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path.availability.roundTrip missing in schema, we have added a definition
Perl and Java complain if use variable with periods in it. Want to name the method with the same name defined in the document. Alternative to use a get(“all”).
TT81 is the RIPE test traffic box at home.nl. TT28 is the box at SLAC.
When add startTime:endTime brings up question of what to return, e.g.
statistical aggregates
can one also get individual components?
is the time optional?
WSDL = Web Services Description Language an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. It provides a simple way for service providers to describe the basic format of requests to their systems regardless of the underlying protocol (such as Simple Object Access Protocol or XML) or encoding (such as Multipurpose Internet Messaging Extensions).
This defines what the user/caller is to provide, note at the moment every method has the same input format. Current implementation, user only provides a target which contains the source & destination. This is a natural evolution of host characteristics where there is only a source.
Currently the definition does not include a time window specification.  In such a case can provide the average as a value but may need top provide an array with all the individual results.
Adding time:
 <part name=“time” type=“xsd:string”/>
 time=startTime[:endTime]  #optional, if leave out then get latest measurement
Example of XML format for output
xsd1 referenced via:
Definition of one of the sub-classes (NetworkTestTool), xsd1 for the subclass.
This is part of http://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/tools/soap/wsdl/profile.xsd
Currently the definitions are just strings for simplicity, later can make more selective, e.g. toolVersion must be of form nn.mmm-pp
What do you mean by “Spy real time data from local machine”, do you mean you make a local copy of the data from the RIPE-NCC host, and then provide WSDL access to that data.
For OWAMP I think you have access directly to their archive, i.e. the server runs at the OWAMP archive, is this correct?
Value = % availability (e.g. = # unavailable samples / total samples)
 toolName = ping
Network TestInfo
 source = oceanus.slac.stanford.edu
 destination = www.cern.sh
 startTime = 200304010030.123456 (start at beginning of month)
 time = 200304302359.654321 (end at end of month)
 packetSize = 100
 numPackets = 10 (this is the number of packets in a cycle or more generally the number of packets sent as   probes for determining connectivity, see RFC 2678, it is not the total packets for the month, i.e. it is not 30days*24hr*60mins*10pkts/30min = 14400?) 
packetSpacing = periodic
 packetGap = 1.0
 packetType = ICMP
 lossThreshold = 20 (the waiting time of RFC 2678)
 Property Type Requirement Description
 MTBF uint32 O    Mean Time Between Failures
      in seconds
 MTTR uint32 O    Mean Time To Repair
      in seconds
 downs uint32 O    Number of periods when path was not available
 medianOutageLength uint32 O    Median
 value real32 M    Availability =
   100*(#unavailable cycles /
    total cycles)%.