Information on the Cisco Router Data Collection

The router inteface data collection is driven by a crontab entry in /usr/local/netdata/crontabs/cronlist.peleus*. It is performed once an hour. Since the list of active router interfaces is dynamic, it is fetched from CANDO at various times during the day and the data collection program uses this list /usr/local/netdata/* to know which routers to collect data from.

The analysis for the tabular reports and graphs for yesterday, weekly, and fortnightly are produced between 3 and 8 am daily.

In the analysis, certain data values which exceed thresholds are flagged as alerts, and are extracted for the Daily Summaries.

The following are programs used to generate the router stats:

This script dumps the routers' arpcaches and checks for duplicate IP addresses being used on the network.

This script continually looks for alerts produced by the routers and notifies certain users' of the alerts by displaying a message on their terminals.

This script fetches statistical data (Collisions, Input Queue Drops, etc.) for each port on the routers.

This script fetches daily statistical data for each port on the routers.

This script extracts data from the router data collection and generates a tabular report.

This script was designed to display long lines of router data files in a resonable fashion.

This script extracts data from the router data collection and generates a tabular report.

This script totals the statistics for each router for a specified period of time.

This script creates the daily summary report for the routers.

This script uses the commands listed in rtr.cmds and retrieves the data genereated by those commands from rtr-cl.

This script converts the dail router reports to html for World Wide Web display.

This script fetches the alert messages generated by the routers each day.

This script totals the statistics for each router for a specified period of time.

This script calls rtrrpt to create the daily summary report for the routers.

Footnote: * indicates that the page is only visible from SLAC nodes.