SLAC WWW-Tech Mtg 2/12/97

Attendees: Tony Johnson, Les Cottrell, Dennis Wisinski, Edgar Whipple, Laurie Gennari, Paul Raines, Charlotte Hee, Bebo White, John Halperin, Ruth McDunn, Charlotte Hee, Harvey Galic, JOan Winters, Brian Lalor, Neal Chatterjee


24x7 Web Server Support

Harvey Galic pointed out that SPIRES gets a lot of his early mornings (Pacific time). He showed that 5am-6am they get 410 searches, 6-7am 502 searches. 7-8am 698 searches, 8-9am 757 searches. Pat asked Edgar what his plans are for Web 24x7 support. Currently it is a best effort. A major cause of crashes is due to CGI scripts, so we will need to review what to do with scripts (e.g. review them, check for robustness, security). In case of unscheduled outages the distributed interconnectivity of services makes it difficult to know exactly what affects what. For scheduled outages how does one notify the right people of how they will be affected. Today this is mainly done by email to comp-out and netnews.

It was agreed:

Security Policy Update

Now approved by the ADCCs. We will post it with a warning that it is currently under implementation. The question came up as towhether we should block port 80 ASAP. Edgar will come up with a plan ASAP for implementation of the security policy, at which time we will decide when to block port 80.

Alta Vista

The Alta Vista Forum server has died due to bugs in the software. These have been reported to DEC. Dennis is pursuing

Netscape Server

To be worked on.

New CERN Server

Was backed out due to incompatibilities with hypernews. John pointed out that we could run the new CERN server for the regular Web and the old CERN server for hypernews. The new CERN server allows you to write your own HTTP status messages.

Web Database Products

Anrea & Co have considered Oracle's, Livewire and Net Dynamics. Oracle's is not available (supposed to available March 1997) yet. Bob Boeninger put up Livewire but is is difficult to use. Net Dynamics looks nice but is costly (~$30K for site charging by 15 concurrent user, and 3 designers).


There is a new Frontpage beta client for the Mac that can be downloaded from Microsoft.
Les Cottrell