Cut1DPlotter Class Reference

#include <Cut1DPlotter.h>

Inheritance diagram for Cut1DPlotter:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Cut1DPlotter:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A Plotter class that plots one-dimensional TupleCut values.

It servers two purposes: to display the accepted range of the cut and to maintain the cut itself. This class adds the cut acceptance range to the background of the inherited XyPlotter drawing. It maintains a list of DataRep objects which are the target of the cut. If the cut parameters change, it sets the target DataRep objects dirty so that they will re-display themselves. It contains a single TupleCut object and is the public interface for setting its properties.

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Definition at line 34 of file Cut1DPlotter.h.

Public Types

typedef void(Observer::* Action )(const Observable *)
 The member function of the Observer that is called.
typedef std::list
< Observer * > 
 The type of STL container to maintain list of Observer objects.

Public Member Functions

virtual int activePlotIndex () const
 Returns the index of the active DataRep object.
virtual ProjectorBaseactiveProjector () const
 Returns the active projector.
void addCutTarget (DataRep *rep)
 Adds a DataRep to the list of targets.
virtual void addDataRep (hippodraw::DataRep *rep)
 Adds a data representation.
virtual void addDataRepStacked (DataRep *rep)
 Adds the DataRep object to the plotter.
void addObserver (Observer *)
 Adds an Observer to the Observer list.
virtual void addTupleCut (hippodraw::DataRep *rep)
 Adds tuple cut after adding a data representation.
virtual void addValues (const std::vector< double > &v)
 Adds data values to the plot.
virtual void autoScale ()
 Sets the Range on each axis that has the auto range flag set to include all the data.
virtual void checkAxisScaling ()
 Check if Axis needs to be scaled or not.
void clearCutTargets ()
 Removes all cut targets.
PlotterBaseclone ()
 This clone function returns an object of its own kind which is a copy of this object at this moment.
virtual NTuplecreateNTuple () const
 Creates an DataSource representation of the plotted data.
virtual NTuplecreatePickTuple ()
 Creates a NTuple for a PickTable.
int currentView () const
 Return the current view index.
 Cut1DPlotter (const Cut1DPlotter &plotter)
 The copy constructor.
 Cut1DPlotter ()
 This default constructor.
void deleteView (int index)
 Delete a view by index.
virtual void drawCrossHairs (ViewBase *view)
 Draws cross-hairs.
virtual void drawIn (ViewBase *view)
 Starts the drawing in view view.
virtual void drawProjValues (ViewBase *view)
 Draws the projected values.
virtual bool errorDisplay (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns the state of error bar display on specified axis.
void fillCutList (std::vector< const TupleCut * > &cuts) const
 Fills the cuts vector with the TupleCuts contained by the DataRep objects.
virtual void fillPickedPointFrom (double mx, double my, std::vector< double > &picked) const
 Fills the picked data point.
virtual double getAspectRatio () const
 Returns the aspect ratio.
virtual AxisModelBasegetAxisModel (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns the AxisModelBase derived class for the specified axis.
double getBinWidth (const std::string &axis) const
 Returns the bin width.
virtual double getBinWidth (Axes::Type) const
 Returns the bins with of the target DataRep object.
virtual double getBottomMargin ()
virtual bool getBoxEdge ()
 Gets the box edge flag to update Inspector.
virtual bool getCurrentRangeSaved ()
 Returns current_range_saved member t.
const ColorgetCutColor () const
 Get the color of the accepted region.
virtual bool getCutInversion ()
 Get the inversion state of the cut.
virtual const
std::string & 
getCutLabel () const
 Returns the label for the Cut.
virtual Range getCutRange ()
 Gets the object of current XyPlotter is a TupleCut object, get the range of it.
const std::vector
< TupleCut > & 
getCuts () const
 Returns the list of TupleCut objects used by this plotter.
const std::list
< DataRep * > & 
getCutTargets () const
 Get the list of targets.
virtual Range getDataRange (Axes::Type axis)
 Return the range of the raw data on the specified axis.
virtual DataRepgetDataRep (int index) const
 Returns the DataRep object at index.
virtual TransformBasegetFitsTransform () const
 Returns the fits transform object.
virtual double getHighRangeOnX () const
 Returns the high end of the X axis range.
virtual const
std::string & 
getInternalLabel (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns the internal label.
virtual const
std::string & 
getInternalTitle () const
 Returns the internal title.
virtual const
std::string & 
getLabel (Axes::Type) const
 Returns the label for the specified axis.
virtual double getLeftMargin ()
virtual double getLowRangeOnX () const
 Returns the low end of the X axis range.
virtual int getMinEntries ()
 Get the minimum entries/bin.
virtual int getNumberOfEntries () const
 Returns the number of entries in the contained DataRep.
virtual int getNumDataReps () const
 Returns the number of DataRep objects contained by the plotter.
int getNumOfEntries () const
 Returns the number of entries in the contained DataRep.
const ObserverList_tgetObservers () const
 Returns the list of observers.
double getOffset (const std::string &axis) const
 Returns the offset on designated axis, similarly to getBinWidth.
virtual double getOffset (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns the offset on designated axis, similarly to getBinWidth.
virtual int getParentDataRepIndex () const
 Returns the index of the parent DataRep.
virtual PlotterBasegetParentPlotter () const
 Returns the parent plotter.
virtual double getPosRange (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns the smallest positive number from the data.
virtual ProjectorBasegetProjector (int i) const
 Returns the i-th projector.
virtual const RangegetRange (Axes::Type axis, bool scaled) const
 Returns the range on the specified axis.
const RectgetRawRect () const
 Returns the raw rectangle before transform.
virtual double getScaleFactor (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns the scale factor on the specified axis.
const std::vector
< unsigned int > & 
getShape ()
virtual bool getShowGrid ()
 Gets the show-grid flag to update Inspector.
virtual DataRepgetTarget () const
 Returns the selected DataRep.
const std::string & getTitle () const
 Gets the title to be displayed.
virtual double getTopMargin ()
virtual TransformBasegetTransform () const
 Returns the transform object used by the plotter.
const RectgetUserRect () const
 Returns the data space rectangle.
virtual const
getValueRep () const
 Returns the value to color representation.
virtual double getZMargin ()
virtual double getZValue (double x, double y, bool scaled=true) const
 Get the z value at the specified point (x,y).
const std::vector
< double > & 
getZValues ()
 Returns all Z values.
bool hasAutoScaled () const
 Returns true if the axes have already been auto-scaled.
virtual bool hasAxis (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns true if the plotter has an axis of specified type.
virtual bool hasNTupleBindings () const
 Returns true as a CutPlotter always has DataSource bindings.
virtual bool hasZoomY () const
 Returns true if the plotter has zoom feature on the Y axis otherwise it returns false.
virtual int indexOf (const DataRep *) const
 Returns the index of the selected DataRep object.
virtual bool isAutoRanging (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns true if auto-ranging is enabled, otherwise returns false.
virtual bool isAxisScaled (Axes::Type axis) const
 Returns true if specified axis is being scaled.
virtual bool isImageConvertable () const
 Returns false.
virtual bool isReverse () const
 Returns true if reverse is enabled, otherwise returns false.
bool isTarget (DataRep *) const
 Returns true if specified DataRep is a target of this cut.
