COMBOS version 3.22 (Feb 10, 2003) run on on 08/09/09 at 13.23.43 ============================================================================== BR_DS combination: combined analysis WORLD BR_DS PRELIMINARY ------------------ List of 3 analyses to combine: Analysis Experiment Method Quality Measurement Steps 1> MUONABS09 BR_DS PUBLISHED BR_DS 1 2> TAUABS09 BR_DS PUBLISHED BR_DS 1 3> MUONREL09 BR_DS PUBLISHED BR_DS 1 Combined WORLD BR_DS PRELIMINARY BR_DS 1 CORrelated and UNCorrelated systematic uncertainties: Analysis number Uncertainty 1 2 3 TAUDS COR COR COR "Correlated" parameters: TAUDS 0.5000 +0.0070 -0.0070 0.0070 Results of combination: CHI2_SYM : BR_DS= 256.88567 +- 6.77282 CL=0.4432 stat. only --> 256.90616 +- 6.52972 0.4432