Top Cited Articles during 1994 by nucl-ex

Top Cited Articles during 1994 by nucl-ex

The 50 most highly cited papers during 1994 cited by papers in the nucl-ex archive

Keep in mind that citation counts can never be exact, there is something like a 5% error in most of these numbers. Please do not fret about number 32 versus 33, as this is often not a statistically significant difference. Remember the detailed warning about the accuracy of these counts.

Also note that the counts shown, and used in the rankings, are the counts as of Fri 9-Mar-2007. Further, the counts shown by the ranking are only the cites satisfying the criteria for that list. Actual citation numbers in the database may change as corrections are made and papers are added, the links will take you to the updated numbers. The lists, however, will not update.

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