Jiri NAVRATIL graduated as Diploma Engineer from the Czech Technical University at Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1972, He obtained his PhD. from Czech Technical University at Prague in 1982. His thesis was entitled: "The new evaluating methods of the behavior interactive systems". He has been a permanent employee of the Computing and Information Center of CTU Prague since 1974. In last position he was head of the group responsible for networking and supercomputing. He worked for several years as a Scientific Associate at CERN. He was member of the team which created the communication network for LEP in 1989 (Large electron-positron accelerator) and later, he worked in the communications group of IT division doing external network monitoring. In 1992 and 1994 he worked as Guest Professor at KEK (ACC.Div) in the control group which was responsible for running the Tristan accelerator and building new control system for the B-Factory. Since 2001 he has beeen working as visiting scientist at SLAC on the INCITE project supported by DOE.