bool isTargetable () const
 Returns true if receiving object is target-able.
virtual bool isTextPlotter () const
 Return true if it's a text plotter.
virtual FontBaselabelFont (Axes::Type axes) const
 What font is being used to override the default while drawing axis label.
virtual void matrixTranspose (bool yes)
 Transpose the X and Y axis of matrix representation.
const std::string & name () const
 Returns the name of the plotter.
int nextView (bool stepForward=true)
 Cycle through each set of plot ranges, thereby changing the view with each call.
virtual void notifyObservers () const
 Notifies Observer objects of a change.
int numViews () const
 Return the number of stored views.
virtual int plotterId () const
 The unique ID number of this plotter.
virtual void removeDataRep (DataRep *rep)
 Removes the DataRep object from the plotter.
void removeFromTarget (DataRep *rep)
 Remove this cut from one of its target rep.
void removeObserver (Observer *)
 Removes an Observer from the Observer list.
virtual const ColorrepColor () const
 Returns the color used for the representation.
virtual RepBaserepresentation () const
 Returns the representation used by the plotter.
virtual void reset ()
 Resets the bins.
int saveView (const std::vector< double > &range_values)
 Save the current set of plot ranges which define a "view" for this plot.
int saveViewAtIndex (const std::vector< double > &range_values, unsigned int i)
 Save the current set of plot ranges which define a "view" for this the position i.
virtual DataRepselectedDataRep () const
 Returns the selected DataRep.
void setActive (bool yes)
 Sets the cut as active.
virtual void setActivePlot (int index, bool redraw)
 Sets the active plot.
void setAspectRatio (double ratio)
 Sets the aspect ratio.
virtual void setAutoRanging (const std::string &axis, bool flag)
 Sets the auto-ranging.
virtual void setAutoRanging (Axes::Type axis, bool flag)
 Sets the auto-ranging.
virtual void setAutoRanging (bool flag)
 Sets the auto-ranging status for all axes to flag.
virtual void setAutoTicks (const std::string &, bool on)
 Sets automatic ticks on or off.
virtual void setAutoTicks (Axes::Type axis, bool yes)
 Sets automatic generation of axis ticks.
virtual void setAutoTicksOnX (bool yes)
 Sets automatic generation of axis ticks on X axis.
virtual void setAxisBinding (const std::vector< std::string > &bindings)
 Sets the axis binding of both the Cut and its DataRep.
virtual void setAxisModel (AxisModelBase *, Axes::Type)
 Sets the AxisModel on the specified axis.
virtual void setBinWidth (Axes::Type axis, int parameter, bool dragging)
 Sets the bin width according to parameter of dragging slider.
virtual void setBinWidth (const std::string &axis, double width)
 Sets the bin width.
virtual void setBinWidth (Axes::Type axis, double width)
 Sets the bin width.
virtual void setBottomMargin (double bottom)
virtual void setBoxEdge (bool flag)
 Sets the box-edge flag to flag.
void setCrossX (double val)
 Set the crossX value.
void setCrossY (double val)
 Set the crossY value.
virtual void setCurrentRangeSaved (bool flag)
 Sets current_range_saved member to flag.
void setCutColor (const Color &)
 Sets the color of the cut acceptance region.
virtual void setCutEnabled (unsigned int i, bool yes=true)
 Sets the TupleCut object index by i to be enabled.
virtual void setCutInverted (unsigned int i, bool yes=true)
 Sets the TupleCut object indexed by i to be inverted.
virtual void setCutRange (double low, double high)
 Sets the Range on the X axis.
virtual void setCutRangeAt (const Range &range, unsigned int index)
 Sets the Range of the cut.
void setCutRangeFull ()
 Sets the cut Range to include the full range of data.
void setCuts (const std::vector< const TupleCut * > &cuts)
 Sets the TupleCut objects to be used by this plotter.
void setEnabled (bool yes=true)
 Sets the state of the cut's enabled status.
virtual void setEnableZ (bool yes=true)
 Sets the display of the Z axis on.
virtual void setErrorDisplay (Axes::Type axis, bool)
 Sets the display of the error bars on or off.
virtual void setFitsTransform (const std::string &)
 Sets the fits transform object.
virtual void setHighRange (Axes::Type axis, int parm, bool dragging)
 Sets the high end of the Range of data displayed.
virtual void setLabel (const std::string &axis, const std::string &label)
 Sets the label of specified axis to label.
virtual void setLabel (Axes::Type, const std::string &value)
 Sets the label of the specified axis to value.
void setLabelFont (FontBase *font, Axes::Type axes)
 Set the font to be used to override the default while drawing axis label.
virtual void setLeftMargin (double left)
virtual void setLowRange (Axes::Type axis, int parm, bool dragging)
 Sets the low end of the Range of data displayed.
virtual void setMinEntries (int entries)
 Set the minimum entries/bin.
virtual void setNeedUpdate (bool isChanged)
 Set the m_need_update flag, called by inspector.
void setNTuple (const DataSource *ntuple)
 Sets the DataSource for the Cut and its DataRep object.
virtual void setNumberOfBins (const std::string &axis, unsigned int number)
 Sets the number of bins.
virtual void setNumberOfBins (Axes::Type axis, unsigned int number)
 Sets the number of bins.
virtual void setOffset (const std::string &axis, double offset)
 Sets the bin offset.
virtual void setOffset (Axes::Type axis, double offset)
 Sets the offset.
virtual void setOffsets (double xoffset, double yoffset)
 Sets the offsets on the x and y axis.
virtual void setParentDataRepIndex (int index)
 Sets the index of the parent DataRep.
virtual void setParentPlotter (PlotterBase *plotter)
 Sets the parent plotter.
void setRange (const std::string &axis, double low, double high)
 Sets the range on the specified axis.
virtual void setRange (Axes::Type axis, const Range &range, bool scaled=false, bool adjust_width=true)
virtual void setRepColor (const Color &)
 Sets the representation's color.
virtual void setRepresentation (RepBase *pointrep)
 Sets the representation.
virtual void setReverse (bool flag)
 Sets the reverse status for the X axis to flag.
virtual void setScaleFactor (Axes::Type axis, double factor)
 Sets a scale factor on specified axis.
virtual void setScaling (Axes::Type axis, bool on=true)
 Sets the scaling attribute of the AxisModelBase object.
virtual void setShowGrid (bool flag)
 Sets the show-grid flag to flag.
virtual void setTicks (const std::string &axis, const std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &labels)
 Sets the ticks on specified axis.
virtual void setTicks (Axes::Type axis, const std::vector< AxisTick > &ticks)
 Sets the ticks for the specified axis.
virtual void setTicksOnX (const std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &labels)
 Sets the ticks for the X axis.
void setTitle (const std::string &title)
 Sets the title to be displayed.
void setTitleFont (FontBase *font)
 Set the font to be used to override the default while drawing title.
virtual void setTopMargin (double top)
 Set and get additional margin on top,bottom,left of the plotter.
virtual void setTransform (TransformBase *)
 Sets the transform object and redraws.
virtual void setValueRep (BinToColor *rep)
 Sets the object that will do the value to color transform, if any.
void setView (int index)
 Set the view by index.
virtual void setZMargin (double z)
virtual const FontBasetitleFont () const
 What font is being used to override the default while drawing title of plot.
void toggleActivePlot ()
 Toggles the active DataRep, if 2 or more are contained by the plotter.
virtual void toggleInverted ()
 Reverse the meaning of the cut Range.
virtual void update ()
 Updates the plotter.
virtual void update (const Observable *object)
 Responds to the update message from one of its Observable objects.
virtual bool wantsPixmap () const
 Returns true.
virtual void willDelete (const Observable *observable)
 Responds to willDelete message emitted from one of the Observers.
virtual ~Cut1DPlotter ()
 The destructor.

