areaDetector Plugin NDPluginOverlay

March 25, 2010

Mark Rivers

University of Chicago



NDPluginOverlay adds graphics overlays to an NDArray image. It can be used to highlight ROIs on an image, to implement cursors, and other similar operations. It supports any number of overlay objects. For each object there is control of the location, size, color, and drawing mode. The size and location can be directly controlled, or links can be used to control the position and size from other PVs. For example, links to the PVs definining an ROI in the NDPluginROI plugin can be used to define a rectangular overlay in thus plugin. Similarly links to the PVs defining the X and Y centroid and sigma of an image computed in the NDPluginStats plugin can be used to control the location and size of a crosshair overlay in this plugin. The cursor will then follow the location of a "beam" in the image. Putting such graphics overlays into an areaDetector plugin allows the use of simple image display clients, which don't need to compute the graphics themselves.

Each NDPluginOverlay plugin can contain any number of overlay objects, each with a different shape, position, color, etc. The number of overlay objects is defined when the NDPluginOverlay is created in the startup script. Each object is referenced by its asyn "addr" address field.

NDPluginOverlay is both a recipient of callbacks and a source of NDArray callbacks. This means that other plugins, such as the NDPluginStdArray plugin, can be connected to an NDPluginOverlay plugin. In that case an image display client will receive the arrays with the graphics overlays.

NDPluginOverlay can only be used for 2-D arrays or 3-D color arrays, it is not fully N-dimensional.

NDPluginOverlay inherits from NDPluginDriver. The NDPluginOverlay class documentation describes this class in detail.

NDPluginOverlay.h defines the following parameters. It also implements all of the standard plugin parameters from NDPluginDriver. There are 2 EPICS databases for the NDPluginOverlay plugin. NDOverlay.template provide access to global parameters that are not specific to each overlay object. There are currently no records in this database, because it currently needs nothing beyond what is contained in NDPluginBase.template, but there may be records added to this in the future. NDOverlayN.template provides access to the parameters for each individual overlay object, described in the following table. Note that to reduce the width of this table the parameter index variable names have been split into 2 lines, but these are just a single name, for example NDPluginOverlayName.

Parameter Definitions in NDPluginOverlay.h and EPICS Record Definitions in NDOverlayN.template
Parameter index variable asyn interface Access Description drvInfo string EPICS record name EPICS record type
asynOctet r/w Name for this overlay. NAME $(P)$(R)Name
asynInt32 r/w Flag indicating whether to use (enable) this overlay. 0=No, 1=Yes. USE $(P)$(R)Use
asynInt32 r/w The X position of this overlay. OVERLAY_POSITION_X $(P)$(R)PositionX
N.A. N.A. r/w Link to fetch the desired X position of this overlay. The .DOL field of this record can be set to another record which will then change PositionX whenever the other record updates. The link must have the "CP" attribute, so that this record processes whenever the record it is linked to changes. For example, the link could be set to "13PS1:Stats1:CentroidX_RBV CP NMS" to fetch its position from the X centroid calculated by an NDPluginStats plugin, or to "13PS1:ROI1:MinX_RBV CP MS" to fetch its position from the X position of an ROI. If this link field is blank or points to a non-existent record then the X position of the overlay can be manually controlled. Note that this linking is done entirely in the EPICS database, and not in the plugin code. N.A. $(P)$(R)PositionXLink longout
asynInt32 r/w The Y position of this overlay. OVERLAY_POSITION_Y $(P)$(R)PositionY
N.A. N.A. r/w Link to fetch the desired Y position of this overlay. See the notes for PositionXLink above. N.A. $(P)$(R)PositionYLink longout
asynInt32 r/w The X size of this overlay. OVERLAY_SIZE_X $(P)$(R)SizeX
N.A. N.A. r/w Link to fetch the desired X size of this overlay. See the notes for PositionXLink above. N.A. $(P)$(R)SizeXLink longout
asynInt32 r/w The Y size of this overlay. OVERLAY_SIZE_Y $(P)$(R)SizeY
N.A. N.A. r/w Link to fetch the desired Y size of this overlay. See the notes for PositionXLink above. N.A. $(P)$(R)SizeYLink longout
asynInt32 r/w The shape of this overlay. 0=cross, 1=rectangle. Other shapes may be added in the future. The X and Y position of a cross is located at the center. The X and Y size of a cross is the size on either side of the center, i.e. the total width = 2*OverlaySizeX. This is done so when HOPR for the X and Y size records is set to the total image size, the cross can be the total size of the image no matter where it is positioned. The X and Y position of a rectangle is located at Xmin,Ymin. The X and Y size of a rectangle is the total width and height. These definitions are consistent with the way ROIs are defined in the NDPluginROI plugin. OVERLAY_SHAPE $(P)$(R)Shape
asynInt32 r/w The operation to use when drawing this overlay. 0=Set, 1=XOR. In Set mode the Red, Green, and Blue values (Green for mono images) are written directly into the pixel values. In XOR mode the value in the pixel is XOR'ed with the Red, Green, and Blue values. XOR operation typically results in an overlay that has better visibility no matter what the values of the surrounding pixels, while Set mode with Green=255, for example, will show up well on dark areas of the image, but will be hard to see in bright areas of the image. Note that XOR is not supported for NDFloat32 or NDFloat64 data types directly, but they are cast to int if XOR is selected for arrays with those data types. OVERLAY_DRAW_MODE $(P)$(R)DrawMode
asynInt32 r/w The red value to use when drawing the overlay. This is only used for color images. OVERLAY_RED $(P)$(R)Red
asynInt32 r/w The green value to use when drawing the overlay. This is the value that is used for monochrome images as well. OVERLAY_GREEN $(P)$(R)Green
asynInt32 r/w The blue value to use when drawing the overlay. This is only used for color images. OVERLAY_BLUE $(P)$(R)Blue

Display limits for Position and Size fields

It is very convenient to have slider widgets to control the size and position of user-defined overlays. For these to work correctly, the HOPR fields of the X and Y position and size widgets must be set to the maximum allowed values. This is handled in the NDOverlay.template database, where the HOPR fields are automatically set to the actual size of the input array whenever that changes. Note that if HOPR changes, then with medm it is necessary to close and reopen the display with the sliders, because medm only retrieves the value the display limits when it first connects to a channel.


The NDPluginOverlay plugin is created with the NDOverlayConfigure command, either from C/C++ or from the EPICS IOC shell.

NDOverlayConfigure(const char *portName, int queueSize, int blockingCallbacks,
                   const char *NDArrayPort, int NDArrayAddr, int maxOverlays,
                   int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory,
                   int priority, int stackSize)

For details on the meaning of the parameters to this function refer to the detailed documentation on the NDOverlayConfigure function in the NDPluginOverlay.cpp documentation and in the documentation for the constructor for the NDPluginOverlay class.

Screen shots

The following is the MEDM screen that provides access to the parameters in NDPluginDriver.h and NDPluginOverlay.h through records in NDPluginBase.template and NDOverlay.template. This screen does not provide anything beyond the PVs in NDPluginBase.template except for the menus to call up the related displays.



The following is the MEDM screen that provides access to the parameters in NDPluginOverlay.h through records in NDOverlayN.template. This allows control of the parameters of a single overlay object.


The following is the MEDM screen that provides control of most the parameters of 8 overlay objects, and a link to the screen above for each one.


Image display from ImageJ for the overlay settings in the screen above. Note that the cursor is set to track the centroid of a laser pointer via its X and Y position input links.
