
Go to the documentation of this file.
00012 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00013 // for have numarray
00014 #include "config.h"
00015 #endif
00017 // For truncation warning
00018 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00019 #include "msdevstudio/MSconfig.h"
00020 #endif
00022 // include first to avoid _POSIX_C_SOURCE warning.
00023 #include <boost/python.hpp>
00025 #include "root/QtRootNTuple.h"
00027 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00028 #include "numarray/num_util.h"
00029 #endif
00031 #include <utility>
00033 using std::string;
00034 using std::vector;
00036 using namespace boost::python;
00038 namespace hippodraw {
00039 namespace Python {
00041 void
00042 export_RootNTuple()
00043 {
00044   class_ < QtRootNTuple, bases<DataSource>,
00045     QtRootNTuple, boost::noncopyable>
00046     ( "RootNTuple",
00047       "The RootNTuple class provides access to data in a ROOT file.\n"
00048       "A ROOT TTree is taken as an ntuple and a ROOT TBranch is taken as a\n"
00049       "column, the TBranch name as the column label.\n\n"
00050       "If the hippo module was configured with numeric array support,\n"
00051       "consider using DataArray to wrap an object of this class.",
00052       no_init )
00054     .add_property ( "rows", &QtRootNTuple::rows )
00056     .add_property ( "columns", &QtRootNTuple::columns )
00058     .def ( "addColumn",
00059            &QtRootNTuple::addColumn,
00060            "addColumn ( label, list ) -> value\n"
00061            "\n"
00062            "Adds a column to the ntuple.  Adds a column to the ntuple by \n"
00063            "copying the contents of the list.   The new column will take its\n"
00064            "label from the first argument.   Returns the index of the newly \n"
00065            "created column.\n\n"
00066            "Note: The column is not added to the ROOT file, just logically\n"
00067            "to it for the current session.\n")
00069     .def ( "replaceColumn",
00070            ( void ( RootNTuple::* ) // function pointer
00071              ( const std::string &,
00072                const std::vector < double > & ) ) // signature
00073            &RootNTuple::replaceColumn,
00074            "replaceColumn ( index, list ) -> None\n"
00075            "replaceColumn ( label, list ) -> None\n"
00076            "\n"
00077            "Replaces the column of data by index or label.   Does not\n"
00078            "modify the ROOT file." )
00080     .def ( "replaceColumn",
00081            ( void ( RootNTuple::* ) // function pointer
00082              ( unsigned int,
00083                const std::vector < double > & ) ) // signature
00084            &RootNTuple::replaceColumn )
00086     .def ( "getColumn", 
00087            ( const std::vector < double > & (QtRootNTuple::* ) // fptr
00088              ( const std::string & ) const) // function signature
00089            &QtRootNTuple::getColumn,
00090            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> (),
00091            "getColumn ( index ) -> list\n"
00092            "getColumn ( label ) -> list\n"
00093            "getColumn ( label, indices ) -> list\n"
00094            "\n"
00095            "Returns a copy of the column as a list.  In the first form the\n"
00096            "the column is specified by its index.   In the second form it\n"
00097            "is specified by its label which could be a simple variable or\n"
00098            "an array variable.  If an array variable, the indices should be\n"
00099            "part of the label.   The third form, the column is specified by\n"
00100            "an array variables name and list of indices.\n" )
00102     .def ( "getColumn", 
00103            ( const std::vector < double > & (QtRootNTuple::* ) // fptr
00104              ( const std::string &,
00105                const std::vector < int > & ) const) // function signature
00106            &QtRootNTuple::getColumn,
00107            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> () )
00109     .def ( "getColumn", 
00110            ( const std::vector < double > & (QtRootNTuple::* ) // fptr
00111              ( unsigned int ) const) // function signature
00112            &QtRootNTuple::getColumn,
00113            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> () )
00115     .def ( "getRow",
00116            &QtRootNTuple::getRow,
00117            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> (),
00118            "getRow ( index ) -> tuple\n"
00119            "\n"
00120            "Returns a row from the ROOT file." )
00122     .def ( "isMultiDimensional",
00123            &QtRootNTuple::isMultiDimensional,
00124            "isMultiDimensional ( label ) -> Boolean\n"
00125            "\n"
00126            "Returns True if the column specified by label is an array." )
00128      .def ( "rowDataDimSize",
00129             &QtRootNTuple::getColumnShape,
00130             return_value_policy < return_by_value > (),
00131             "rowDataDimSize ( label )\n"
00132             "\n"
00133             "Returns a tuple of the dimensions (shape) of the array elements\n"
00134             "for the column specified by label." )
00136     .def ( "getLabels",
00137            &QtRootNTuple::getLabels,
00138            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > (),
00139            "getLabels () -> list\n"
00140            "\n"
00141            "Returns the column labels.  Note: if a column is an array the\n"
00142            "shape does not appear as part of the label.\n" )
00144 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00145     .def ( "valueAt",
00146            &QtRootNTuple::valueAt,
00147            return_value_policy < return_by_value > (),
00148            "valueAt ( index, label ) -> array\n"
00149            "\n"
00150            "Returns the numerical array for the array variable in column\n"
00151            "specified by label, for the row index.   Note: this method is\n"
00152            "only available if the hippo module was configured for numerical\n"
00153            "array support." )
00154 #endif
00155     ;
00156 }
00158 } // namespace Python
00159 } // namespace hippodraw

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