Top Cited Articles of All Time (1997 edition) in math-ph

Top Cited Articles of All Time (1997 edition) in math-ph

The 50 most highly cited papers of All Time (1997 edition) in the math-ph archive

Keep in mind that citation counts can never be exact, there is something like a 5% error in most of these numbers. Please do not fret about number 32 versus 33, as this is often not a statistically significant difference. Remember the detailed warning about the accuracy of these counts.

Also note that the counts shown, and used in the rankings, are the counts as of Wed 7-Mar-2007. Further, the counts shown by the ranking are only the cites satisfying the criteria for that list. Actual citation numbers in the database may change as corrections are made and papers are added, the links will take you to the updated numbers. The lists, however, will not update.

  1. 3
    Quantum groups and von Neumann theorem
    By Alfredo Iorio, Giuseppe Vitiello (Salerno U. & INFN, Naples).
    Published in:Mod.Phys.Lett.B8:269,1994 [arXiv: math-ph/0009035]
    [11 Total citations in HEP]
  2. 2
    Power series everywhere convergent on R and all Q(p)
    By Branko G. Dragovich (Belgrade, Inst. Phys.).
    Published in:J.Math.Phys.34:1143,1993 [arXiv: math-ph/0402037]
    [2 Total citations in HEP]
  3. 2
    Lie symmetries of Yang-Mills equations
    By Louis Marchildon (Quebec U., Trois Rivieres).
    Published in:J.Group Theor.Phys.3:115-130,1995 [arXiv: math-ph/0307028]
    [2 Total citations in HEP]
  4. 1
    Models of local relativistic quantum fields with indefinite metric (in all dimensions)
    By S. Albeverio, H. Gottschalk, J. Wu (Ruhr U., Bochum & Bielefeld U. & CERFIM, Locarno & Beijing, Inst. Appl. Math.).
    Published in:Commun.Math.Phys.184:509-531,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/0409057]
    [8 Total citations in HEP]
  5. 1
    Convoluted generalized white noise, Schwinger functions and their analytic continuation to Wightman functions
    By S. Albeverio, H. Gottschalk, Jiang-Lun Wu (Ruhr U., Bochum & Bielefeld U. & CERFIM, Locarno & Beijing, Inst. Appl. Math.).
    Published in:Rev.Math.Phys.8:763-817,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/0409056]
    [5 Total citations in HEP]
  6. 1
    The Atiyah-Singer index theorem and the gauge field copy problem
    By A.S. Sant'Anna (Parana U.), N.C.A. da Costa (Sao Paulo U.), F.A. Doria (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.).
    Published in:J.Phys.A30:5511-5516,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/9905022]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  7. 0
    On p-adic functional integration
    By Goran S. Djordjevic (Nis U.), Branko Dragovich (Belgrade, Inst. Phys.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0005025]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  8. 0
    Novel generalization of three-dimensional Yang-Mills theory
    By S.C. Anco (British Columbia U. & Maryland U.).
    Published in:J.Math.Phys.38:3399-3413,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/0209050]
    [6 Total citations in HEP]
  9. 0
    Quantum theory without quantification
    By Constantin Piron (Geneva U.).
    Published in:Helv.Phys.Acta 69:694-701,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/0204046]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  10. 0
    Hypergeometric - like representation of the zeta function of Riemann
    By Krzysztof Maslanka (Jagiellonian U., Astron. Observ.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0105007]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  11. 0
    Nonlinear representations for Poincare and Galilei algebras and nonlinear equations for electromagnetic fields
    By Wilhelm I. Fushchych, Ivan M. Tsyfra, Vyacheslav M. Boyko (Kiev, Inst. Math.).
    Published in:J.Nonlin.Math.Phys.2:210-221,1994 [arXiv: math-ph/0207024]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  12. 0
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0501027]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  13. 0
    Axiomatic holonomy maps and generalized Yang-Mills moduli space
    By P.M. Hajac (UC, Berkeley).
    Published in:Lett.Math.Phys.27:301-309,1993 [arXiv: math-ph/9809019]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  14. 0
    Michel theory of symmetry breaking and gauge theories
    By G. Gaeta (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette), P. Morando (Turin Polytechnic).
    Published in:Annals Phys.260:149-170,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/0207002]
    [3 Total citations in HEP]
  15. 0
    The Atiyah-Singer fixed point theorem and the gauge field copy problem
    By Adonai S. Sant'Anna (Parana U.).
    Published in:Bol.Soc.Parana.Mat.16:59-62,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/9905023]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  16. 0
    Euclidean reconstruction in quantum field theory: Between tempered distributions and Fourier hyperfunctions
    By Andreas U. Schmidt (Frankfurt U.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/9811002]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  17. 0
    Z(3)-graded exterior differential calculus and gauge theories of higher order
    By R. Kerner (Paris U., VI-VII).
    Published in:Lett.Math.Phys.36:441-454,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/0004032]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  18. 0
    p-adic path integrals for quadratic actions
