Netflow Stats for 09/14/2005
Connie Logg
Thu Sep 15 00:37:00 PDT 2005

STATS: total records = 7975381; missed records = 2187; percent missed = 0.03;
Any link terminated with an '*', is only visible within SLAC.
Protocol Total Recs Total Flows Total Pkts Total Bytes
ALL 7.98 M 10.11 M 4.22 G 4.26 T
TCP 4.89 M
61.32 %
5.98 M
59.14 %
4.14 G
98.28 %
4.22 T
99.10 %
GRE 17.02 K
0.21 %
44.10 K
0.44 %
40.18 M
0.95 %
19.11 G
0.45 %
UDP 2.75 M
34.44 %
3.47 M
34.34 %
28.35 M
0.67 %
18.54 G
0.43 %
ICMP 321.30 K
4.03 %
0.61 M
6.08 %
3.80 M
0.09 %
820.86 M
0.02 %
Bucket Records Flows Packets Bytes
BULK* 392.64 K
4.92 %
541.72 K
5.36 %
2.16 G
51.23 %
2.26 T
53.08 %
DATABASE* 785.00
0.01 %
0.01 %
189.52 K
0.00 %
123.18 M
0.00 %
GRID* 974.00
0.01 %
1.01 K
0.01 %
29.36 K
0.00 %
17.55 M
0.00 %
0.02 %
2.10 K
0.02 %
19.43 K
0.00 %
2.60 M
0.00 %
MAIL* 579.33 K
7.26 %
956.97 K
9.46 %
20.20 M
0.48 %
8.09 G
0.19 %
OTHER* 1.24 M
15.51 %
2.09 M
20.69 %
1.17 G
27.81 %
1.16 T
27.16 %
30.21 %
3.24 M
32.07 %
764.52 M
18.13 %
763.28 G
17.90 %
WWW* 3.67 M
46.06 %
3.89 M
38.43 %
102.86 M
2.44 %
71.83 G
1.69 %
Program Records Flows Packets Bytes
HEP 7.22 M
90.57 %
9.25 M
91.48 %
4.09 G
96.87 %
4.14 T
97.14 %
OTHER 82.60 K
1.04 %
109.36 K
1.08 %
1.03 M
0.02 %
781.75 M
0.02 %
SSRL 669.84 K
8.40 %
752.58 K
7.44 %
131.14 M
3.11 %
121.22 G
2.84 %

Note: The data links are to the data files used by Gnuplot to plot the data. This data can be copied and pasted into the Excel application, and by exercising Excel's'Data'=>'Text to columns', the blank separated data can be formatted for further manipulation by Excel.

Graphs show one point per day. TCP ~= ALL so TCP data overplots the ALL.
Protocol Raw Data Historical
The 'Buckets' have been defined by the 'Micsmon' Committee, and are detailed below.
Bucket Raw Data Historical
SLAC WAN traffic can be broken down into 2 identifiable areas. There is the High Energy Physics (HEP) program and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL).
Program Raw Data Historical

Top Level Domains

This graph shows the history of traffic volume for some of our collaborators aroung the world. The collaborators plotted are listed in the file /afs/slac/package/netmon/netflow/src/topdom-hist.cfg. The blank separated data is available here

In the following two graphs, in and out traffic are lumped together to calculate the total traffic between SLAC and the internet.

Characterizing the Traffic and Flows

Bucket Specifications

Note: The netflow records are examined and classified by the following table. No attempt is made to disguish 'spoofed' or phony port accesses from the genuine ones.

Bucket Type Members
BULK TCP Applications:
ftp (20,21), ssh (22), bbftp (5020-5022), bbcp (5031), nfs (2049),
UDP Applications:
afs (0,7000,7001,7002,7003,7004,7005,7006,7007,7008,7009), nfs (2049),
Specified Nodes:
DATABASE TCP Applications:
postgres (5432), sqlnet (1521), oracle (1525,1527,1529), ingres (1524), objectivity (6780,6779,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,3333),
Specified Nodes:
GRID TCP Applications:
grid-gatekeeper (2119), grid-gsiftp (2811), grid-ldaps (636), grid-mds-giis (2135), grid-gsiftpdata (6100-6299),
klogin (543), kshell (544), rlogin (513), shell (514), telnet (23),
MAIL TCP Applications:
imap4 (143), imaps (993), pop2 (109), pop3 (110), smtp (25),
Specified Nodes:
OTHER TCP Applications:
other (),
UDP Applications:
other (),
SERVICES TCP Applications:
X11 (6000-6006), bgp (179), discard (9), dns (53), echo (7), exec (512), finger (79), ident (113), portmap (111), netbios (137,138,139), ntp (123), printer (515), tftp (69), time (37), ldap (389), wins (42), iperf (5000-5012),
UDP Applications:
dns (53), portmap (111),
Specified Nodes:
WWW TCP Applications:
irc (6666,6667), www (80,443,119,591,8080,8088),


A note on how this is created:

Please provide feedback to designing author: Connie Logg,