New Subnets 2008

Les Cottrell & Yee-Ting Li, created 8/23/08, last updated 9/1/08


Due to security, network performance and network resilence requirements of next generation local area networks at SLAC, all hardwired, non-DHCP hosts (visitor) will need to be re-IP'd over the next few months.

Each building will be required to have it's own subnet(s) and there will no longer be large spanning tree's that stretch across campus. A prime example is that of the PUB-'n' subnets.

This document provides guidelines on the both the subnet and vlan naming and numbering procedures.

Location Naming Convention

All official SLAC buildings on campus are designated an unique three digit number. This number, appended with sufficient other information shall be unique and help to quickly identify a specific location on campus.



Network Device Naming Convention For Buildings

Due to the number of buildings present on the SLAC campus, a flexible naming scheme to quickly identify the location of switches was paramount. It was decided that a functional approach to switch naming would be inflexible due to the dynamic workforce at SLAC and the ever changing roles buildings take. Examples:
  swh-cgb2AH08 *** haha.. doesn't work...
  rtr-kavli1 *** nor does this

Subnet Naming Convention

The purpose of subnet naming is to provide transparency and quick identification of the location and function of hosts contained within that subnet. As such, the following convention should be followed:

The general format is to utilise the switch naming convention to quickly identify where a subnet terminates and to also include the type of hosts connected to that device. The latter shoudl provide us flexibily to further segregate by functions should we choose to expland those in the future.


VLAN Naming and Numbering Convention

Unqiue VLAN numbers are not really necessary as we shall not be spanning vlans beyond the connection between the BLDGCORE and individual building switches. However, in order to reduce potential problems with trunking the wrong vlans etc., unqiue vlan numbers are recommended.

Simarily, to aid with the human interaction, the names of those vlans should also be unqiue.

Subnet Ranges