Possible Talks for SLAC ALCPG Meeting
Parallel Sessions on IPBI; IR/Backgrounds; Beam Delivery/IR

IPBI (Detector WG; convenors Eric Torrence and Mike Woods)
     1.  Luminosity, Luminosity Spectrum measurements. 
                  - requirements on forward detectors.  Eric Torrence, David Miller
                  - sensitivity of L(E) measurement accuracy to beam parameters.  Mike Woods, David Miller
     2.  Energy, Energy Spread measurements.  Eric Torrence, David Miller
     3.  Polarization measurements.  Mike Woods
     4.  Test Beam facility using SLAC A-Line and ESA.  Mike Woods
IR/Backgrounds (Detector WG; convenors Tom Markiewicz and ?)
     1.  Backgrounds:  beam-gas; muons; pairs.  T. Maruyama
     2.  Energy deposition rates from pairs in LC Detector elements.  T. Maruyama
     3.  Collimators and fault scenarios
     4.  IRs at CA and IL sites.  Clay Corvin
     5.  IR configurations.  T. Markiewicz
Beam Delivery/IR (Accelerator WG; convenors ?)
     1.  FONT and feedback simulations.  Phil Burrows/Steve Molloy.
     2.  UK R&D.  Phil Burrows
     3.  Vibration and stabilization issues.  Joe Frisch, Brett Parker, Fred Asiri
     4.  Superconducting Magnet.  Brett Parker
     5.  Lattice.  Andrei Seryi


IPBI Plenary Talk:  Eric Torrence
IR/Backgrounds Plenary Talk:  ?
Beam Delivery/IR Plenary Talk:  ? 


Notes for Plenary Talks:
     1.  to be prepared in advance and reflect status of group's activities rather than being a snapshot of presentations at meeting
     2.  should present overview, discuss open issues, summarize recent developments and expected near-term developments

Notes for Parallel Session Talks:
     1.  do we want to have a small number of overview talks with similar emphasis to the WG summary plenary talk:
            ie. present overview, discuss open issues, summarize recent developments and expected near-term developments
           and then have more time for discussion?
     2.  We have roughly 2 hours for each of the 3 WGs listed