LER PR06 LGPS 60 (BW2 WIGEND) Paramters:
Magnet Unit(s)



Typical BDES 370 amperes
Typical Current 370 A
Typical PS Voltage 180 V
Nominal Beta X 6 m
Nominal Eta X -0.7 m
Nominal Beta Y 10 m
Nominal Eta Y 0.0 m

Lattice Description

BW2 WIGEND powers part of the wiggler magnets in straight 6.

LER straight 6 is not straight. Rather it is taylored for placement of wiggler magnets at the center of a horizontal chicane bypass. The purpose of the wigglers is to adjust the horizontal beam emittance and radiation damping time of the LER beam. Presently the wiggler magnets in straight 6 are not powered.

The chicane bypass is achieved using four ordinary LER dipole bending magnets powered in series with the arc dipoles. ~20m into the straight a "BB+" dipole bends the beam inward. Another ~20 m in another dipole "BB-" bends the beam back parallel to the straight's axis, with the trajectory now offset ~1 m hortizontally from the normal line of the straight. The ~5 m surrounding the straight midpoint is then occupied by wiggler magnets. Another "BB-", "BB+" pair symetric about the straight midpoint with the first set then complete the chicane.

The wigglers consist of three magnet frames, each with three alternating polarity horizontally bending (dipole) poles. For each of these three wiggler magnet frames, the inner pole pair (upper and lower poles of the single central dipole) are powered by one power supply (BW1 WIGCEN) for all three frames. The remaining two outer dipoles of each of these three frames is powered by another power supply (BW2 WIGEND).