E-158 CID Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Software Contact: Glen Wetzel



1 - Introduction

E-158 uses a  Stanford Research Systems Model DS345 Arbitrary Waveform Generator to assist in forming the CID area laser source.  Photos of the installation:



CID Area


Entry to CID area



Getting closer...



...and closer...



..and closer...



DS345 partially visible


DS345 'mounted' in rack CID-??


2 – Setup

The DS345 is generally connected to your display in the following manner:


DS345  ßà GPIB Cable ßà E2050 LAN/GPIB GATEWAY ßà 10BaseT EtherNetworkßà damping ring RF IOC. ßà 10BaseT EtherNetwork ßà EPICS DM2K Client on UNIX BOX (your display)


With the exception of the DS345 connection setup, all parameters are downloaded by the software.  The connection setup parameters should be resilient to any loss of power.  In the case a new DS345 is installed or the connection parameters have been changed, the DS345 needs to be setup in GPIB mode using address 17.  To set, follow this sequence:


A)    Power on the DS345

B)    Press SHIFT

C)    Press LOCAL

D)    Press SHIFT

E)    Press GPIB.  Use <uparrow> so that  display shows gpib on

F)     Press SHIFT

G)    Press GPIB. Use <uparrow> or <downarrow> to show Address 17


3 - Usage

From the SCP, start the operator slider User Interface by navigating from ‘INJCTR Index’ to ‘CID Flash TI Panel’ to ’SRS DS EPICS Disply’.  A DM display will begin and show a bar-graph representation of the current arbitrary waveform being generated.  To make a change, move the sliders as needed and press the ‘Set’ button.



Slider Panel


It is expected that the above slider User Interface should be sufficient for E-158 usage.  In the case that a finer time resolution is needed, the Engineering Panel may be used.  This panel is available by pressing the ‘Eng. Page access’ button on the slider panel.


E-158 desires that software (temporarily) limit the maximum voltage generated from the DS345.  To facilitate this, entry of voltages in either of the Slider and Engineering panel will be clipped to the value entered in the ‘Voltage Limit Override’ box of the Engineering Panel.



Engineering Panel

4 - Implementation

The user interface is implemented using both DM / DM2K client and GPIB support for EPICS.  The EPICS IOC/DM/DM2K application source code can be accessed thru our CVS environment by checking out with the command ‘cvs checkout drrf’. The application currently runs on the damping ring RF IOC.


5 - Known Problems


Date discovered



Possible Reason



January 15, 2001

Attempting to run from the SCP on either the two Xterminals at CID doesn’t work!

1) log into unix account at opi00gtw04

2)Type the command: /afs/slac/Stanford/edu/g/pepii/ctrl/prod/epicsApp/script/cssrsd2k

Xterminals not enough memory?

Not Yet


6 - Contacts

Software Application: Glen Wetzel

CID User: Jim Turner

CID User: Axel Brachmann

EPICS IOC Software: Stephanie Allison


7 - Related Information


Last Updated: January 31, 2002