Protected Types

typedef std::list
< hippodraw::DataRep * > 
 The STL container type used for targets of the cut.

Protected Member Functions

TupleCutgetCutAt (unsigned int i)
 Returns the TupleCut object at position i.
void notifyObservers (Action action) const
 An internal method to iterate over all observers and to send the message action.
void removeFromTargets ()
 Removes this cut from all of its targets.
void updateTargets ()
 Update the target DataRep when a change has been made in the TupleCut.

Protected Attributes

bool current_range_saved
 Returns true if the current range on the axes have been saved.
double m_aspect_ratio
 The aspect ratio.
 The axes model graphical representation.
double m_crossX
 The x position of the cross hair.
double m_crossY
 The y position of the cross hair.
int m_currentView
 Index of the current view.
 A pointer to the data representation that holds the cuts.
std::string m_name
 The name of the type of plotter.
int m_parent_datarep_index
 Parent DataRep index.
 Parent plotter.
 The currently active plotter that draws the data points.
int m_plotterId
 A unique plotter id.
Rect m_raw_rect
 The raw rectangle before transform.
TargetList_t m_targets
 A list of DataRep objects which have this cut applied.
std::string m_title
 The main label; the title of the plot.
Rect m_user_rect
 The abstract data space.
< std::vector
< double > > 
 A vector of x and y ranges to be used as a circular buffer allowing one to cycle through the saved plot "views".
double m_z_ratio
 The conversion ratio from the user coordinate system to the view's coordinate system along the color axis.

Static Protected Attributes

static int s_plotters
 Reference count for creating plotter ids.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void( Observer::* Action)(const Observable *) [inherited]

The member function of the Observer that is called.

Definition at line 86 of file Observable.h.

typedef std::list< Observer * > ObserverList_t [inherited]

The type of STL container to maintain list of Observer objects.

Definition at line 45 of file Observable.h.

typedef std::list< hippodraw::DataRep * > TargetList_t [protected, inherited]

The STL container type used for targets of the cut.

Definition at line 54 of file CutPlotter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Cut1DPlotter (  ) 

This default constructor.

Definition at line 29 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

Referenced by Cut1DPlotter::clone().

Cut1DPlotter ( const Cut1DPlotter plotter  ) 

The copy constructor.

Definition at line 34 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

~Cut1DPlotter (  )  [virtual]

The destructor.

Definition at line 39 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

int activePlotIndex (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the index of the active DataRep object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 303 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_active_index.

Referenced by XyPlotter::repColor(), and XyPlotter::setBinWidth().

ProjectorBase * activeProjector (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the active projector.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 615 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::createNTuple(), XyPlotter::getShape(), and XyPlotter::getZValues().

void addCutTarget ( DataRep rep  )  [inherited]

Adds a DataRep to the list of targets.

If rep is not the DataRep for this plotter, then add it as target of this cut and to rep's list of observers otherwise do nothing.

The CutPlotter needs to be in list of observers so it will be notified when rep is deleted.

Definition at line 223 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References Observable::addObserver(), CutPlotter::m_datarep, and CutPlotter::m_targets.

Referenced by CutController::connectDataRep(), PlotterBaseXML::getCutTargets(), and CutController::linkCutAndRep().

void addDataRep ( hippodraw::DataRep rep  )  [virtual]

Adds a data representation.

Adds the data representation that will display the cut.

Reimplemented from XyPlotter.

Definition at line 59 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::addDataRep().

void addDataRepStacked ( DataRep rep  )  [virtual, inherited]

Adds the DataRep object to the plotter.

Adds the DataRep object to the plotter by sharing the current X axis, but with its own Y axis.

Definition at line 329 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::addDataRep(), XyPlotter::autoScale(), XyPlotter::getAxisModel(), XyPlotter::m_active_index, XyPlotter::m_plotter, XyPlotter::m_plotters, Observable::notifyObservers(), XyPlotter::setAutoRanging(), XyPlotter::setAxisModel(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void addObserver ( hippodraw::Observer observer  )  [inherited]

Adds an Observer to the Observer list.

Definition at line 52 of file Observable.cxx.

References Observable::m_list.

Referenced by CutPlotter::addCutTarget(), XyPlotter::addDataRep(), FunctionRep::FunctionRep(), BinningProjector::normalizeTo(), DataRepController::setAxisBindings(), DisplayController::setNTuple(), CutPlotter::setNTuple(), and TextPlotter::setParentDataRep().

void addTupleCut ( hippodraw::DataRep rep  )  [virtual]

Adds tuple cut after adding a data representation.

Reimplemented from CutPlotter.

Definition at line 50 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep.

void addValues ( const std::vector< double > &  v  )  [virtual, inherited]

Adds data values to the plot.

This method is provided as a convenience when the plotter contains a single DataRep that responds to addValues. For example a static histogram would respond to it.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 797 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void autoScale (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the Range on each axis that has the auto range flag set to include all the data.

This function scrolls through all the points plotters, asking for their preferred ranges. It then sets the range to be the union of all of those.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 368 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

Referenced by XyPlotter::addDataRep(), XyPlotter::addDataRepStacked(), XyPlotter::checkAutoScale(), and CutPlotter::setAxisBinding().

void checkAxisScaling (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Check if Axis needs to be scaled or not.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 599 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void clearCutTargets (  )  [inherited]

Removes all cut targets.

Definition at line 218 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets.

PlotterBase * clone (  )  [virtual]

This clone function returns an object of its own kind which is a copy of this object at this moment.

Reimplemented from XyPlotter.

Definition at line 43 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References Cut1DPlotter::Cut1DPlotter().

NTuple * createNTuple (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Creates an DataSource representation of the plotted data.

Derived classes should create a representation appropriate for their plotting. The DataSource should contain the coordinates, the error on the coordinates, the values and the error on the values.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 191 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::activeProjector(), XyPlotter::getLabel(), XyPlotter::hasAxis(), XyPlotter::m_plotter, hippodraw::Axes::X, hippodraw::Axes::Y, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

NTuple * createPickTuple (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Creates a NTuple for a PickTable.

Creates an NTuple appropriate for a PickTable for this plotter. For plotters derived from this class the first three column labels and subsequent labels are as follows

See also:

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 421 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References PlotterBase::getTitle(), XyPlotter::m_plotter, PlotterBase::name(), and PlotterBase::setTitle().

int currentView (  )  const [inherited]

Return the current view index.

Definition at line 860 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_currentView.

Referenced by QtDisplay::currentView().

void deleteView ( int  index  )  [inherited]

Delete a view by index.

Definition at line 843 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_views, and PlotterBase::setView().

Referenced by QtDisplay::deleteView().

void drawCrossHairs ( ViewBase view  )  [virtual, inherited]

Draws cross-hairs.

Draws cross-hairs at the mouse hot spot. The drawing is done at the X and Y position set by setCrossX and setCrossY.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 182 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References AxisRepBase::drawCrossHairs(), XyPlotter::getTransform(), XyPlotter::m_axis_rep, PlotterBase::m_crossX, and PlotterBase::m_crossY.

void drawIn ( ViewBase view  )  [virtual, inherited]

Starts the drawing in view view.

This is the initial method that is called.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 152 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References AxisRepBase::beginPlot(), XyPlotter::drawProjValues(), AxisRepBase::drawTitle(), XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), PlotterBase::getTitle(), XyPlotter::m_active_index, XyPlotter::m_axis_rep, XyPlotter::m_need_update, XyPlotter::m_plotter, XyPlotter::m_plotters, PlotterBase::m_raw_rect, PlotterBase::m_title, PlotterBase::m_user_rect, and ViewBase::updateDrawRect().

void drawProjValues ( ViewBase view  )  [virtual, inherited]

Draws the projected values.

This implementation invokes drawProjValues on each of the DataRep objects in the composite. If multiple DataRep objects exist in the composite and one is selected (active), it is the one that is drawn last.

Definition at line 558 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, XyPlotter::m_plotters, PlotterBase::m_raw_rect, and PlotterBase::m_user_rect.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawIn().

bool errorDisplay ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the state of error bar display on specified axis.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 533 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void fillCutList ( std::vector< const TupleCut * > &  cuts  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Fills the cuts vector with the TupleCuts contained by the DataRep objects.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 919 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotters.

Referenced by XyPlotter::getCutAt().

void fillPickedPointFrom ( double  mx,
double  my,
std::vector< double > &  picked 
) const [virtual, inherited]

Fills the picked data point.

Fills the vector picked with the picked data set. The vector will be cleared before insertion of coordinates. The resulting size of the vector depends on the type of DataRep in use and the contents is as follows.

The first item is used to identify the type of picked point.
See also:

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 436 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

double getAspectRatio (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the aspect ratio.

