To program Speed Call numbers on the EOIC desk phones in MCC:

From the PD desk phone (x2150), without lifting the handset,

  1. press the speed call button (its red light should flash),
  2. enter the two-digit Speed Call access code you want to change (for example, 01 if you want to change or replace Al Baker's speed call number),
  3. enter the number to be stored (don't forget the '9' if it's a pager or offsite number)
  4. press the speed call button again (light goes off).

To erase a Speed Call number:

Do the same as above except at step (3) enter a star '*' instead of a number.


If you add or delete someone from the list, please update the Speed Call Key on the EOIC Mac (it's a Word document, sorry about that) and paste it on the phones.