    By G.S. Djordjevic (Nis U.), B. Dragovich (Belgrade, Inst. Phys.).
    Published in:Mod.Phys.Lett.12:1455-1463,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/0005026]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  19. 0
    Dually-charged mesoatom on the space of constant negative curvature
    By V.D. Ivashchuk, V.N. Melnikov (Moscow, Gravitation Metrology Ctr.).
    Published in:J.Math.Phys.37:1642-149,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/0504024]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
    Dually charged mesoatom on the space of constant negative curvature
    By V.D. Ivashchuk (Moscow, Surface Vacuum Study Ctr.), V.N. Melnikov (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF).
    Published in:J.Math.Phys.37:1642-1649,1996
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  20. 0
    Transformation brackets between U(nu+1) ---> U(nu) ---> SO(nu) and U(nu+1) ---> SO(nu+1) ---> SO(nu)
    By Elena Santopinto (Genoa U. & INFN, Genoa), Roelof Bijker (Mexico U., ICN), Francesco Iachello (Yale U.).
    Published in:J.Math.Phys.37:2674-2681,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/0512036]
    [2 Total citations in HEP]
  21. 0
    Extended objects with edges
    By Riccardo Capovilla (CINVESTAV, IPN), Jemal Guven (Mexico U., ICN).
    Published in:Phys.Rev.D55:2388-2393,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/9804001]
    [5 Total citations in HEP]
  22. 0
    SU(3) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
    By Marius Grigorescu (Western Ontario U.).
    Published in:Stud.Cercetari Fiz.36:3,1984 [arXiv: math-ph/0007033]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  23. 0
    Symmetries and Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Dirac Equations
    By Wilhelm Fushchych, Renat Zhdanov (Kiev, Inst. Math.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0609052]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  24. 0
    Deviation equations in spaces with a transport along paths
    By Bozhidar Z. Iliev (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0303002]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  25. 0
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/9909004]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  26. 0
    Quantization of damped harmonic oscillator, thermal field theory and q groups
    By Alfredo Iorio, Giuseppe Vitiello (Salerno U. & INFN, Naples).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0009036]
    [3 Total citations in HEP]
  27. 0
    Existence of the solution of the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole
    By J.B. McLeod, C.B. Wang (Pittsburgh U.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/9902002]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  28. 0
    The Difference between Abelian and nonAbelian models: Fact and fancy
    By A. Patrascioiu (Arizona U.), E. Seiler (Munich, Max Planck Inst.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/9903038]
    [4 Total citations in HEP]
  29. 0
    On the formulation of SPDEs leading to local, relativistic QFTs with indefinite metric and nontrivial S-matrix
    By Sergio Albeverio, Hannpo Gottschalk (Bonn U.), Jiang-Lun Wu (Ruhr U., Bochum).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0409027]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  30. 0
    Nonexistence of Petrov type III space-times on which Weyl's neutrino equation or Maxwell's equations satisfy Huygens' principle
    By R.G. McLenaghan, F.D. Sasse (Waterloo U.).
    Published in:Annales Poincare Phys.Theor.65:253-271,1996 [arXiv: math-ph/0504040]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  31. 0
    Remarks on some new models of interacting quantum fields with indefinite metric
    By S. Albeverio, H. Gottschalk, J.L. Wu (Ruhr U., Bochum & Bielefeld U. & CERFIM, Locarno & Beijing, Inst. Appl. Math.).
    Published in:Rept.Math.Phys.40:385-394,1997 [arXiv: math-ph/0501034]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  32. 0
    On supersymmetries in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
    By J. Beckers, N. Debergh (Liege U.), A.G. Nikitin (Kiev, Inst. Math.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0508021]
    [1 Total citations in HEP]
  33. 0
    About some Regge - like relations for (stable) black holes
    By E. Recami (Bergamo U., Ingengneria Dept.), V. Tonin-Zanchin (Campinas State U., IMECC), A. Del Popolo, M. Gambera (Catania Astrophys. Observ.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0105036]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  34. 0
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0407004]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  35. 0
    First order deviation equations in spaces with a transport along paths
    By Bozhidar Zakhariev Iliev (Dubna, JINR).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0303038]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  36. 0
    Generalized Doppler effect in spaces with a transport along paths
    By Bozhidar Zakhariev Iliev (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.).
    HEP Record [arXiv: math-ph/0401033]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]
  37. 0
    Construction of kink sectors for two-dimensional quantum field theory models: An Algebraic approach
    By Dirk Schlingemann (Hamburg U.).
    Published in:Rev.Math.Phys.10:851-891,1998 [arXiv: math-ph/9902028]
    [0 Total citations in HEP]