Simulation Results for NLC-500 Parameter Set

Andrei Seryi has generated 6 electron.ini, positron.ini files corresponding to 6 typical NLC-500 lattices with different random errors.  See files here.  Their format is (E, x, y, z, angx, angy) in units of (GeV, microns, microns, microns, microrad, microrad).

A Guinea-Pig simulation was then run by Mike Woods with 14787 particles using input files "electron1.ini" and "positron1.ini" to generate the file "beam1_IP.dat."   Beamstrahlung effects were included.  Takashi Maruyama's GEANT-3 simulation was then run by Ken Moffeit to transport the "beam1_IP.dat" file to the mid-chicane, generating the file "beam1_chicane.dat"; no particles were lost before the mid-chicane.   
Additionally, a DIMAD tracking simulation of the extraction line has been done by Yuri Nosochkov, using the same beam1_IP.dat input file at the IP to generate the file "beam1_chicane_dimad.dat".

Below are 3 data files, 3 Matlab routines to plot data from the 3 data files and 3 sets of standard plots for these 3 data files.  

     The format for the data files is:
        i) beam1_IP.dat:    (E, x', y', z, x, y) in units of (GeV, rad, rad, microns, nanometers, nanometers); z is the longitudinal co-
                ordinate within the bunch
        ii) beam1_chicane.dat:    (E, x', y', z, x, y) in units of (GeV, rad, rad, cm, cm, cm); z is the location of the mid-chicane
        iii) beam1_chicane_dimad.dat:    (E, x', y', z, x, y) in units of (GeV, rad, rad, microns, nanometers, nanometers); z is the
                longitudinal co-ord within the bunch
        iv) lumi.dat:  (E1, E2, x, y, z) in units of (GeV, GeV, nanometers, nanometers, microns); (x,y,z) are the co-ordinates of the
                hard collision

6 independent beam1_IP.dat (for outgoing beam electrons) and beam2_IP.dat (for outgoing positrons) that correspond to Andrei Seryi's 6 electron.ini, positron.ini files (corresponding to 6 typical NLC-500 lattices with different random errors) can be found here.

6 independent lumi.dat files that correspond to Andrei Seryi's 6 electron.ini, positron.ini files (corresponding to 6 typical NLC-500 lattices with different random errors) can be found here.

Distributions of pairs at the LUMON detector have been simulated by Takashi Maruyama for the NLC-500H parameter set.  This was described in his recent talk at the ALCPG workshop held at SLAC in January, 2004.  ASCII and n-tuple files of these pairs are located here.  The pairs have been tracked through the 5T solenoid field to the detector at z=+-3.15 meters from the IP.  Both headon (0mr) and Crossing Angle (+-10mr) geometries have been simulated.  The ASCII files are pairs01_5tesla_0mr.dat and pairs01_5tesla_10mr.dat, while the PAW ntuple files are pairs01_5tesla_0mr.rz and pairs01_5tesla_10mr.rz.  The file formats are (E, Q, x, y, z, u, v, w), where E is in GeV; Q=+1(positrons) or -1 (electrons); x, y, z are in cm; and u, v, w are the direction cosines.  The files contain pairs corresponding to 1 bunch crossing.

Last Updated:  March 4, 2004