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Innoveda ePD for Sun Solaris 2.x

Running on a Remote Machine
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General Information

Versions available of Innoveda's ePD are 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 and epd2004. ePD is the successor product to Powerview. There is also a version for the XP platform. The easiest way to call ePD from a UNIX prompt is with the relevant alias. See aliases.

Environment variable 'WDIR' must be set by the user to include a writable working directory and two standard directories. An example for the latest version, 2004:

setenv WDIR '$HOME/viewlogic:/afs/slac/package/ecad/custom/viewlogic/standard:/afs/slac/package/innoveda/sol/epd2004/2004/standard/'.
This statement can be included in one of your startup login files.

The aliases for calling various definitions of EPD include a setting for the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable. For EPD2004, another license variable is also included: MGLS_LICENSE_FILE, with the same setting as for LM_LICENSE_FILE. -----------------

Recent versions of Solaris EPD interfere with one another to some extent. This happens because each vesion, when run for the first time, creates a directory in your home directory: ".innoveda", in the case of pre-EPD2004, and ".mgc" for EPD2004. If you want to run various versions at different times, the best thing to do is to remove or rename the appropriate directory mentioned above, that is, the directory not being used.

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Bob Boeninger
Last updated: May 6, 2004