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Matching Criteria

SLAC Filter

A throttle can be set on the following CDEV data types:

char *
unsigned long
unsigned short

After the user sets a throttle for a specific value and tag, the filter evaluates incoming CMLOG messages and verifies whether the data for a given tag is a "match" to any of the throttles, that in at least one throttle, the tag exists and the data for that tag matches the data in the incoming message.

For the short, unsigned short, long, and unsigned long data types, the data in the tag of the incoming message must also be of the matching type, and the value must be equal to that of the throttle value in order for a match to occur.

For the float and double type, the filter will match two floats or doubles if they are of matching value for up to 5 significant digits. So, 1.00001 will match 1.00001 and 1.000011, but not 1.00000.

James Silva