HEPNames Help

You might also be interested in our info on author searching and how to fix your name in HEP.

Also check out our Family Tree display

Searching the HEPNames Database

Add or Modify Your Entry in HEPNames

If you are currently listed in the SPIRES-HEP HEPNames database, but want to modify your information -- search for on your name and then click the update button.

If you are involved with high-energy physics and are not in HEPNames, you can request that we add you to the HEPNames database.

Not all fields are entered for each person, so if you can't find someone by undergrad affiliation, for example, they may have an entry, but we just don't know where they did their undergrad work.

Questions or comments can be sent to the SLAC HEPNames Database Administrator at hepnames@slac.stanford.edu.

SPIRES HEP was a joint project of SLAC, DESY & FNAL as well as the worldwide HEP community.
It was superseeded by INSPIRE

Last Updated: 09/02/2016

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