DIRC R&D Software User's Guide

Setting your environment

First, you need to create a unix directory for all the software related to the DIRC R&D setups. That software is kept in a CVS repository. The only two CVS commands that the user needs is cvs co to check out the package and cvs update to make sure that the package is up to date.
Find an AFS partition with enough disk quota available, 20MB should be enough (you can check your quota on a given folder by typing fs listquota).
Now go to your directory on any unix/linux system and type
setenv CVSROOT /afs/slac.stanford.edu/u/eb/jochen/Babar
cvs co CosmicRayTelescope
This creates a sub-directory called CosmicRayTelescope that contains the relevant software.

You have to do define the CVSROOT variable in this way before any cvs command that affects the CRT software.

A couple of other UNIX settings can be executed every time you work with the CRT software. It is probably more convenient, though, to add those commands to your account settings as defined in your ~/.cshrc script.
Set the ROOT version to the one at least as recent as the one used by the CRT software on each RedHat version:

    setenv ROOTSYS $BFROOT/package/root/4.00-08/Linux24RHEL3_i386_gcc323/
Newer version should also work.

Define the default directory for the CRT software. This is the directory that was created by the cvs co CosmicRayTelescope command above. So, if you performed that command in your UNIX home directory, that setting is

setenv CRT ~/CosmicRayTelescope
From now on I will simply refer to the directory that contains the CRT software as $CRT.

Okay, that's it, now we can try to run some CRT code.

Last significant update: April 13, 2005, by Joe