file than PS files and easier to work with.
  • Parallel Agendas. Session Coordinators should use the HTML template provided for subsession agendas found in the detNov09/Collaboration/ or detNov09/AnalysisSchool/ directory
  • Computer Projector. Speakers are encouraged to use the PC and computer projector that will be available during the Collaboration Meeting to present their talks. This setup will avoid the need to use transparencies for presentations.
    The easiest way to access your talk is to project it from the PC web browser, so please save your talk into the appropriate Unix subdirectory.

This directory contains the subdirectories for all the sessions of the Nov 2009 BaBar Collaboration Meeting , Analysis School and B-Factory Legacy Book. In order to post your talk to the web and have it display properly, look up the corresponding day of your talk on the pdf agenda. You are responsible for placing your talk(s) in the subdirectory based on the session of the day that your talk was given. For example, if you gave your talk on Monday, then your talk should be under one of Mon1, Mon2, Mon3, or Mon4 subdirectories.

  • The naming convention of your file is your last name (i.e., Hernandez.pdf). If you have more than one talk under one subdirectory, then distinguish the filenames by adding an integer to the end (i.e., Hernandez1.pdf, Hernandez2.pdf,etc.).

Since the talks will be available on the web, consider the size of your file and try to keep it small so that it will load faster. For example, a talk with several color photographs or color plots will result in a large file and be much slower to load.

Note:  For consistency and continuity, all files from collaboration meetings are housed in a common subdirectory.  BaBar web page guidelines prohibit linking to web pages that are not included in an appropriate subdirectory under BFROOT/www.  Links will not be made to other web pages, but linking to the files located in the common directory is encouraged as these will remain available for some time.  

File Conversions


MS Word or PowerPoint. MS Word and PowerPoint files can be converted to PostScript by using a printer driver (the mechanism used to print a file) and third-party software or a combination of personal computer technology and a Unix program such as Distill.  Remember to "print" to a color printer to retain color information. 

    1.  From within the application/document, invoke the Print dialog box.  
    2.  Check the box labeled Print to File.   Be sure to change the Properties to Landscape, if appropriate. 
    3.  Include a file extension when renaming the file or  using Save As [.ps (Mac) or .prn (NT)].  
    4.  Copy to Unix.  Follow the Distill command below to convert to PDF.


PS Files.  Can be converted to PDF format on Unix by using the "distill" command:

    Command:   distill <>                        Result:  filename.pdf

Various File Formats  using convert.

    Command:   convert <file1> <file_2>

converts an input file using one image format to an output file with the same or differing image format. See the convert man page for a list of recognized formats.

To view pdf files on Unix type: "acroread filename.pdf" or "gv filename.pdf".

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