
Windows binaries

The pre-built binary distribution for HippoDraw is at . Included are the .dll libraries for external packages Python, Boost.python, cfitsio, ROOT, WCSlib and Minuit.

Starting with the 1.20.6 release,HippoDraw binary distribution includes libraries for Python 2.5 release; earlier versions used Python 2.4.
See Microsoft Windows for installation notes for Windows.

Mac OS X binaries

One can find pre-built installer file at VersionTracker, the Apple download site , or MacUpdate. These download sites are not maintained by the HippoDraw developers, but they seem to stay up to date. Download links to external packages are available at these sites.

One can also download the source and build HippoDraw for native or X windows. See Mac OS X for build and installation notes.

Downloading source

The source code distribution is at . See Unix like System, Linux, Solaris, etc. page for build and installation notes.
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