How to write
Perl Modules
Some practical advice about how to build a perl module
March 21, 2003 – Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Fabrizio Coccetti

What a Perl Module is
Why it is convenient to use Perl Modules
How to make Perl Modules
An example of a Perl Module
Preparing the package for shipping

What a Perl Module is
A Perl Module is a self-contained piece of [Perl] code that can be used by a Perl program (or by other Perl modules)
It is conceptually similar to:
a C link library
a C++/Java class

Why it is convenient to use PMs
Installation is straightforward:
perl Makefile.PL; make; make install
The Perl interpreter has a list of directories in which it searches for modules (global array @INC)
Installation is platform independent (Solaris, Linux, Windows, …)
Easy to use in Perl Programs:
use IPEM::PingER
Easy to update both for the maintainers of a Perl Module and system administrators at remote sites

Before making a PM
Chose an appropriate name for the PM
Each Perl Module has an unique name. Perl provides a hierarchal name space for modules, similar to the name space for Java classes.
Components of a module name are separated by double colons “::”. i.e. IEPM::PingER

Let’s start to make a Perl Module
Create the Perl Module Tree:
-A omits the Autoloader code (best used by modules that define a large number of infrequently used subroutines)
-X omits XS elements (eXternal Subroutine, where eXternal means external to Perl, i.e. C)
-n specifies the name of the module

What h2xs does for the developer
Creates subdirs: ./IEPM/PingER/
Creates the following files and the t/ dir:
MANIFEST (contains the list of all files in the package)
t/ (test files) (perl code goes here)

Some advice on writing the code of a PM
A PM can use other PMs
use strict; (i.e. $IEPM::PingER::var)
use 5.6.1;
@EXPORT = qw(ping_it);
sub ping_it {… … …}

How to use a PM in a Perl program
Another way is to use @EXPORT_OK in the Perl Module:
@EXPORT_OK = qw(ping_it log_it);
And in the Perl Program
use IEPM::PingER qw(log_it)

Use Carp in Perl Modules
The Carp module allows to present error messages from the caller's perspective

Example: the beginning of IEPM::PingER
package IEPM::PingER;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
use Time::CTime;
use DB_File;
our @EXPORT = qw(log_it ping_it);
our $VERSION = '1.03';

Example: the subroutine ping_it
sub ping_it {
my ($ping_cmd,$dest_name,$dest_ip, $ping_interval, $ping_size, $ping_count) = @_;
… … … …
return ($time, $packets_sent, $packets_rcvd, $min, $avg, $max, \@seqno, \@pingtimes);

Preparing the package for shipping
Prepare the package for shipping is straightforward:
$ perl Makefile.PL; make; make dist;
The commands above create the compressed archive:

Perl Module Mechanics
The Perl Module Library
Perl Modules
The Perl 5 Modules List
Practical Perl Programming
Perlnewmod - preparing a new module for distribution