Specifications for Database Additions for NLCTA/8Pack Structure Summary Display


Janice Nelson

9 March 2004


New PVs needed for Summary Display and possible names


1.      Run Time showing how long since each of the Stations’ fault counters was reset in hours (now – then) to 2 decimal places.  10 sec updates are good.

2.      Trip rate (faults/hr) for each of 8 structures: TRS1:AS1 and AS2, TRS2:AS1 and AS2, and TRS8:AS5, AS6, AS7, and AS8 defined as # of missing energy faults (since last reset) divided by the run time for that structure’s station (hrs since last reset above).
10 second updates is good.
Current PV names for # of missing energy faults are:
TRS(1,2):AS:FAULT:COUNT.(G,I) (I’m not sure how Ron will configure 8-pack’s loop.)
Name maybe TRS(1,2,8):ASn:FAULT:COUNTRATE ?

3.      Gradient (MV/m) for each of the 8 structures.  Equation is:

Where VTOP is from the peakpower meter, Pcal is a user enterable calibration constant, Pn is user enterable power at a given gradient, n is that gradient (also user enterable), and Eacc is the gradient we want to calculate.  We’ll need 8 each: Pcal, Pn and n.  Corresponding VTOPS are:
Updates every 10 seconds is good.
Name possibilities:
TRS(1,2,8):ASn:GRAD:PCAL, :PGRAD, :NGRAD with answer going into :EACC

4.      Total energy gain in MeV – sum of the 8 gradients (EACCs) times 0.6 (the length of the structures in meters) Final answer into TRS:AS:GRAD:EACC? (For several months now we’ve had only 60 cm structures installed which is the planned length for NLC structures.  Given this, it doesn’t seem necessary to have a variable (8 total) for each structure’s length.)

5.      Average Gradient (MV/m) PV from #4 (TRS:AS:GRAD:EACC) divided by 8 (number of structures)  TRS:AS:GRAD:EACCAVE ? (Need to differentiate average from total.)

6.      Average trips: sum of the 8 missing energy trip fault counts divided by 8 (TRS:AS:FAULT:COUNT)

7.      Average rate: average of the 8 rates (purple) (TRS:AS:FAULT:COUNTRATE)

8.      Text PVs for each structure’s name.  Can’t imagine needing anymore than 20 characters for each. (TRS(1,2,8):AS(1,2,5,6,7,8):STRUCT:NAME – 8 total)



My best-guess total new PV count: 31


Time needed: it would be nice to watch it for a few weeks before the ITRP committee come, about April 5th, to make sure it’s all that we need and give Janice time to modify the display to meet everyone’s requests.


Lower priority:

CUD – not too hard, Janice has to convert DM to dm2k.

WEB? Has to be displayed in foreground (and constant size) on the same monitor all the time. (Jingchen)