The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height that should be used when drawing the plotter. If the aspect ratio has been set to a non-zero value, the return that ratio. Otherwise, return the aspect ratio preferred by the contained TransformBase object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 470 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_aspect_ratio, XyPlotter::m_plotters, and num_util::size().

AxisModelBase * getAxisModel ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the AxisModelBase derived class for the specified axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 512 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::addDataRepStacked(), XyPlotter::checkAutoScale(), and XyPlotter::~XyPlotter().

double getBinWidth ( const std::string &  axis  )  const [inherited]

Returns the bin width.

The implementation in the base class converts the string to an Axes::Type and calls the virtual function getBinWidth ( Axes::Type );. It is declared as a convenience to the developer since bin width is a common attribute.

Definition at line 459 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), PlotterBase::getBinWidth(), and num_util::type().

double getBinWidth ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the bins with of the target DataRep object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 732 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

double getBottomMargin (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1158 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_bottom.

bool getBoxEdge (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the box edge flag to update Inspector.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1048 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References CompositePlotter::getBoxEdge(), and XyPlotter::m_plotter.

bool getCurrentRangeSaved (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns current_range_saved member t.

Definition at line 888 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::current_range_saved.

Referenced by CanvasWindow::nextView(), and CanvasWindow::previousView().

TupleCut * getCutAt ( unsigned int  i  )  [protected, inherited]

Returns the TupleCut object at position i.

Definition at line 930 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::fillCutList().

Referenced by XyPlotter::getCutInversion(), XyPlotter::getCutRange(), Cut2DPlotter::getCutRangeY(), XyPlotter::setCutEnabled(), XyPlotter::setCutInverted(), and XyPlotter::setCutRangeAt().

const Color & getCutColor (  )  const [inherited]

Get the color of the accepted region.

Definition at line 252 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep.

bool getCutInversion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get the inversion state of the cut.

Definition at line 1036 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getCutAt().

const std::string & getCutLabel (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the label for the Cut.

Use fillCuts instead.

Definition at line 92 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::getCuts(), TupleCut::getLabel(), and CutPlotter::m_datarep.

Range getCutRange (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the object of current XyPlotter is a TupleCut object, get the range of it.

Definition at line 954 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getCutAt(), and XyPlotter::getRange().

Referenced by CanvasView::contentsMouseMoveEvent().

const vector< TupleCut > & getCuts (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the list of TupleCut objects used by this plotter.

Definition at line 191 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createCutChildren(), Cut1DPlotter::getCutLabel(), CutPlotter::removeFromTarget(), CutPlotter::setAxisBinding(), CutPlotter::setCuts(), and CutPlotter::setEnabled().

const list< DataRep * > & getCutTargets (  )  const [inherited]

Get the list of targets.

Definition at line 231 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createCutChildren().

Range getDataRange ( Axes::Type  axis  )  [virtual, inherited]

Return the range of the raw data on the specified axis.

Definition at line 895 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activeProjector().

DataRep * getDataRep ( int  index  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the DataRep object at index.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 622 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), and XyPlotter::m_plotters.

Referenced by XyPlotter::getProjector(), XyPlotter::getTarget(), XyPlotter::isTargetable(), XyPlotter::repColor(), XyPlotter::setBinWidth(), XyPlotter::setCutEnabled(), XyPlotter::setCutInverted(), and XyPlotter::setCutRangeAt().

TransformBase * getFitsTransform (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the fits transform object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1075 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

double getHighRangeOnX (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the high end of the X axis range.

This method is only used by the SIP built Python extension module and is kept only for running experiments.

Definition at line 686 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::getRange(), Range::high(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

const string & getInternalLabel ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the internal label.

The internal label is either the label set by a client, or one of %x, %y, or %z for the corresponding axis. The later ones mean that the object should return the corresponding label of the DataSource. The implementation in this base class returns an empty string.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 804 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

const string & getInternalTitle (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the internal title.

The internal title is either the title set by a client, or %t. The later ones mean that the object should return the corresponding title of the DataSource, if bound to one.

Definition at line 308 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_title.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createElement().

const string & getLabel ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the label for the specified axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 811 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::createNTuple().

double getLeftMargin (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1165 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_left.

double getLowRangeOnX (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the low end of the X axis range.

Definition at line 677 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::getRange(), Range::low(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

int getMinEntries (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get the minimum entries/bin.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1089 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

int getNumberOfEntries (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the number of entries in the contained DataRep.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 826 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

int getNumDataReps (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the number of DataRep objects contained by the plotter.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 669 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotters.

Referenced by XyPlotter::addDataRep(), XyPlotter::drawIn(), XyPlotter::getDataRep(), XyPlotter::getTarget(), XyPlotter::indexOf(), XyPlotter::isTargetable(), XyPlotter::removeDataRep(), and XyPlotter::setActivePlot().

int getNumOfEntries (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the number of entries in the contained DataRep.

This method is to workaround of SIP handling of virtual functions. It calls the virtual function getNumberOfEntries().

Definition at line 498 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::getNumberOfEntries().

const Observable::ObserverList_t & getObservers (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the list of observers.

Definition at line 60 of file Observable.cxx.

References Observable::m_list.

double getOffset ( const std::string &  axis  )  const [inherited]

Returns the offset on designated axis, similarly to getBinWidth.

Definition at line 482 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), PlotterBase::getOffset(), and num_util::type().

double getOffset ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the offset on designated axis, similarly to getBinWidth.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 783 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

int getParentDataRepIndex (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the index of the parent DataRep.

Returns -1 if there exist none

Definition at line 586 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_parent_datarep_index.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createElement().

PlotterBase * getParentPlotter (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the parent plotter.

Returns 0 if there exist none

Definition at line 596 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_parent_plotter.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createElement(), FigureEditor::movePlotterWithText(), CanvasView::placeItems(), and FunctionController::refreshEllipsoidDisplay().

double getPosRange ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the smallest positive number from the data.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 833 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

ProjectorBase * getProjector ( int  i  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the i-th projector.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 606 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getDataRep().

const Range & getRange ( Axes::Type  axis,
bool  scaled 
) const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the range on the specified axis.

Returns the range of the data being plotted on the axis axis. If scaled is true, uses the scaled range.

See also:

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 768 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by CanvasView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(), XyPlotter::getCutRange(), Cut2DPlotter::getCutRangeY(), XyPlotter::setBinWidth(), Cut2DPlotter::setCutRangeFull(), and Cut1DPlotter::setCutRangeFull().

const Rect & getRawRect (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the raw rectangle before transform.

Definition at line 440 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_raw_rect.

Referenced by ViewBase::getRawRect().

double getScaleFactor ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the scale factor on the specified axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1179 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

const std::vector< unsigned int > & getShape (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1016 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::activeProjector(), BinaryTransform::aspectRatio(), XyPlotter::getTransform(), XyPlotter::m_hammer_shape, and XyPlotter::m_lambert_shape.

bool getShowGrid (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the show-grid flag to update Inspector.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1060 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

DataRep * getTarget (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the selected DataRep.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 641 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getDataRep(), XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), XyPlotter::isTargetable(), XyPlotter::m_active_index, and XyPlotter::m_plotters.

const string & getTitle (  )  const [inherited]

Gets the title to be displayed.

Definition at line 270 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activePlotIndex(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), and PlotterBase::m_title.

Referenced by XyPlotter::createPickTuple(), XyPlotter::drawIn(), QtDisplay::getTitle(), PlotTable::initialize(), and Inspector::updatePlotTab().

double getTopMargin (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1143 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_top.

TransformBase * getTransform (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the transform object used by the plotter.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 790 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawCrossHairs(), XyPlotter::getShape(), and XyPlotter::getZValues().

const Rect & getUserRect (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the data space rectangle.

Definition at line 433 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_user_rect.

Referenced by ViewBase::getUserRect().

const BinToColor * getValueRep (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the value to color representation.

If the Z value is represented graphically, then return the object that controls the binary value to graphic attribute.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 855 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

double getZMargin (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1150 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_z.

double getZValue ( double  x,
double  y,
bool  scaled = true 
) const [virtual, inherited]

Get the z value at the specified point (x,y).

