This is a graphical representation of various bunch lengths and RF wavelengths we commonly deal with here at SLAC, mostly for quick & dirty reference.

Things to think about:

1) The bunch lengths for the SPPS beam after compression in the Sector 10 chicane and FFTB dogleg are far too short to show on this time scale, as they would be hundredths and thousandths (respectively) of a pixel wide.

2) If I included the entire E158 long pulse, to fit the whole thing onscreen you'd need a monitor about 75 feet wide.

3) If I included the next fiducial pulse, you'd need a monitor 130 miles wide.

4) The blue blobs generally represent the short pulse (PEP & FFTB beams) at various points in the accelerator, and I've attempted to show the sequence of a given bunch by numbering the labels (1), (2), etc.

All this information is plotted on the same scale, shown across the top of the image. The time scale either refers to RF period or pulse duration, and the length scale similarly refers to wavelength or pulse length.

Let me know if you see any glaring errors or think it would be helpful to add anything.

-- nate