8-pack control system working group Meeting Notes

6 May 2003


In attendance: R. Chestnut, K. Kim, J. Nelson, J. Rock, S. Smith

Note taker/typer: J. Nelson

Changes in blue.


Of immediate concern: What’s preventing the processing loop from working?

Joe’s trip and reset in DIO(JN)

IQA trip detect and reset (KK)

Is the IQA hardware ready? (SS)


Janice talked to Joe after the meeting.  The trip signal to the RF SISes will be teed off the signal sent by SW to LLRF hardware to turn off (only “soft” trips (not hardware generated) will get SIS data).  The reset signal will be teed off the same signal when it changes back to running.  Therefore – no new DIO channels and no changes to processing loop.  No need to check for Joe’s HW trip.  I just thought of a question for Joe though: if the HW trips, SW doesn’t find out, so no reset gets sent.  Hmm.


From the same discussion but about the modulator SISes...  turns out we want the acoustic sensor SIS in TR09 to be read out with the RF SISes.  Yes it’s in a different IOC.  We’ll just have to wait.  Only the first SIS will be triggered with the modulator on/off state.



-One PHIT is in and installed.  This allows us to read 16 ADC channels.  More PHITs coming later.

-(no change) On going: Need to check out readback with real signals, check archiving of variables (pwr, pmin, pmax, etc), and check the plots.



-nothing new


DAC/ADC Issues

-(RC/KK) DONE: Some displays need a precision of 5 to get gains to show correctly.


All of these issues are for later:


-TBD: The trickle down of the SLED variables.  This was specified at a previous meeting (numbers on SLED panel need to trickle down to I/Q and A/P PVs).  For processing, we might want this feature functional sooner rather than later. 

-TBD: the trickle down of the variables on the power distribution panel as well.  There are 4 PVs there called Klystron Sled-in phases.  These need to trickle down to the phase DACs as well.  This phase is to be added to the channel phase angle (IQ calib panel) and to the timestep phase before going out to the DAC.



-(no change) 8-pack backup hardware trip circuit 

Marc says yes.  NLCTA ops will take care of it.  Will need SW support for a fault counter, status and reset.  Marc thinks we’ll use Joe’s interlock at least for now.


-This is on hold for now:  SWE will make a PV for a temporary DIO channel as a reset to Joe Frisch’s kludge RE Interlock.  They will send the name to Janice who will put a button on the panel with the pulse width and the klystron attenuation.  Its DIO channel assignment should be on Andrew’s previously sent list.  Also need a channel for status when it trips off. 



-Joe reported that we need two more SISes, to be installed in TR09, for modulator signals.  (Assume there will be 10 eventually)

      Kukhee knows how to change the modules’ addresses.

      Joe will provide names and channel assignments – the first SIS module will be 8 modulator signals, the 2nd will be 8 AES signals

      Janice will think about a support panel

      Need to have these 16 signals archived on a fault

-(no change) We deferred the following: longer term issue: what to do if reading out an SIS when a fault occurs?

-(no change) Right now the SISs are paused and read out with a user request only.  A read when a fault happens will also be added to this.



Archiving of SISs

-(no change) SWE plans to implement the following two features requested by LLRF (Joe’s email):

have waveforms archived on (1) every trip and (2) when an acquire is done by a user

-(no change) Later SWE will work with Joe on his other two requests: archive every few minutes and when a change occurs in a selected set of values in EPICS (a pseudo-trip if you will)



-This is DONE: KK and SS will work to move this to production:  Kukhee made the required database changes, which need to be moved to prod (i.e. reboot TR08)

-Kukhee is waiting for confirmation from Steve that the stuff above works.

-DONE: Judy made panels for each IQA to enter in these numbers.  Steve and Janice will look.

- For Bob: These 6 (or 7) numbers x 8 channels x 4 IQAs need to be archived at least once every 10 minutes. 


Processing algorithm

- Steve confirmed that LLRF folks will indeed contact SWE:  (still waiting on HW folks) Processing algorithm ready to be checked.  Andy will call Kukhee and Ron when there’s a good time to check it.

- Kukhee will make sure the processing loop resets the IQAs too.

-The trigger stopping mechanism on a fault was discussed.  Joe proposed a DIO bit goes to NIM logic etc etc.  It’s believed that Kukhee’s method of changing the trigger register status is too slow for the number of SISes and their location in different crates.


Peak Power Meter (PPM)

-This work continues to slide, but Janice will try to up its priority.

-Janice reported that one ENET box is hooked up and talking to Labview.

-Tonee and Janice will hook up enet box(es) and gpib cables to the PPMs.

-(no change) Tonee will tweak the labview program to send the waveform to epics once we have names – probably late next week

-(no change) Tonee and Janice will set up the necessary hardware in ESB (Enet box, cables, etc)

-Janice will make a panel or two (or at least design them) and teach llrf how to get at archived data and panel.

These PVs will also need to be archived…

Steve will talk to Bobby about perhaps a more permanent home for the PPM besides the stool by klystron 8.



-DCM updates are flaky.  Do other DCMs on site work?  Ron will ask Steph.  He also mentioned there might be an upgrade in our future to bypass the DCM via Ethernet.

Janice will email Alan about the ongoing situation and talk to Ray.

-(no change) We’re currently waiting for Dick’s setup to settle down then we’ll do one more iteration of getting list, changing database, changing panels, programming the dcm, changing alarm handler and archiver stuff as needed



-DONE/FIXED: many printer questions that led to discussion of rebooting the CmdSvr.  Does someone just need to make an executive decision when gtw04 and 05 can have their cmdsvr’s rebooted?

-Steve will talk to Dave Schultz about getting an NT box for the dance floor.

-(no change)Judy reported the crate profiles on the web are updated and look good.  Janice requested that channel assignment information also be available via the web, even it it’s just a link to the template file.  Judy and Ron will look into this.

-Has this been done?  Andrew will tell Kukhee when he takes out the DIO module to modify it for the deadman