Returns 0.0. Derived classes that support Z coordinates should override this method and returns the z value of the point at x and y. If scaled is true, returns the z value multiplied by the scale factor, otherwise returns the true value.

Definition at line 515 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

const std::vector< double > & getZValues (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns all Z values.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 993 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::activeProjector(), XyPlotter::getTransform(), and BinaryTransform::isPeriodic().

bool hasAutoScaled (  )  const [inherited]

Returns true if the axes have already been auto-scaled.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 572 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

bool hasAxis ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if the plotter has an axis of specified type.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 840 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotters.

Referenced by XyPlotter::checkAutoScale(), XyPlotter::createNTuple(), and XyPlotter::wantsPixmap().

bool hasNTupleBindings (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true as a CutPlotter always has DataSource bindings.

Reimplemented from XyPlotter.

Definition at line 213 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

bool hasZoomY (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if the plotter has zoom feature on the Y axis otherwise it returns false.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 579 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotters.

int indexOf ( const DataRep rep  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the index of the selected DataRep object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 712 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), and XyPlotter::m_plotters.

Referenced by CutPlotter::setAxisBinding().

bool isAutoRanging ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if auto-ranging is enabled, otherwise returns false.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 862 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::checkAutoScale().

bool isAxisScaled ( Axes::Type  axis  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if specified axis is being scaled.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1186 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

bool isImageConvertable (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns false.

Returns false since a CutPlotter can never be used to generate an image.

Reimplemented from XyPlotter.

Definition at line 316 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

bool isReverse (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if reverse is enabled, otherwise returns false.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 869 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

bool isTarget ( DataRep rep  )  const [inherited]

Returns true if specified DataRep is a target of this cut.

Definition at line 237 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets.

bool isTargetable (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if receiving object is target-able.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 684 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getDataRep(), XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), XyPlotter::m_active_index, and XyPlotter::m_plotters.

Referenced by XyPlotter::getTarget().

bool isTextPlotter (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return true if it's a text plotter.

Reimplemented in TextPlotter.

Definition at line 994 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

Referenced by QtView::isTextView(), and FigureEditor::movePlotterWithText().

FontBase * labelFont ( Axes::Type  axes  )  const [virtual, inherited]

What font is being used to override the default while drawing axis label.

If return value is null pointer the default is being used.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 243 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_axis_rep, hippodraw::Axes::X, hippodraw::Axes::Y, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createFontElement().

void matrixTranspose ( bool  yes  )  [virtual, inherited]

Transpose the X and Y axis of matrix representation.

If X-Y representation of is matrix represented as a vector with shape, then transpose the X and Y axis. Otherwise, do nothing.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 877 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

const string & name (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the name of the plotter.

See also:

Definition at line 83 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_name.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createChildren(), PlotterBaseXML::createElement(), and XyPlotter::createPickTuple().

int nextView ( bool  stepForward = true  )  [inherited]

Cycle through each set of plot ranges, thereby changing the view with each call.

The index of the current view.
stepForward Direction to step through the views.

Definition at line 796 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_currentView, PlotterBase::m_views, and PlotterBase::setView().

Referenced by QtDisplay::nextView().

void notifyObservers ( Action  action  )  const [protected, inherited]

An internal method to iterate over all observers and to send the message action.

Definition at line 72 of file Observable.cxx.

References Observable::m_list.

void notifyObservers (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Notifies Observer objects of a change.

If interval counting is disabled, then Observer::Update is sent immediately. If interval counting is enabled, then the current count is incremented. If the current count is equal to the interval count, then the Observer::update message is sent and the current count reset to 0.

Reimplemented in NTuple, FitsNTuple, NumArrayTuple, ListTuple, and RootNTuple.

Definition at line 93 of file Observable.cxx.

References Observer::update().

Referenced by XyPlotter::addDataRep(), XyPlotter::addDataRepStacked(), FunctionController::addFunctionRep(), StHist2DProjector::addValues(), StHist1DProjector::addValues(), XyPlotter::autoScale(), Inspector::contourLevelsTextBox_returnPressed(), Inspector::contourSlider_valueChanged(), Inspector::contourTextBox_returnPressed(), FunctionRep::fitFunction(), RootNTuple::notifyObservers(), NumArrayTuple::notifyObservers(), NTuple::notifyObservers(), ListTuple::notifyObservers(), FitsNTuple::notifyObservers(), XyPlotter::removeDataRep(), FunctionRep::restoreParameters(), DataRep::set(), CutPlotter::setActive(), PlotterBase::setAspectRatio(), XyPlotter::setAutoRanging(), XyPlotter::setBoxEdge(), QtDisplay::setContourLevels(), CutPlotter::setCutColor(), XyPlotter::setCutEnabled(), XyPlotter::setCutInverted(), XyPlotter::setCutRangeAt(), ProjectorBase::setDirty(), DataRep::setErrorDisplay(), XyPlotter::setHighRange(), XyPlotter::setLabel(), PlotterBase::setLabel(), DataSource::setLabelAt(), DataSource::setLabels(), XyPlotter::setLowRange(), DataSource::setName(), DisplayController::setNTuple(), FunctionRep::setParameters(), DyHistogramEqualEntries::setPointRep(), DyHistogram::setPointRep(), DataRep::setPointRep(), TextPlotter::setRepColor(), DataRep::setRepColor(), DataRep::setRepSize(), DataRep::setRepStyle(), XyPlotter::setReverse(), XyPlotter::setScaling(), XyPlotter::setShowGrid(), PlotterBase::setTitle(), DataSource::setTitle(), XyPlotter::setTransform(), XyPlotter::setValueRep(), PlotterBase::update(), NTupleProjector::update(), DataRep::update(), CutPlotter::update(), BinningProjector::update(), CutPlotter::updateTargets(), DataRep::~DataRep(), DataSource::~DataSource(), NTuple::~NTuple(), PlotterBase::~PlotterBase(), RootNTuple::~RootNTuple(), and RTuple::~RTuple().

int numViews (  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of stored views.

Definition at line 836 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_views.

Referenced by QtDisplay::numViews().

int plotterId (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

The unique ID number of this plotter.

Definition at line 749 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_plotterId.

Referenced by QtDisplay::plotterId().

void removeDataRep ( DataRep rep  )  [virtual, inherited]

Removes the DataRep object from the plotter.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 349 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), XyPlotter::m_plotters, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void removeFromTarget ( DataRep rep  )  [inherited]

Remove this cut from one of its target rep.

Definition at line 117 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::getCuts(), DataRep::getProjector(), CutPlotter::m_datarep, CutPlotter::m_targets, and Observable::removeObserver().

Referenced by CutPlotter::removeFromTargets().

void removeFromTargets (  )  [protected, inherited]

Removes this cut from all of its targets.

Definition at line 142 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets, and CutPlotter::removeFromTarget().

Referenced by CutPlotter::~CutPlotter().

void removeObserver ( hippodraw::Observer observer  )  [inherited]

Removes an Observer from the Observer list.

Definition at line 66 of file Observable.cxx.

References Observable::m_list.

Referenced by BinningProjector::normalizeTo(), CutPlotter::removeFromTarget(), DisplayController::removeTextObservers(), NTupleProjector::setNTuple(), FunctionRep::willDelete(), FunctionRep::~FunctionRep(), and NTupleProjector::~NTupleProjector().

const Color & repColor (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the color used for the representation.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 547 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::activePlotIndex(), and XyPlotter::getDataRep().

RepBase * representation (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the representation used by the plotter.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 505 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void reset (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Resets the bins.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 761 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

int saveView ( const std::vector< double > &  range_values  )  [inherited]

Save the current set of plot ranges which define a "view" for this plot.

index of the saved view.
range_values A vector of 4 elements containing the x and y ranges.

Definition at line 756 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_currentView, and PlotterBase::m_views.

