MDI Plans & Studies
+ planning for MDI Workshop
+ planning for World-Wide MDI Group/Studies

MDI Project and Task Lists in 3 Regions:

          ACFA FFIR Projects
          (also see recent talk by T. Tauchi at today's HUGE detector meeting)

          ECFA BDIR Projects
         (also see recent talk by P. Bambade at Durham meeting)

          ALCPG IPBI Projects & Task List
          BDIR Task List 

Planning for MDI Workshop + World-Wide MDI Group/Studies
(one scenario)

   1.  in next 3-4 weeks,
          - merge and organize MDI task lists from 3 regions into one common list
          - identify current efforts and people for tasks where known
          - exchange ideas on MDI workshop format and agenda; develop strawman proposal
   2.  in early October, phone meeting for MDI organizers in 3 regions (start of monthly phone meetings?)
          - review/comment on task list
          - review/comment on resources (people, facilities, budget) to carry out tasks
          - prioritization and timeline for R&D (emphasis on what's needed for CDR)
       (these 3 items above will be useful input for ILC meeting at KEK in November)
          - MDI workshop format and agenda; discuss place & location
                    (standalone meeting in January?  US Particle Accelerator School is in SF Jan. 10-21;
                     combine with LCWS meeting at SLAC in March?)
   3.  MDI Workshop  -- when? where? scope?
   4.  Expect Global Design team to be in place, including MDI co-ordinator, by ~February 2005.
   5.  LCWS meeting at SLAC March 18-22, 2005.
   6.  SNOWMASS meeting August 13-27, 2005.

MDI Input specifically from IPBI--Physics&Detector (focus of our IPBI Working Group)
   1.  Luminosity and Luminosity spectrum measurements
   2.  Energy and energy spread measurements
   3.  Polarization measurements
   4.  Very forward region for electron ID and 2-photon veto
   5.  EMI issues for beam instrumentation and ILC Detectors
   6.  Impact of disrupted beams and beamstrahlung on beam instrumentation and ILC Detectors
   7.  Use of pairs and beamstrahlung for beam and luminosity diagnostics
   8.  Crossing Angles for IRs and impact of 2 IRs (including one large crossing angle IR for gamma-gamma)
   9.  Including energy and polarization diagnostics in machine lattices both upstream and downstream of IRs
   10. Impact of cold technology choice on design for energy spectrometers and polarimeters (both upstream and downstream)
   11. Program for R&D and Beam Tests
   12.  Identify what's needed for Accelerator and Detector CDRs