Minutes from the 01/05/05 LCLS SLC IOC meetings. (1) No meeting next week. Next Meeting is 01/19/04, 9:30am, second floor. LCLS group meeting next week 01/12/05 at 10:00am in the Alexander room - part of the agenda is to discuss if the SLC IOC coding standards should be used by the rest of LCLS controls and if we should have code reviews. (2) Test Lab: For testing the SLC IOC, it'd be nice to have the PNET module connected to the dev PNET pattern from the dev MPG (MP01). Tony talked to Ralph Jacob and there is a connection to "devnet" in B34 and B24 (along with B5). Kristi will investigate moving the test lab to B34, second floor, where there is a convenient connection to devnet (and the 119MHz signal too for the event generator). (3) Database Service: Debbie is finished with updates for coding standards and has everything working the same as in October, before we stopped to create documents, conduct design review, and develop coding standards. She also has the DBEX up/down message handling finished. She is now working on the DB dictionary and hashing, and memory allocation lists. The DB gets/puts will be done after that. Her database I/O utilities design document is finished (last chance for significant comments): http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/db/SLCDBIOUtilities.htm Her database service design document is mostly finished (will need a final pass later). Significant changes are no longer accepted: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/db/SLCDBServiceDesign.htm (4) Message Service: Like Debbie, Diane has everything working the same as in October. All include files, utilities, SLC exec, and SLC main are now up to coding standards. She is now upgrading the message service for coding standards and to add memory handling to reduce the number of copies (identified in the design review). Diane has a final version of the general utilities document ready for any final comments: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/exec/slcUtil.htm Significant changes are no longer accepted for the SLC exec and message service documents: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/exec/slcExecDesign.htm http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/msg/MessageServiceDesign.htm (5) SLC message logging: Both Debbie and Diane will need to make another pass through the code to complete message logging (particularly to add arguments to the slcCmlogLogMsg calls, etc). (6) IOC Cmlogging: James is finished with his code and is currently testing. In order to test, he will need to use a browser config file that shows all the tags and he should CVS commit this "diagnostic" browser config file to the cd soft area so other ESD people can use it. Steph will commit to the LCLS repository ($LCROOT/cmlog/config/configrc.SLC). He also needs to make sure the dev cmlogServer has a cmlogTagTable with all the new tags - it's a good idea to put cmlogTagTable under CVS control too. Steph has already committed it to the LCLS repository ($LCROOT/cmlog/config/cmlogTagTable). James will make a final pass on his design document based on December comments from Ron MacKenzie and Steph: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/cmlog/iocCmlogDesign.html (7) ERRTALK Change: After the meeting yesterday, James found a way to crash ERRTALK on mccdev by sending invalid message codes to the VMS message logging system. An action item is needed to change either the VMS process that receives messages from the CMLOG forward browser or the VMS ERRTALK process to capture invalid message codes and replace them with either OP_MSGTXT or CAU_EPICS_ERROR so that nothing crashes. There is no way for the IOC or forward browser to insure that invalid message codes are not passed. Ron MacKenzie is the best person to do the work or act as a consultant. (8) New Version of RTEMS: Steph will be rebuilding epics 3.14.6 for RTEMS 4.6.2. There is no plan to upgrade to epics 3.14.7 any time soon. (9) Functional Requirements: Updated for review comments as of Dec 16: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/lcls/controls/slc_ioc/requirements/funcReqts.html Sections F (Health Update (CSTR) and Periodic Update Utilities (ASYNC)), G (PNET Diagnostics (TIME)), H (Device Control and Readback (MGNT)), and I (Gated ADC Acq (BPMO)) are still under construction. Kristi will be working on MGNT in the next 2 weeks. Steph is working on sections CSTR, ASYNC, TIME. BPMO is delayed. Sorry for any confusion - there is no relationship between the SLC IOC async utilities and Marty Kraimer's asyn EPICS device/driver support.