Referenced by QtDisplay::saveView().

int saveViewAtIndex ( const std::vector< double > &  range_values,
unsigned int  i 
) [inherited]

Save the current set of plot ranges which define a "view" for this the position i.

The views from position i onward are deleted

index of the saved view.
range_values A vector of 4 elements containing the x and y ranges.
i the position at which range_values should be inserted at.

Definition at line 771 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_currentView, and PlotterBase::m_views.

DataRep * selectedDataRep (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the selected DataRep.

That is, the one that should receive commands to it. If multiple DataRep objects are selected, return a null pointer.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 884 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by CutPlotter::setAxisBinding(), and CutPlotter::setNTuple().

void setActive ( bool  yes  )  [inherited]

Sets the cut as active.

Sets the cut as active or not depending on value of yes. An active cut displays its cut range in normal color, while an inactive displays it in light gray.

Definition at line 301 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setActivePlot ( int  index,
bool  redraw 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the active plot.

If index is non-negative, sets the active plot, to the one indexed by index, while setting the others, if any, to inactive state. If index is negative, set all plots to be active. If redraw is true, then redraws all plots.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 273 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getNumDataReps(), XyPlotter::m_active_index, XyPlotter::m_plotter, and XyPlotter::m_plotters.

void setAspectRatio ( double  ratio  )  [inherited]

Sets the aspect ratio.

Set the ratio of the width to the height that should be used when drawing the plotter. A value of 0.0 indicates that any ratio is acceptable.

Definition at line 553 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_aspect_ratio, and Observable::notifyObservers().

Referenced by FitsController::checkForImage(), and QtDisplay::setAspectRatio().

void setAutoRanging ( const std::string &  axis,
bool  flag 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the auto-ranging.

Sets auto-ranging status for the axis to flag and auto-ranges all axis which has that status set.

Definition at line 205 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::autoScale(), and hippodraw::String::convert().

Referenced by Inspector::axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), QtDisplay::resize(), Inspector::rotateX(), Inspector::rotateY(), QtDisplay::setAutoRanging(), DisplayController::setAxisBindings(), DisplayController::setBinWidth(), Inspector::setHighRange(), Inspector::setLowRange(), DisplayController::setOffset(), DisplayController::setRange(), Inspector::setXRotateText(), and Inspector::setYRotateText().

void setAutoRanging ( Axes::Type  axis,
bool  flag 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the auto-ranging.

Sets auto-ranging status for the axis to flag and auto-ranges all axis which has that status set. Redraws the plot.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 401 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, Observable::notifyObservers(), and XyPlotter::setAutoRanging().

void setAutoRanging ( bool  flag  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the auto-ranging status for all axes to flag.

Sets the auto-ranging status for all axes to flag and re-draws.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 384 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

Referenced by XyPlotter::addDataRepStacked(), and XyPlotter::setAutoRanging().

void setAutoTicks ( const std::string &  axis,
bool  on 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets automatic ticks on or off.

Definition at line 635 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), PlotterBase::setAutoTicks(), and num_util::type().

void setAutoTicks ( Axes::Type  axis,
bool  yes 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets automatic generation of axis ticks.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 891 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setAutoTicksOnX ( bool  yes  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets automatic generation of axis ticks on X axis.

This base class does nothing. Derived classes may interpret this function.

This member function is temporary fix to memory leak problem in passing string with SIP.

Definition at line 628 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::setAutoTicks(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void setAxisBinding ( const std::vector< std::string > &  bindings  )  [virtual]

Sets the axis binding of both the Cut and its DataRep.

Shouldn't call autoScale() here. Setting autoscaled to false should be sufficient, but it doesn't work. Need to solve that problem.

Reimplemented from CutPlotter.

Definition at line 66 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::setAxisBinding().

void setAxisModel ( AxisModelBase model,
Axes::Type  axis 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the AxisModel on the specified axis.

Also, sets the same AxisModel to all of the contained plotters.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 519 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::addDataRepStacked().

void setBinWidth ( Axes::Type  axis,
int  parameter,
bool  dragging 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the bin width according to parameter of dragging slider.

Does nothing if more than one DataRep is active.

Definition at line 382 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activePlotIndex(), PlotterBase::getProjector(), PlotterBase::setBinWidth(), and PlotterBase::setRange().

void setBinWidth ( const std::string &  axis,
double  width 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the bin width.

Sets the bin width parameter of the plot. Not all plots have a bin width parameter. Since histogram-ming plots are commonly used, this method has been declared as a convenience to script writers. The implementation is this base class does nothing.

Definition at line 402 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), and PlotterBase::setBinWidth().

void setBinWidth ( Axes::Type  axis,
double  width 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the bin width.

Sets the bin width of the contained DataRep objects to width along axis axis. If only one is active, then set the bin width only to that one.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 739 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::activePlotIndex(), XyPlotter::getDataRep(), XyPlotter::getRange(), XyPlotter::m_plotters, XyPlotter::setRange(), and Range::setUnion().

void setBottomMargin ( double  bottom  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1129 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_bottom.

void setBoxEdge ( bool  flag  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the box-edge flag to flag.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1042 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setCrossX ( double  val  )  [inherited]

Set the crossX value.

Definition at line 520 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_crossX.

Referenced by QtViewImp::setCrossX().

void setCrossY ( double  val  )  [inherited]

Set the crossY value.

Definition at line 525 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_crossY.

Referenced by QtViewImp::setCrossY().

void setCurrentRangeSaved ( bool  flag  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets current_range_saved member to flag.

Definition at line 881 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::current_range_saved.

void setCutColor ( const Color color  )  [inherited]

Sets the color of the cut acceptance region.

Definition at line 242 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep, Observable::notifyObservers(), and XyPlotter::update().

void setCutEnabled ( unsigned int  i,
bool  yes = true 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the TupleCut object index by i to be enabled.

Definition at line 980 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getCutAt(), XyPlotter::getDataRep(), and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setCutInverted ( unsigned int  i,
bool  yes = true 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the TupleCut object indexed by i to be inverted.

Definition at line 967 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getCutAt(), XyPlotter::getDataRep(), and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setCutRange ( double  low,
double  high 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the Range on the X axis.

This function is here so that the SIP Python extension module doesn't need to know about Axes::Type.

Definition at line 109 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::setCutRangeAt().

void setCutRangeAt ( const Range range,
unsigned int  index 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the Range of the cut.

Reimplemented from XyPlotter.

Definition at line 100 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep, and CutPlotter::updateTargets().

Referenced by CutPlotter::setCutRange(), Cut2DPlotter::setCutRangeFull(), and Cut1DPlotter::setCutRangeFull().

void setCutRangeFull (  )  [virtual]

Sets the cut Range to include the full range of data.

The shading showing the cut range should go to the end of the last bin and not just to the end of the last data.

Implements CutPlotter.

Definition at line 73 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::getRange(), CutPlotter::m_datarep, CutPlotter::setCutRangeAt(), CutPlotter::updateTargets(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void setCuts ( const std::vector< const TupleCut * > &  cuts  )  [inherited]

Sets the TupleCut objects to be used by this plotter.

Definition at line 197 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::getCuts(), CutPlotter::m_datarep, and num_util::size().

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::handleCutPlotter().

void setEnabled ( bool  yes = true  )  [inherited]

Sets the state of the cut's enabled status.

Definition at line 272 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::getCuts(), CutPlotter::m_datarep, and CutPlotter::updateTargets().

void setEnableZ ( bool  yes = true  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the display of the Z axis on.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 220 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_axis_rep, and XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by Cut2DPlotter::Cut2DPlotter().

void setErrorDisplay ( Axes::Type  axis,
bool  yes 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the display of the error bars on or off.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 526 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setFitsTransform ( const std::string &  transform  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the fits transform object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1068 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setHighRange ( Axes::Type  axis,
int  parm,
bool  dragging 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the high end of the Range of data displayed.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 453 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setLabel ( const std::string &  axis,
const std::string &  label 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the label of specified axis to label.

