
Go to the documentation of this file.
00013 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00014 // nonstandard extension used 'extern' before...
00015 # pragma warning(disable:4231)  
00017 // needs to have dll-interface used by client
00018 # pragma warning(disable:4251)  
00020 // non dll-interface struct
00021 # pragma warning(disable:4275)  
00023 // 'int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
00024 # pragma warning(disable:4800)  
00025 #endif
00027 // include first to avoid _POSIX_C_SOURCE warning.
00028 #include <boost/python.hpp>
00030 #include "PyNTuple.h"
00032 using std::vector;
00033 using namespace boost::python;
00035 namespace hippodraw {
00036 namespace Python {
00038 void
00039 export_NTuple()
00040 {
00041   class_ < NTuple, bases < DataSource > >
00042     ( "NTupleInternal",
00043       "A derived class of DataSource that stores its tabular data vectors of\n"
00044       "double precision numbers in C++.  An NTuple object can be created in\n"
00045       "a number of ways including reading from a file using the\n"
00046       "NTupleController",
00047       init<>
00048       ( "NTuple ( None ) -> NTuple\n"
00049         "NTuple ( value ) -> NTuple\n"
00050         "NTuple ( sequence ) -> NTuple\n"
00051         "NTuple ( NTuple ) -> NTuple\n"
00052         "\n"
00053         "The form with no arguments creates an empty NTuple with no rows\n"
00054         "or columns.   The form with one value argument creates an empty\n"
00055         "NTuple with `value' number of columns.   The form with a sequence\n"
00056         "argument creates an empty NTuple with the number of columns equal\n"
00057         "to size of the sequence.   The sequence should contain string which\n"
00058         "are used as the column labels.   The last form form creates an\n"
00059         "NTuple\n whose contents is a copy of an existing one." ) )
00061     .def ( init < unsigned int > ( ) )
00063     .def ( init < const std::vector < std::string  > & > ( ) )
00065     .def ( init < const NTuple & > () )
00067     .def ( "setLabels", &NTuple::setLabels,
00068            "setLabels ( sequence ) -> None\n"
00069            "\n"
00070            "Sets the labels of the columns from the list of strings.  If the\n"
00071            "NTuple is empty, then also sets the number of columns to be the\n"
00072            "size of the list.   If the number of columns has already been\n"
00073            "set, the the size of the list should be the same, otherwise\n"
00074            "a RuntimeError exception is thrown." )
00076     .def ( "getLabel", &NTuple::getLabelAt,
00077            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > (),
00078            "getLabel ( index ) -> string\n"
00079            "\n"
00080            "Returns the label at column index." )
00082     .def ( "getRow", &NTuple::getRow,
00083            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> (),
00084            "getRow ( index ) -> list\n"
00085            "\n"
00086            "Returns the index row as list floats." )
00088     .def ( "setIntervalCount", &NTuple::setIntervalCount,
00089            "setIntervalCount ( count ) -> None\n"
00090            "\n"
00091            "Sets the interval count between updates to the observers." )
00093     .def ( "setIntervalEnabled", &NTuple::setIntervalEnabled,
00094            "setIntervalEnable ( Boolean ) -> None\n"
00095            "\n"
00096            "Sets the interval counting on or off" )
00098     ;
00099 }
00101 void
00102 export_PyNTuple()
00103 {
00104   class_ < PyNTuple, bases < NTuple > >
00105     ( "NTuple",
00106       "A derived class of DataSource that stores its tabular data vectors of\n"
00107       "double precision numbers in C++.  An NTuple object can be created in\n"
00108       "a number of ways including reading from a file using the\n"
00109       "NTupleController",
00110       init<>
00111       ( "NTuple ( None ) -> NTuple\n"
00112         "NTuple ( value ) -> NTuple\n"
00113         "NTuple ( sequence ) -> NTuple\n"
00114         "NTuple ( NTuple ) -> NTuple\n"
00115         "\n"
00116         "The form with no arguments creates an empty NTuple with no rows\n"
00117         "or columns.   The form with one value argument creates an empty\n"
00118         "NTuple with `value' number of columns.   The form with a sequence\n"
00119         "argument creates an empty NTuple with the number of columns equal\n"
00120         "to size of the sequence.   The sequence should contain string which\n"
00121         "are used as the column labels.   The last form form creates an\n"
00122         "NTuple\n whose contents is a copy of an existing one." ) )
00124     .def ( init < unsigned int > ( ) )
00126     .def ( init < const std::vector < std::string  > & > ( ) )
00128     .def ( init < const PyNTuple & > () )
00130     .def ( "setTitle", &PyNTuple::setTitle,
00131            "setTitle ( string ) -> None\n"
00132            "\n"
00133            "Sets the title of the ntuple.  The title by default appears at\n"
00134            "the top of a Display." )
00136     .def ( "addColumn", 
00137            &PyNTuple::addColumn,
00138            "addColumn ( label, sequence ) -> index\n"
00139            "\n"
00140            "Adds a new column with label." )
00142     .def ( "append", &PyNTuple::append,
00143            "append ( DataSource ) -> None\n"
00144            "\n"
00145            "Appends the contents of the DataSource to the NTuple." )
00147     .def ( "replaceColumn",
00148            ( void ( PyNTuple::* ) // function pointer cast
00149              ( unsigned int,
00150                const std::vector < double > & ) )
00151            &PyNTuple::replaceColumn,
00152            "replaceColumn ( index, sequence ) -> None\n"
00153            "\n"
00154            "Replaces the indexed column." )
00156     .def ( "replaceColumn",
00157            ( void ( PyNTuple::* ) // function pointer cast
00158              ( const std::string &, const std::vector < double > & ) )
00159            &PyNTuple::replaceColumn,
00160            "replaceColumn ( label, sequence ) -> None\n"
00161            "\n"
00162            "Replaces the labeled  column." )
00164     .def ( "addRow",
00165            &PyNTuple::addRow,
00166            "addRow ( sequence ) -> None\n"
00167            "\n"
00168            "Append a row at the end." )
00170     .def ( "clear",
00171            &PyNTuple::clear,
00172            "clear () -> None\n"
00173            "\n"
00174            "Clears the data elements of the DataSource.   That is, remove\n"
00175            "all the rows while keeping the column labels." )
00177     ;
00178 }
00179 } // namespace Python
00180 } // namespace hippodraw

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