August 1st, 2008
Total Solar Eclipse from Russia
As seen by Cherrill Spencer
On the south shore of the Ob Reservoir, near Novosibirsk, Siberia

Exact Coordinates:
My eclipse tour group was positioned on the eclipse shadow’s centerline.
55º 02’ North Latitude
82º 55’ East Longitude
Totality lasted 2 minutes 12 seconds

Click on any image to see a larger version. Images will be seen at best quality if viewed in full-screen mode.
Camera used: Olympus E510 digital SLR with a 70-300mm zoom lens set at 263mm, ISO 200 and F stop 5.6 for all eclipse photos.

Photo1 Partially eclipsed sun photographed with a black polymer filter. It took the moon 1 hour and 3 minutes to cover up the sun. One can only look at the sun with a special filter during the partial phases.  1/250 second exposure.
Photo2 The “diamond ring” seen at the beginning of totality. No filter. 1/250 second exposure. A large red prominence can be seen at the 2 o’clock position.
Photo3 Corona around the eclipsed sun. This is about how much corona one could see with the naked eye. 1/8 second exposure.

Corona with 1/250 second exposure about 29 seconds into totality. Prominences can be seen at 2 and ~ 8:30 o’clock


The “diamond ring” seen at the end of totality. 1/800 second exposure. Either side of the red prominence at 2 o’clock the chromosphere can be seen, also around 4 o’clock. The reddish chromosphere is 2000-3000 km thick. It glows faintly relative to the photosphere (the main, yellowish, part of the sun) and can only be seen easily during a total solar eclipse.


The photographer and her photographic equipment during the partial phase between first and second contact, on the banks of the large Ob Reservoir near Novosibirsk, Siberia.

Photo7 The photographer and her daughter with a statue of Lenin in the main square of Novosibirsk, the day before the eclipse. In the distance is the largest opera house in the world.

On the way to Novosibirsk the photographer spent 2 weeks visiting Moscow, travelling by river boat from Moscow to St Petersburg and visiting some of the “Golden Ring” cities along the way. The photographer and her daughter stand in front of St Basil’s Cathedral on the edge of Red Square in Moscow.

Photos by Cherrill Spencer, ©2008, C.M. Spencer