XAL Setup HOWTO for Linux-x86 at SLAC


·        LCLS AFS Environment Setup


·        System requirements:

1. J2SE 1.5  ($JAVAVER is set in /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/config/epicsSetup.<shell>, sourced from /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/config/epicsReset.<shell>)

/afs/ slac/g/lcls/epics/config/epicsSetup.<shell>.


·        Installing the SNS_CAS portable channel access server for the Virtual Accelerator application

1.      SNS_PCAS is installed in /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/extensions/src/SNS_PCAS. The binary executable is installed in afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/extensions/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/sns_cas (from a change to the Makefile)

2.      This executable is run programmatically by the XAL virtualaccelerator application using the sns_cas.exe script in its own directory (xaldev/gov/sns/apps/virtualaccelerator).  The virtualaccelerator java source uses the following command line:  sns_cas.exe start “filename” where the “filename” is the file created by the virtualaccelerator applications after the user has chosen an accelerator sequence. The file is a list of PVs the sns_cas must create .



if [ $1 = 'start' ]


   # $EPICS/extensions/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH is in path, so:

        sns_cas -d2 -s0 -f=$2 -fout=pv_name.out



if [ $1 = 'kill' ]


   pkill -u $USER sns_cas



·        XAL installation:

2.      To build, from xaldev root directory, type ‘ant jar-ext’to re-pack all the external JAR files used by XAL; creates xal.jar.

3.      Type ‘ant’ to build XAL frame work.

4.      Type ‘ant build-services’ to build all XAL service modules.

5.      Type ‘ant build-apps’ to build all applications (alternatively, you can build each application from its own directorywith ant). There are errors in several applications so it is necessary to build each app separately - I have only built the virtual accelerator at this point

6.      Ready to run applications.

Note: You can type ‘ant help’ from the xaldev root dir to get a quick on-line help for many other available options.


·        Running XAL application:

            Refer to the instructions in Running XAL via applauncher


1.      To run an application such as orbit display, type ‘java –jar$XAL_HOME/build/jar/apps/orbitdisplay.jar’.

2.   Some applications don’t have $CLASSPATH properly set in their JAR manifest.  If this is the case, set $CLASSPATH to include the xal.jar and the application’s JAR file, and launch the application in the regular Java fashion (java gov.sns.apps…).

3.   For SNS virtualaccelerator, the machine configuration and on-line model initialization files are located in the xaldev/xal_xmls directory.

4.   To set up the default accelerator (for a user account), one can run the optics switcher application ‘java –jar $XAL_HOME/build/jar/apps/opticsswitcher.jar’.


Note: Need to allocate more memory (~100MB) for Java VM of running on-line model with hundreds of devices (e.g. ‘java –Xmx120m –jar …’ for 120MB of VM memory).



 Contact:  Diane Fairley or Debbie Rogind