SLACSLAC Home Page Survey

27 Jan 1997

The SLAC WWW Coordinating Committee is reconsidering the structure and appearance of the SLAC Detailed and Highlighted Home Pages. (The SLAC Welcome Page is not part of this survey). Please respond to the questions below by February 7th. Responses will be tabluated and discussed by the WWW Coordinating Committee for possible future implementation.

  1. Which home page do you use most often and why? (Choose one and comment.)
        Detailed because...   
        Highlighted because... 
        Neither because...     
        Other because...       
  2. What changes would you like to see on the home page you use? For example, what can't you find? Is there something mislabeled or located in a user-UNfriendly location?
  3. What link do you use frequently that you feel should have a different location?
  4. What is missing from the SLAC Detailed or Highlighted Home Page that you think should be present?
  5. Please add other comments which you think will help the Committee in its review of the SLAC Home Pages.