NLCTA Production Directory Tree

The directory structure to contain the NLCTA production software is described in this document. The basic form of the directory tree is:


         |               |      |    |      |       |    |       |     |
       epics          tomdean  saa  kek  mccops  cdepics cddev cdprod ...
   |         |                   |
R3.12.1   R3.12.2               Ioc
   |         |                   |
  ...        |       +-----------+-------------+
             |       |                         |
             |     nlcta                     pepii
             |       |                         |
             |    +--+--+-----+-----+          |
             |    |     |     |     |          |
             |  tavw0 tavw1 tavw2 tavw3        |
             |    |     |     |     |          |  
             |    |    ...   ...   ...         |
             |    |                            |
             |    startup                      |
             |    vxWorks            +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
             |    vxWorks.sym        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
             |    base              lr41 lr43 lr45 hr81 hr83 hr85 hr21 hr23
             |    extensions         |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
             |    controls           |   ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...
             |    nlcta              |
             |    ...                startup
             |                       vxWorks
             |                       vxWorks.sym
             |                       epics
             |                       extensions
             |                       controls
             |                       pepii
             |                       ..
 |      |       |         |             |                          |
base config extensions controls       nlcta                      pepii
 |      |       |         |             |                          |
...    ...     ...        |             |                          |
                          |             |                          |
             +------------+             |                          |
             |                          |                          |
 +-----+-----+----+----+    +-----+-----+----+----+    +-----+-----+----+----+
 |     |     |    |    |    |     |     |    |    |    |     |     |    |    |
bin include lib tools src  bin include lib tools src  bin include lib tools src
