Directories of useful things:

	general docs				DOC$:[000000]
	CAMCOM docs	                  	DOC$:[hardware]
	software how_to's			DOC$:[how_to]
	Button macro files			prod_sys$root:[button_macro] 
	Touch panel files			ref_:[slcpnl]
	Multiknob files				common$root:[mkb]
	correlation plot button files		prod_sys$root:[crr_button]
	Configs					prod_sys$root:[config]
	Scratch configs				prod_sys$root:[config_scratch]
	BGRPs (beamcode sched. groups)		?
	Help files				ref_:[help.disphelp]
	Display files				ref_:[dsp]
	database reference files		ref_:[dbsfile]
		BPM Dgroups			ref_:[dbsfile]dgrp.dbs

		Definitions of primaries
		   and secondaries		ref_:[dbsfile]primary.dbs
		(the info in this file is also available if you
		type "help primary")
	BGRP theory   		udslc2:[teg.NEWBGRP]NEW_BGRP_DESIGN.DOC
	ACCESS jobs	 			ref_:[access]
						(or, slcaccess)	

The basic stuff you need to survive:

		If one of the dedicated	touch-panel SCP's dies and
		won't come back when you type "scp" in the DECterm
		window, try ending and restarting the session.  If
		that doesn't work, get up a DECterm somewhere else
		and type "show user/full cow##" where ## is the cow
		ID.  If there are still processes going, kill them
		using the command "stop/id=PID" where PID is the
		process number listed by the show user/full command.
		Do this for each process for cow##.


		this will generate a list of all error messages since
		xx:xx of the present day that contain the word XXXX:
			> set/sin=xx:xx/str="XXXX"
			> list
		If you need a different date, the format is:
			> set/sin=dd-mmm-yyyy:xx:xx
		If you want to know what knobs were tweaked from COW02
		between noon and two o'clock this afternoon:
			> set/sin=12:00/bef=14:00/str=("V002","KNOB")
		If you want your list of errors to go into a file you
		can search, edit, or print:
			> list/output=some_file_name.txt
			> exit
		(you have to exit errlog to play with this file)

	Matlab routines

		DR tunes macro (this is what to do if the @tunes
		command isn't working):
			From DECterm, set def physics_disk:[drtunes]
			Get into matlab (type "mat")
				> xterm
				> turns
			Answer the questions.
			If you don't get a graphics display, exit
			matlab and type set/display/create/node=MCCXn
			where n is your NCD number (i.e. MCCX34 for

		bump (to make closed-bump multiknobs):
			From DECterm, get into MATLAB
				> bump
				follow instructions.

		**There's now a better bump program from Pantaleo
		called bump_max that uses SVD-type calculations to get
		more bump per corrector strength.  Works just like
		bump. **
		lumhist, loom, lumhst, newlumhist (rumor has it you
		have to write your own to become an EOIC)

		If you want to move a stepper motor in the micro MICR,
		crate number CR, slot number SL (you can find this
		info by selecting the stepper in question on a SCP and
		going to the diagnosic panel):
			> set/br=MICR/cr=CR/mo=SL/p24/BCNT=4
			> d/f=16/data=#steps
		to change the speed of the stepper:
			> d/f=17/data=sped
		where sped is a hex number between 6000 and 60FF.

		(Bonus CAMCOM): to reset ARC movers when they go all
		ADCERROR and won't move, use the same set/br... line
		as above, then
			> d/f=25/a=0
		If that doesn't get it, try a SAM reset from the SCP
		afterwards (diagnostic panel). 
		Other CAMCOM stuff can more or less be figured out
		using the CAMCOM manual which floats around MCC (red

		(see CAMCOM manual and HELP on CRRACQ)

		To run large jobs that would be tedious on the SCP
		(f'instance turning off all the LGPS's from LI15 to
		LI18) get into ACCESS from eoic_desk (or your account
		if you have privilege) by typing:
			MCC::EOIC_DESK> rnb slcimage:access
			ACCESS> set/prim=LGPS/micr=(LI15,LI16,LI17,LI18)
		Within ACCESS, typing HELP will give you an overview
		of the available commands.


	How to unreserve a file in CMS
		(sketch from SDA: to find the appropriate library,
		try dbediting the file you want to unreserve from
		you account.  Note library name and cancel.  Get
		into CMS and set library accordingly.  UNRESERVE.)
		((note:  use SLCCMS instead, you don't have priv
		in CMS.  Also, if it's a .pnl file, the library is
		CMS_:[slcpnl]))  Example:

	MCCA1>  editpnl tonee.pnl

	    Do you want to reserve TONEE.PNL from CMS? (YES/NO)  [Y]?: y 

	    Reservation Comment: Trying to take over the world again.

