Matlab information for MCC Users

Starting the program on different platforms:


VMS matlab is not supported and it can stop working at any time (due to upgrades to the operating system).  Use at your own risk.  Since there are no license requirements for running Matlab on VMS; it may be a good place to get started without having to use a license.

Matlab 4 or Matlab 5 work.  You can switch between versions 4 and 5 with the matlab4 and matlab5 VMS commands.  Then start matlab with:

 MCC>> matlab

Some useful functions and scripts:

%Listing of useful procedures used in accelerator physics related work:

>> help slc

% Get data from MCC's control database:

>>help dbget, dbget_asts, dbunits, db_microunits, and hstb_get

%Get data from online model

>>help comf2mat

Solaris and Linux

Initial setup: modify your .cshrc file to include the following lines (Note that Matlab 7 is VERSION 14 and Maltab 6.5 is VERSION 13).

setenv MATLAB_VER 14

source /afs/slac/g/cd/soft/dev/script/ENVS.csh

source /afs/slac/g/cd/soft/dev/script/epicsSetupPepii

Start matlab with the -nojvm flag (No Java Virtual Machine).  There is a flaw on Solaris that makes the full Matlab desktop run very sloooow.

unixhost% matlab -nojvm

Some useful functions and scripts:

- Access EPICS data with EZCA: Supported EZCA Calls

>> help lcaGet, lcaPut

-Access EPICS, MCC SCP data with AIDA: AIDA

Windows PC

Install Matlab through the XWEB.

The EZCA and AIDA packages work on Windows as well as Solaris and Linux.

Getting Started - Tutorials:

MathWorks Matlab Help (Specially the Getting Started and Examples sections).

Useful matlab help commands:

>> help help, doc, demo, lookfor, which

Matlab demos are a good way to learn the basics and more.

For Questions/Comments contact: William Colocho