IPBI Topics and Tasks



1.  Luminosity (for Detector &
1.1  Bhabha luminosity measurement: Detector requirements for 40-120 mrad polar angle
2.  Luminosity (for Accelerator)
      & IP Collision diagnostics

    (spotsizes, collision offsets,
     tilts, luminosity)
2.1  Luminosity (fast diagnostic)
       2.1.1  Pair detectors
       2.1.2  Radiative Bhabha detector?
       2.1.3  Deflection scans
2.2  Spotsizes
       2.2.1  Deflection scans
       2.2.2  Shintake monitor?
       2.2.3  Pair detectors
       2.2.4  Beamstrahlung detectors?
2.3  Collision offsets
       2.3.1  Deflection scans
       2.3.2  Pair detectors
       2.3.3  Beamsstrahlung detectors
2.4  Tilt between colliding beams
       2.4.1  Pair detectors
       2.4.2  Beamsstrahlung detectors
2.5  IP Collision Feedbacks.
 2.5.1  IP BPMs and FONT/FEATHER feedbacks.
       2.5.2  Angle feedback considerations
       2.5.3  use of fast Luminosity measurement
2.6  BEAMCAL tracker/calorimeter at 5-40 mrad.  Design criteria include:
            i) ability to resolve 200 GeV electron in presence of pair and hadron backgrounds
           ii) radiation hard to 100Mrad/year
          iii) prompt signal for possible use in IP beam-beam steering feedback
          iv) angular distributions of pairs can be used to infer beam parameters
       2.6.1  Effect of solenoid and crossing angle on ability to infer beam parameters
       2.6.2 Evaluate different detector technologies:  3-d Si, planar Si, diamond, crystals, other?
2.7  Beamstrahlung Detectors
2.7.1  Visible beamstrahlung detector from 1-2mrad:  extraction line design for this
       2.7.2  Pin-Hole camera for high energy photons
       2.7.3  Ionization detector in front of photon beam dump?  use angular distributions to
                    infer beam parameters
2.8  Vertex detector for measuring pair angular distribution to infer beam parameters
3.  Luminosity
3.1  Beam energy spread effects on lum-wted ECM determination.
3.2  Bhabha acolinearity analysis, systematic effects of beamsstrahlhung, disruption
            angles, ISR
3.3  Bhabha energy measurements useful?
3.4  Physics analyses to study sensitivity to beamstrahlung, energy spread and L(E) 
      3.4.1  Slepton masses
      3.4.2  Higgs mass
      3.4.3  top mass
      3.4.4  new narrow resonance (ex. KK resonance)
      3.4.5  Giga-Z
      3.4.6  W mass
3.5  Cradle-to-grave lumi spectrum analysis, including realistic machine performance:
            wakefields, beam parameter correlations, beam feedback performance, jitter, aberrations
3.6  Forward tracker and calorimeter requirements in region 100-400 mrad for 
            Bhabha acolinearity analysis (and also 40-100 mrad if can use Bhabha energies)
3.7  Reducing ECM bias related to beam energy spread?
       3.7.1  reducing energy spread
       3.7.2  reducing energy-z correlation
       3.7.3  reducing kink instability
4.  Energy
4.1  Document relevant beam parameters (energy jitter, energy variation over train, ...)
4.2  Determine Energy spectrometer requirements (resolution, relative and absolute
              precision:  per bunch, per train, per second, per minute)
4.3  BPM Spectrometer
4.3.1  Design into the lattice upstream of IP
       4.3.2  Evaluate SR energy loss between spectrometer and IP; evaluate energy fluctuations
                 due to orbit variations
       4.3.3  Document expected performance, R&D needed
4.4   Synchrotron Stripe Spectrometer
4.4.1  Design into the lattice downstream of IP
       4.4.2  Evaluate SR energy loss between spectrometer and IP; evaluate energy fluctuations
                 due to orbit variations
       4.4.3  Document expected performance, R&D needed
4.5  Energy spectrometer utilizing spin precession?
4.6  Other beam instrumentation to track relative Energy to 100ppm level
4.6  Physics analyses
to determine lum-wted Energy, L(E)
       4.6.1  radiative return to Z events
       4.6.2  W-pair events, using W-mass
5.  Energy Spread 5.1  Synchrotron stripe spectrometer in extraction line
5.2  Wire scanner at extraction line chicane
5.3  laser wire at extraction line chicane
5.4 Measurements upstream of IP with wire/laser scanners
6.  Polarization
6.1  Upstream polarimeter
        6.1.1  Compton laser system
        6.1.2  Baseline polarimeter system
        6.1.3  Background estimates
        6.1.4  Optical cavity at Compton IP?
6.2  Downstream polarimeter (in extraction line)
        6.2.1  Compton laser system
        6.2.2  Baseline polarimeter system
        6.2.3  Background estimates
        6.2.4  Pair spectrometer for Compton gamma measurements
        6.2.5  Measure angular distribution of beam at Compton IP
        6.2.6  BPM measurements of beam orbit in extraction line just upstream of Polarimeter chicane
6.3  Spin transport effects
        6.3.1  Difference between polarimeter measurements and lum-wted polarization
        6.3.2  Vertical steering due to crossing angle-solenoid misalignments + compensation
6.4  Compton Detector studies
        6.4.1  Quartz Fiber Detector capabilities for Compton electrons and Compton gammas
6.5  Physics analyses for polarimetry
        6.5.1  W-pairs
        6.5.2 Blondel technique with both beams polarized
7.  2-Photon Veto; SUSY 7.1  See item 2.6 above
7.2  Detector hermeticity
8.  Crossing Angle 8.1  Crossing Angle Impact on Beam Instrumentation
9.  EMI Effects 9.1  Test of SLD's VXD3 and R20 module in ESA?
9.2  Test antenna pickups in FFTB?
9.3  Modeling calculations
9.4  Test simple geometry and compare to calculations?
10.  Beam Halo 10.1 Mini-TPC?
11.  Giga-Z 11.1  Evaluate machine parameters:  reduced energy spread?  reduced beamsstrahlung?
11.2  Evaluate energy and polarization instrumentation
        11.2.1  Compton edge not as separated from primary beam energy
        11.2.2  Beamsstrahlung is much reduced
12.  e-e- 12.1  Evaluate machine parameters and instrumentation issues
13.  g-g 13.1  Evaluate machine parameters and instrumentation issues
14.  1 TeV Upgrade 14.1 Evaluate Beam Instrumentation capabilities and issues
15.  ILC Parameters 15.1  Evaluate impact of other ILC Parameters being considered
16.  Beam Test Facilities 16.1  SLAC ESA
16.2  KEK ATF

Last Modified: January 13, 2005