	Element CMS_:[SLCPNL]TONEE.PNL currently reserved by:
	   (1)   TONEE      12      4-OCT-1996 16:21:59 "testing helps"
	Proceed?  [Y/N] (N): n

		(now that you know the name of the library, do this):

	MCCA1>  slccms
	SlcCMS> set lib cms:[slcpnl]
	SlcCMS> unres tonee.pnl
	SlcCMS> exit

		(if there is more than one reservation on a given file,
		you'll need to use the command  "show res/user=" to get
		the ID #'s, and the command "unres/id=" to unreserve
		the right one.  see CMS> help)


	MCC::EOIC_DESK> set proc/priv=all
	%SYSTEM-W-NOTALLPRIV, not all requested privileges authorized
	MCC::EOIC_DESK> stop/queue/reset ls$print
	MCC::EOIC_DESK> sh queu/full/all ls$print
	Printer queue LS$PRINT, stopped, autostart inactive, on

      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------
        168  CATER_2B610215_2
                              LWF            1436  Pending (queue stopped)
         Submitted 13-MAR-1998 00:27:08.55 /FORM=DEFAULT /PRIORITY=100
         File: _DSA32:[LWF]CATER_2B610215_2.TEMP;1 /DELETE
	MCC::EOIC_DESK> delete/entry=168 ls$print
	MCC::EOIC_DESK> start/queue ls$print


	To rescale the 4-hour luminosity display when the limits get
	dorked by an absurdly high scan:
		EOIC_DESK> warmslcx rtplot/restart
	To change the limits on the tune monitors so you can read
	tunes in round beam setup:
		MCC> set def ud:[luchini.dbs]
		MCC> dbedit luchini$drtune_dtiz.dbs 
		eoic_desk> WARMSLCX DRTUNE/restart

	What to do if you lose the signal to the NARC PLIC:

	   (1) Check PLIC HV.  On the SCP it's off the BSY/ARCS
           Digital Status  panel.  In real life it's in Rack 13-36,
           MCC.  If it's off, turn it on.

           (2) If that's not it, make sure the scope's not busted
           (swap CHA/CHB inputs, etc.)

           (3) If that's not it, then it's probably the Video
           Distribution card in Rack 11-14 (right by the HV), slot 07. 
           Bob Simmons has left some spare cards out there in the
           area, and there are a couple in the Ops lab (ESC room).

	How to tell if the RTL compressor's at the right zerocrossing:

	    In the north, tweaking the phase positive should produce a
	    positive BPM offset in the  compressor region.
	    In the south, + phase should give -X.

	    NOTE:  "tweaking the phase" here means grabbing the KLYS
	    PHASE KNOB from the DR13 or DR03 COMPRESSOR KLYS panel and
	    tweaking it, *NOT* grabbing the AMPL's or PHAS's or S-Band
	    feedback offsets, got it?


LI02 Timing Scope (from SHS)

The sector 2 timing scope is a Tektronix TDS680B scope located
in the klystron gallery rack KF02-5A level 38.  It is triggered
on the second auxillary channel by trigger LI02 615.  The positron
timing signal is on channel 1 and the electron signal is on channel 2.

There is a button macro button on the main scope panel to setup the
trigger timing to 160 nsec and recall the scope setup #10.  The button
is labeled "2 BEAM TIMING SETUP".

There is a button macro that can be accessed from the scope's reference
and setup panel called "LI02_TIMING_SCOPE_SETUP".   It saves setup #10
with the following nominal scope setup:
   Trigger:  Source channel 4, DC coupling, falling edge triggering, -350
mv level.
   Channels:  Ch1/Ch2 on, Ch3/Ch4 off.
   Channels 1 & 2: DC coupling, 50 ohm impedance, full bandwidth,
100 mV/div, 0 V offset.
   Timebase:  500 ps/div, horizontal position at 50%, pretrigger position
at 0%.

There are nominal traces saved for channel 1 in ref1 and ref3 and for
channel 2 in ref2 and ref4.



Try pb_download as follows...

 PB_DOWNLOAD is used to boot, or download or check PEP BPM firmware.

        If called without parameters, it will just boot the dsp.
        It will work for a single BPM processor, or for all processors
         in a single micro.  At the associated prompts, the user inputs the
         micro name, followed by either the crate and module, or
         the BPMP unit numbers (or ALL*).

        PARAMETER P1:
           The first parameter indicates the function:  whether to
           download the firmware (the default), or to check the
           contents of previously-loaded firmware and compare to the
           associated file, or to provide this help.
           The default is to just boot if no parameter is supplied.

         If "B" or "boot", it will boot the dsp.

         If "D" or "down", it will download firmware, followed by
           booting the DSP.

         If "C" or "check", it will compare the loaded firmware to the
           file, and reboot the DSP.

         If "H" or "help" or "?", it will output this help.

        PARAMETER P2:
           The second parameter tells which file to use:  whether
           to use the standard production firmware (the default)
           or a test image.

         If "P" or "prod", it will use standard production firmware.
           (This file is PEPBPM:PBMAIN.EXT)

         If "S" or "small", it will use the small test image that
                just acquires and buffers data.
           (This file is PEPBPM:PBMAIN_SMALL.EXT)

         If "T" or "test", it will use firmware from the current
                default directory for testing.
           (This file is []PBMAIN.EXT)