Loading a SCP on a Solaris workstation:

  1. Pick a terminal to use. You can use xterm, or if you're using gnome, you can use gnome-terminal. I think gnome-terminal (which is also called 'terminal' in gnome) is better for font issues and keyboard mapping. The weird thing about gnome-terminal is that you don't get a prompt when you log into mcc. There's just a blank line at the end of the login stuff. It looks like the system is hung, but if you type a command it will work.

  2. Before you ssh into mcc, add the EPICS gateways to your list of allowed hosts for x forwarding. To do this, type the following at the terminal prompt, or put these commands into a shell script (in my unix home directory, look at the script called 'mcc').

    xhost + opi00gtw00.slac.stanford.edu
    xhost + opi00gtw01.slac.stanford.edu
    xhost + opi00gtw02.slac.stanford.edu
    xhost + opi00gtw03.slac.stanford.edu

  3. Ssh into mcc (this can be part of the script mentioned above).

  4. When you've logged into mcc, type the following:


    I have a COM file in my home directory on MCC that does this for me. It's called SCPSUN.COM (which you execute by typing '@SCPSUN'). You can copy my script if you want.

  5. When you're done with the SCP, don't use the logout feature of the session manager. If you do use it, the system will log you out of your Solaris machine. Instead, just close the window of the terminal that you logged into mcc with. I know it's not nice, but it works.

Stephen Schuh, 22-Oct-2004