The default is to take the label from bound DataSource column. Invoking this member function overrides that. To return to taking the label from the DataSource column, label should be set to "%l".

This method is only used with the SIP based Python extension module.

Definition at line 282 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), Observable::notifyObservers(), and num_util::type().

Referenced by QtDisplay::setLabel().

void setLabel ( Axes::Type  axis,
const std::string &  value 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the label of the specified axis to value.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 818 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setLabelFont ( FontBase font,
Axes::Type  axes 
) [inherited]

Set the font to be used to override the default while drawing axis label.

Definition at line 231 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_axis_rep, hippodraw::Axes::X, hippodraw::Axes::Y, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

void setLeftMargin ( double  left  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1136 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_left.

void setLowRange ( Axes::Type  axis,
int  parm,
bool  dragging 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the low end of the Range of data displayed.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 444 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setMinEntries ( int  entries  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the minimum entries/bin.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1082 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setNeedUpdate ( bool  isChanged  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the m_need_update flag, called by inspector.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1096 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_need_update.

void setNTuple ( const DataSource ntuple  )  [inherited]

Sets the DataSource for the Cut and its DataRep object.

Definition at line 259 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References Observable::addObserver(), DataRep::getProjector(), XyPlotter::selectedDataRep(), and NTupleProjector::setNTuple().

void setNumberOfBins ( const std::string &  axis,
unsigned int  number 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the number of bins.

Sets the number of bins of the plot. Not all plots have a bin attribute. Since histogram-ming plots are commonly used, this method has been declared as a convenience to script writers.

Definition at line 418 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert().

Referenced by QtDisplay::setNumberOfBins().

void setNumberOfBins ( Axes::Type  axis,
unsigned int  number 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the number of bins.

Sets the number of bins of the contained ProjectorBase objects to number along the axis axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 905 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setOffset ( const std::string &  axis,
double  offset 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the bin offset.

Sets the bin offset parameter of the plot. Not all plots have a bin parameter. Since histogram-ming plots are commonly used, this method has been declared as a convenience to script writers. The implementation is this base class does nothing.

Definition at line 410 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), and PlotterBase::setOffset().

void setOffset ( Axes::Type  axis,
double  offset 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the offset.

Sets the edges of the bins to be offset from its current value by the amount offset along the axis axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 912 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setOffsets ( double  xoffset,
double  yoffset 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the offsets on the x and y axis.

Definition at line 580 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::setOffset(), hippodraw::Axes::X, and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

void setParentDataRepIndex ( int  index  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the index of the parent DataRep.

Definition at line 591 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_parent_datarep_index.

void setParentPlotter ( PlotterBase plotter  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the parent plotter.

Definition at line 601 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::m_parent_plotter.

Referenced by DisplayController::createTextView().

void setRange ( const std::string &  axis,
double  low,
double  high 
) [inherited]

Sets the range on the specified axis.

Creates a Range object from the low and high arguments. The Range is the scaled range. It calls setRange ( hippodraw::Axes::Type, Range, bool ) with third argument true.

Definition at line 329 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), PlotterBase::setRange(), and num_util::type().

void setRange ( Axes::Type  axis,
const Range range,
bool  scaled = false,
bool  adjust_width = true 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the range on the specified axis.

Sets the Range on the axis axis to range. The TransformBase object contained by this object may adjust the range to fall within its limits. If scaled is true, then the Range object's value is a scaled range, otherwise it is the true range. if adjust_width is true, the bin width, if applicable, is adjusts so one has the same number of bins after the range is set, otherwise, the bin width is not changed.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 775 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by XyPlotter::setBinWidth(), and XyPlotter::setCutRangeAt().

void setRepColor ( const Color color  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the representation's color.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 540 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setRepresentation ( RepBase pointrep  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the representation.

The representation of the active plotter is changed.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 498 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setReverse ( bool  flag  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the reverse status for the X axis to flag.

Redraws the plot.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 392 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setScaleFactor ( Axes::Type  axis,
double  factor 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets a scale factor on specified axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1172 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setScaling ( Axes::Type  axis,
bool  on = true 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the scaling attribute of the AxisModelBase object.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 462 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setShowGrid ( bool  flag  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the show-grid flag to flag.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1054 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setTicks ( const std::string &  axis,
const std::vector< double > &  values,
const std::vector< std::string > &  labels 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the ticks on specified axis.

Definition at line 659 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), PlotterBase::setTicks(), num_util::size(), and num_util::type().

void setTicks ( Axes::Type  axis,
const std::vector< AxisTick > &  ticks 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the ticks for the specified axis.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 898 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

void setTicksOnX ( const std::vector< double > &  values,
const std::vector< std::string > &  labels 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the ticks for the X axis.

This method is provided to avoid interfacing the other one with the same name to Python.

This method is temporary fix to memory leak problem with SIP.

Definition at line 643 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::setTicks(), num_util::size(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void setTitle ( const std::string &  title  )  [inherited]

Sets the title to be displayed.

The implementation is to pass the title parameter to the axes representation.

Definition at line 253 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activePlotIndex(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), PlotterBase::m_title, and Observable::notifyObservers().

Referenced by XyPlotter::createPickTuple(), QtDisplay::setTitle(), and Inspector::titleText_returnPressed().

void setTitleFont ( FontBase font  )  [inherited]

Set the font to be used to override the default while drawing title.

Definition at line 258 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_axis_rep.

void setTopMargin ( double  top  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set and get additional margin on top,bottom,left of the plotter.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1115 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_top.

void setTransform ( TransformBase transform  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the transform object and redraws.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 409 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotters, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setValueRep ( BinToColor rep  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the object that will do the value to color transform, if any.

Sets the object that will be used to do the value to color transform, if any, and redraws.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 376 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void setView ( int  index  )  [inherited]

Set the view by index.

Definition at line 820 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References hippodraw::String::convert(), PlotterBase::m_currentView, PlotterBase::m_views, and PlotterBase::setRange().

Referenced by PlotterBase::deleteView(), PlotterBase::nextView(), and QtDisplay::setView().

void setZMargin ( double  z  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 1122 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_margin_z.

const FontBase * titleFont (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

What font is being used to override the default while drawing title of plot.

If return value is null pointer the default is being used.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 266 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_axis_rep.

Referenced by PlotterBaseXML::createFontElements().

void toggleActivePlot (  )  [inherited]

Toggles the active DataRep, if 2 or more are contained by the plotter.

Toggles the active plot. With each call, the current active plot is deselected and the next one becomes the active plot. When the end of the list of plots is reached, all plots become active. If all plots are active then only the first becomes active.

Definition at line 723 of file PlotterBase.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activePlotIndex(), PlotterBase::getNumDataReps(), and PlotterBase::setActivePlot().

void toggleInverted (  )  [virtual]

Reverse the meaning of the cut Range.

Implements CutPlotter.

Definition at line 83 of file Cut1DPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_datarep, and CutPlotter::updateTargets().

void update (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Updates the plotter.

Updates the plotter by informing contained DataRep that an update is needed. Does not notify its Observer objects.

Implements PlotterBase.

Definition at line 491 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::m_plotter.

Referenced by CutPlotter::setCutColor().

void update ( const Observable object  )  [virtual, inherited]

Responds to the update message from one of its Observable objects.

If the update comes from one of its m_target objects does nothing, otherwise notifies its Observer objects.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 289 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets, and Observable::notifyObservers().

void updateTargets (  )  [protected, inherited]

Update the target DataRep when a change has been made in the TupleCut.

Definition at line 168 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets, Observable::notifyObservers(), and DataRep::setDirty().

Referenced by CutPlotter::setAxisBinding(), CutPlotter::setCutRangeAt(), Cut2DPlotter::setCutRangeFull(), Cut1DPlotter::setCutRangeFull(), CutPlotter::setEnabled(), Cut2DPlotter::toggleInverted(), and Cut1DPlotter::toggleInverted().

bool wantsPixmap (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true.

Since the data area will be filled, an off screen pixmap would be more efficient.

