After downloading xaldev.tar, there are two ways to create an XALDEV ECLIPSE project:

  1. Untar xaldev.tar anywhere you want
  2. File => New => Project => Java Project
  3. Press NEXT
  4. Select "Create project from existing source"
  5. Enter the project name
  6. Select the "xaldev" directory
  7. Press NEXT (may take a while)
  8. Select LIBRARIES tab
  9. Press ADD JARS
  10. Select your XALDEV project
  11. Select EXT_JARS directory
  12. Select all jar files, press OK
  13. Press FINISH

  1. Untar xaldev.tar to your ECLIPSE workspace directory (e.g. $ECLIPSE_HOME/workspace/)
  2. File => New => Project => Java Project
  3. Press NEXT
  4. Enter the name of the xaldev directory as project name (e.g. XALDEV)
  5. Press NEXT (may take a while)
  6. Select LIBRARIES tab
  7. Press ADD JARS
  8. Select your XALDEV project
  9. Select EXT_JARS directory
  10. Select all jar files, press OK
  11. Press FINISH

  12. May I suggest to use this ECLIPSE preferences file for our projects (FILE => IMPORT => PREFERENCES)
    When using these preferences, ECLIPSE will not compile unless your code is sufficently documented, all your variables/methods used, etc.