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C++ JLAB Filter Throttle

The original JLAB set/get throttle calls are still supported; see SLAC filter throttle (below) for argument description.
  int cmlogClient::setThrottle (char  *tag, int  size, int  limit, double  delta)
  int cmlogClient::getThrottle (char **tag, int& size, int& limit, double& delta)
Most arguments are the same as for SLAC filter calls (next) with the exeption of:
	int size

	  Specifies how many different throttles the JLAB filter is
	  allowed to maintain.  Since this filter could potentially create
	  a virtually unbounded number of unique throttles (due to its
	  design), this parameter is necessary to keep it from blowing up.
	  The SLAC version on the other hand requires that each throttle
	  be explicitly specified and is thus limited to however many
	  throttles the user wants to set, up to a compile-time limit
	  (currently 100; see MAX_LIST_SIZE in Common/cmlogConfig.h).

James Silva