areaDetector Simulation driver

May 19, 2010

Mark Rivers and John Hammonds

University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory


Table of Contents


simDetector is a driver for a simulated area detector. The simulation detector is useful as a model for writing real detector drivers. It is also very useful for testing plugins and channel access clients.

This driver inherits from ADDriver. It implements nearly all of the parameters in asynNDArrayDriver.h and in ADArrayDriver.h, with the exception of the file saving parameters, which it does not implement. It also implements a few parameters that are specific to the simulation detector. The simDetector class documentation describes this class in detail.

The writeInt32 and writeFloat64 methods override those in the base class. The driver takes action when new parameters are passed via those interfaces. For example, the ADAcquire parameter (on the asynInt32 interface) is used to turn acquisition (i.e. computing new images) on and off.

Simulation driver specific parameters

The simulation driver-specific parameters are the following:

Parameter Definitions in simDetector.cpp and EPICS Record Definitions in simDetector.template
Parameter index variable asyn interface Access Description drvInfo string EPICS record name EPICS record type
SimGainX asynFloat64 r/w Gain in the X direction SIM_GAINX $(P)$(R)GainX
SimGainY asynFloat64 r/w Gain in the Y direction SIM_GAINY $(P)$(R)GainY
SimGainRed asynFloat64 r/w Gain of the red channel SIM_GAIN_RED $(P)$(R)GainRed
SimGainGreen asynFloat64 r/w Gain of the green channel SIM_GAIN_GREEN $(P)$(R)GainGreen
SimGainBlue asynFloat64 r/w Gain of the blue channel SIM_GAIN_BLUE $(P)$(R)GainBlue
SimResetImage asynInt32 r/w Set to 1 to reset image back to initial conditions RESET_IMAGE $(P)$(R)Reset
SimImageType asynInt32 r/w Set the image type to be displayed. Options are:
  • Linear Ramp
  • Array of Peaks (mono only)
  • Array of Rings (Not yet implemented)
SIM_IMAGE_TYPE $(P)$(R)ImageType
SimNoise asynInt32 r/w Used to introduce randomness. Each affected pixel is assigned a scaling factor.
scalingFactor = 1.0 + (rand()%noise +1)/100.0
SIM_NOISE $(P)$(R)Noise
Parameters for Peak Array
SimPeaksStartX asynInt32 r/w X location of the first peak centroid SIM_PEAK_START_X $(P)$(R)PeakStartX
SimPeaksStartY asynInt32 r/w Y location of the first peak centroid SIM_PEAK_START_Y $(P)$(R)PeakStartY
SimPeaksWidthX asynInt32 r/w X width of the peaks SIM_PEAK_WIDTH_X $(P)$(R)PeakWidthX
SimPeaksWidthY asynInt32 r/w Y width of the peaks SIM_PEAK_WIDTH_Y $(P)$(R)PeakWidthY
SimPeaksNumX asynInt32 r/w Number of peaks in X direction SIM_PEAK_NUM_X $(P)$(R)PeakNumX
SimPeaksNumY asynInt32 r/w Number of peaks in Y direction SIM_PEAK_NUM_Y $(P)$(R)PeakNumY
SimPeaksStepX asynInt32 r/w X step between peaks SIM_PEAK_STEP_X $(P)$(R)PeakStepX
SimPeaksStepY asynInt32 r/w Y location of the first peak centroid SIM_PEAK_STEP_Y $(P)$(R)PeakStepY
SimPeakHeightVariation asynInt32 r/w Used to introduce randomness. Each gaussian peak in the array is assigned a scaling factor.
scalingFactor = 1.0 + (rand()%peakVariation +1)/100.0

Image Types

Linear Ramp

For monochrome images (NDColorMode=NDColorModeMono) the simulation driver initially sets the image[i, j] = i*SimGainX + j*SimGainY * ADGain * ADAcquireTime * 1000. Thus the image is a linear ramp in the X and Y directions, with the gains in each direction being detector-specific parameters. Each subsquent acquisition increments each pixel value by ADgain*ADAcquireTime*1000. Thus if ADGain=1 and ADAcquireTime=.001 second then the pixels are incremented by 1. If the array is an unsigned 8 or 16 bit integer then the pixels will overflow and wrap around to 0 after some period of time. This gives the appearance of bands that appear to move with time. The slope of the bands and their periodicity can be adjusted by changing the gains and acquire times.

For color images (NDColorMode=NDColorModeRGB1, RGB2 or RGB3) there are 3 images computed, one each for the red, green and blue channels. Each image is computed with the same algorithm as for the monochrome case, except each is multiplied by its appropriate gain factor (SimGainRed, SimGainGreen, SimGainBlue). Thus if each of these color gains is 1.0 the color image will be identical to the monochrome image, but if the color gains are different from each other then image will have color bands.

Array of Peaks

For monochrome images, an array of gaussian peaks is produced. The user specifies the start location for the first peak in PeakStartX & PeakStartY. The size of the peak is controlled by PeakWidthX and PeakWidthY. The array is specified by giving the number of peaks in each direction with PeakNumX and PeakNumY and the step size between peak centroids with PeakStepX and PeakStepY. Note that data for each peak is only added to the image over a range of four times the PeakWidth in any direction (in the interest of speed).

Dynamic behavior can be introduced into the system by changing PeakVariation and Noise records. PeakVariation introduces variation on each pixel in the array and Noise introduces variation in each pixel.

The description for RGB images is the same as for the Linear Ramp. Pixels are computed the same way as for monochrome and there is a separate gain for each color.

Array of Rings

An array of Rings will be added later.

Unsupported standard driver parameters


The simDetector driver is created with the simDetectorConfig command, either from C/C++ or from the EPICS IOC shell.

int simDetectorConfig(const char *portName,
                      int maxSizeX, int maxSizeY, int dataType,
                      int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory,
                      int priority, int stackSize)

The simDetector-specific fields in this command are:

For details on the meaning of the other parameters to this function refer to the detailed documentation on the simDetectorConfig function in the simDetector.cpp documentation and in the documentation for the constructor for the simDetector class.

There an example IOC boot directory and startup script (iocBoot/iocSimDetector/st.cmd) provided with areaDetector.

MEDM screens

The following is the MEDM screen simDetector.adl for the simulation detector.



The following is the MEDM screen that provides access to the specific parameters for the simulation detector.

simDetectorSetup.adl for Linear Ramp


simDetectorSetup.adl for an array of peaks


Image viewers

The following is an IDL epics_ad_display screen using image_display to display the simulation detector images.


The following is an ImageJ plugin EPICS_AD_Viewer screen displaying color simulation detector images.

ImageJ plugin EPICS_AD_Viewer


ImageJ plugin EPICS_AD_Viewer with an Array of Peaks