Reimplemented from PlotterBase.

Definition at line 213 of file XyPlotter.cxx.

References XyPlotter::hasAxis(), XyPlotter::m_plotter, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

void willDelete ( const Observable observable  )  [virtual, inherited]

Responds to willDelete message emitted from one of the Observers.

Responds to message emitted from one of this object's Observable objects when it is about to be deleted. Does nothing unless observable is a target of the cut. In that case, removes the target.

Reimplemented from Observer.

Definition at line 155 of file CutPlotter.cxx.

References CutPlotter::m_targets.

Member Data Documentation

bool current_range_saved [protected, inherited]

Returns true if the current range on the axes have been saved.

Definition at line 124 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::getCurrentRangeSaved(), PlotterBase::PlotterBase(), and PlotterBase::setCurrentRangeSaved().

double m_aspect_ratio [protected, inherited]

The aspect ratio.

The ratio of the width to the height that the should be used when drawing the plotter. A ratio of zero, the default, indicates that any ratio is acceptable.

Definition at line 74 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::getAspectRatio(), PlotterBase::getAspectRatio(), and PlotterBase::setAspectRatio().

AxisRepBase* m_axis_rep [protected, inherited]

The axes model graphical representation.

If another plotter in a composite is controlling the axis, then the pointer may be null.

Definition at line 104 of file XyPlotter.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawCrossHairs(), XyPlotter::drawIn(), XyPlotter::labelFont(), XyPlotter::setEnableZ(), XyPlotter::setLabelFont(), XyPlotter::setTitleFont(), XyPlotter::titleFont(), XyPlotter::XyPlotter(), and XyPlotter::~XyPlotter().

double m_crossX [protected, inherited]

The x position of the cross hair.

Definition at line 89 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawCrossHairs(), and PlotterBase::setCrossX().

double m_crossY [protected, inherited]

The y position of the cross hair.

Definition at line 92 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawCrossHairs(), and PlotterBase::setCrossY().

int m_currentView [protected, inherited]

Index of the current view.

Definition at line 136 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::currentView(), PlotterBase::nextView(), PlotterBase::saveView(), PlotterBase::saveViewAtIndex(), and PlotterBase::setView().

hippodraw::DataRep* m_datarep [protected, inherited]

A pointer to the data representation that holds the cuts.

Definition at line 62 of file CutPlotter.h.

Referenced by CutPlotter::addCutTarget(), Cut2DPlotter::addTupleCut(), Cut1DPlotter::addTupleCut(), CutPlotter::getCutColor(), Cut1DPlotter::getCutLabel(), CutPlotter::getCuts(), CutPlotter::removeFromTarget(), CutPlotter::setActive(), CutPlotter::setAxisBinding(), CutPlotter::setCutColor(), CutPlotter::setCutRangeAt(), Cut2DPlotter::setCutRangeFull(), Cut1DPlotter::setCutRangeFull(), CutPlotter::setCuts(), CutPlotter::setEnabled(), Cut2DPlotter::toggleInverted(), and Cut1DPlotter::toggleInverted().

std::string m_name [protected, inherited]

The name of the type of plotter.

Used to lookup the plotter in a factory.

Definition at line 78 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::name().

int m_parent_datarep_index [protected, inherited]

Parent DataRep index.

Definition at line 108 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::getParentDataRepIndex(), and PlotterBase::setParentDataRepIndex().

PlotterBase* m_parent_plotter [protected, inherited]

Parent plotter.

Definition at line 105 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::getParentPlotter(), and PlotterBase::setParentPlotter().

CompositePlotter* m_plotter [protected, inherited]

The currently active plotter that draws the data points.

Definition at line 99 of file XyPlotter.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::activeProjector(), XyPlotter::addDataRep(), XyPlotter::addDataRepStacked(), XyPlotter::addValues(), XyPlotter::autoScale(), XyPlotter::checkAxisScaling(), XyPlotter::createNTuple(), XyPlotter::createPickTuple(), XyPlotter::drawIn(), XyPlotter::drawProjValues(), XyPlotter::errorDisplay(), XyPlotter::fillPickedPointFrom(), XyPlotter::getAxisModel(), XyPlotter::getBinWidth(), XyPlotter::getBoxEdge(), XyPlotter::getFitsTransform(), XyPlotter::getInternalLabel(), XyPlotter::getLabel(), XyPlotter::getMinEntries(), XyPlotter::getNumberOfEntries(), XyPlotter::getOffset(), XyPlotter::getPosRange(), XyPlotter::getRange(), XyPlotter::getScaleFactor(), XyPlotter::getShowGrid(), XyPlotter::getTransform(), XyPlotter::getValueRep(), XyPlotter::hasAutoScaled(), XyPlotter::hasNTupleBindings(), XyPlotter::isAutoRanging(), XyPlotter::isAxisScaled(), XyPlotter::isReverse(), XyPlotter::matrixTranspose(), XyPlotter::prepareToDraw(), XyPlotter::representation(), XyPlotter::reset(), XyPlotter::selectedDataRep(), XyPlotter::setActivePlot(), XyPlotter::setAutoRanging(), XyPlotter::setAutoTicks(), XyPlotter::setAxisModel(), XyPlotter::setBoxEdge(), XyPlotter::setEnableZ(), XyPlotter::setErrorDisplay(), XyPlotter::setFitsTransform(), XyPlotter::setHighRange(), XyPlotter::setLabel(), XyPlotter::setLowRange(), XyPlotter::setMinEntries(), XyPlotter::setNumberOfBins(), XyPlotter::setOffset(), XyPlotter::setRange(), XyPlotter::setRepColor(), XyPlotter::setRepresentation(), XyPlotter::setReverse(), XyPlotter::setScaleFactor(), XyPlotter::setScaling(), XyPlotter::setShowGrid(), XyPlotter::setTicks(), XyPlotter::setValueRep(), XyPlotter::update(), XyPlotter::wantsPixmap(), and XyPlotter::XyPlotter().

int m_plotterId [protected, inherited]

A unique plotter id.

Definition at line 128 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::plotterId(), and PlotterBase::setPlotterId().

Rect m_raw_rect [protected, inherited]

The raw rectangle before transform.

Definition at line 102 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawIn(), XyPlotter::drawProjValues(), and PlotterBase::getRawRect().

TargetList_t m_targets [protected, inherited]

A list of DataRep objects which have this cut applied.

Definition at line 58 of file CutPlotter.h.

Referenced by CutPlotter::addCutTarget(), CutPlotter::clearCutTargets(), CutPlotter::getCutTargets(), CutPlotter::isTarget(), CutPlotter::removeFromTarget(), CutPlotter::removeFromTargets(), CutPlotter::update(), CutPlotter::updateTargets(), and CutPlotter::willDelete().

std::string m_title [protected, inherited]

The main label; the title of the plot.

Definition at line 86 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawIn(), PlotterBase::getInternalTitle(), PlotterBase::getTitle(), PlotterBase::setTitle(), and TextPlotter::TextPlotter().

Rect m_user_rect [protected, inherited]

The abstract data space.

In the user space X increases to the right and Y increases upward. The coordinate system is that of the data points being plotting

Definition at line 98 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by XyPlotter::drawIn(), XyPlotter::drawProjValues(), and PlotterBase::getUserRect().

std::vector< std::vector<double> > m_views [protected, inherited]

A vector of x and y ranges to be used as a circular buffer allowing one to cycle through the saved plot "views".

Definition at line 133 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::deleteView(), PlotterBase::nextView(), PlotterBase::numViews(), PlotterBase::saveView(), PlotterBase::saveViewAtIndex(), and PlotterBase::setView().

double m_z_ratio [protected, inherited]

The conversion ratio from the user coordinate system to the view's coordinate system along the color axis.

Definition at line 108 of file XyPlotter.h.

int s_plotters [static, protected, inherited]

Reference count for creating plotter ids.

Definition at line 139 of file PlotterBase.h.

Referenced by PlotterBase::setPlotterId().

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