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Matlab release 2007a for Windows

General Information CAE homepage
Setting up a client PC Set up license

General Information

It is not necessary to remove the existing setup for any earler version of Matlab. More than one version can appear, for example, in your 'Programs' menu. This version requires about 1 GB of local disk space.

You can check out the extensive 2007a Release Notes for this version.

Setting up a client PC

Copies of the Matlab installation are on the SAN servers, accessible for installation onto your local PC through the Xweb.

This procedure requires administrator privileges on your machine.

Begin by going to the Xweb webpage:

Set up the reference to the license file

This completes the client PC installation process.

CAE homepage

[Disclaimers, Copyright, and Other Fine Print ]

Bob Boeninger
Last updated: March 19, 2007